Poinsettia Tic-Tac-Toe

December 3, 2014
Poinsettia, Free Motion Quilting, Quilt

Poinsettia, Free Motion Quilting, QuiltGood Morning, Quilters!

I was thrilled to hear how many of you went straight to work on yesterday’s free motion quilt tutorial, The Poinsettia!  

(By the way, I didn’t mean to imply that the only December programming here at The Inbox Jaunt would be a few Tuesday Tutorials…we will have a full range of posts–though not daily, and there will only be three Tuesday Tutorials in December -not five.)

How did it go?  What did YOU make?  Can’t wait to see those mug-rugs!  Check out our Flickr group here and post YOUR photos!


I made a simple grid with six-inch squares… and filled in a few Poinsettias.

Poinsettia, Free Motion Quilting, QuiltNext…a bit of Candy Cane Stripes on the diagonal–all in 40 wt Sulky Rayon.

Then, using 50wt cotton Aurifil, I filled in the background using the Woven Cross Hatch/Orange Peel and a Plain Grid…

Poinsettia, Free Motion Quilting, QuiltA little binding…(whine, whine)

Poinsettia, Free Motion Quilting, QuiltAnd I’ll be ready to set my table with this vase quilt and a real Poinsettia–or maybe some bright green Holly…

Can’t wait to see YOUR Poinsettias!


PS…All tutorials, information and images are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, Pin, share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!




  • Lovely, I just bought the APQS 26 inch longarm Lucey, Cant wait to try this pattern. Thank you!

  • Julie S.

    Beautiful, as always!

  • Laurie

    How can I buy this pattern as a Christmas gift for my mother (she quilts). Thanks

  • rascassepoule

    beautiful,I love it

  • Beautiful! You are amazing.

  • Susan Jones

    Just gorgeous! Very inspiring!!

  • julie714

    Merry Christmas for you and your family Lori and thank you very much for your continued wonderful quilting projects challenges that you offer all to me and your bloggers throughout the year. God bless. Julie Beard Adelaide South Australia

  • Kris P

    Well, daring- that’s just amazing! I love how you lay it out so simply. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas!

  • Giovanna


  • annieofbluegables

    That’s a LOT of quilting. And it’s so accurate and beautiful.

  • Carole

    Hi Lori, I sat this morning with a pen and paper drawing the poinsettia pattern, just trying to get a feel for how it will go on my Christmas tree quilt I am in the process of making. I so love this pattern, thank you so much, this is so much fun just to even draw and doodle it on paper, it helps me to “practice it” before actually quilting it! You are awesome!

    • A

      Great to hear that you love this pattern–AND that you are DOODLING it first–best way to learn it!

  • I don’t know how you come up with so many gorgeous designs Lori! This is incredibly beautiful!

  • Cindy Schultz

    Gosh, I love the poinsettias. They are beautiful. The tic tac toe idea is great. I love all of your work. Thanks for sharing..

  • Terri

    Your poinsettia tutorial came in a nick of time. I just loaded a table runner for a customer and your poinsettias look great. Thanks.

  • It’s a winner! Loving it 🙂

  • Queenie

    Beautiful work, love it!

  • Susan

    Wow absolutely amazing. You delight me every week! Thank you so much.

  • That is just beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing

  • Another winner!!! I love to translate your designs to my longarm and have fun with them there!! This is a beauty!!

  • Wendy

    Thank you Lori just found you back in October. Do you have a pinterest page? Would love to follow you on pinterest as well. You do beautiful work and love your tutorials.


    • WordPress.com Support

      Yes. Search Lori Kennedy. Or you can find it right on the sudebar of my blog

  • Cheri Barker


  • Brenda

    Five Star design award!

  • Lori, this quilt is stunning – what a neat idea to separate the designs then add a secondary pattern. Beautiful!

  • Dorina Di Falco

    Troppo BELLI!!! Super bravissima.

  • Oh Wow! Beautiful – I’ll keep dreaming, I know the skill will come! 9 months on I can cut with a rotary cutter pretty well having despaired that I would ever cut an accurate straight line without wasting fabric 🙂

  • Sherry Bingham

    OMG. So pretty

  • This is absolutely STUNNING! What a masterpiece. Thank you for all the tips, tricks and encouragement! I practice and practice and practice and am finally improving.

  • Carol

    This is amazing! You are truly talented.

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