Good Morning, Quilters and Quilt-Lovers!
Welcome back to Open Line Fridays!–Everyone asks and Everyone answers…
We’ve got more than 5000 experienced quilters out there and someone will be able to answer YOUR question!
This week, we have a question from sister, Pat…(she’s not just a sewing-sister, she’s one of my REAL sisters!)
Here’s Pat’s question:
“I would love to get advice about making a raffle quilt—everything from what brings the most interest(and $) related to size, design and color.
Does anyone have advice about coordinating people who are able to assist….
This could be an entire book— is there one?”
My Experience…
I chaired a group raffle for an event at our church held every Valentine’s Day.
I was a newbie quilter so, naturally, I jumped right in as The Chairman! Â (Mistake One)
I pulled out my quilt Bible:  Quilts! Quilts!Quilts! and found a gorgeous heart appliqué quilt. (Mistakes Two and Three)
The group finished the quilt just in time for the event on Valentine’s Day weekend. (Mistake Four)
The quilt looked gorgeous hanging in the venue for the weekend! (Not a mistake!)
What I learned…
Aside from the obvious “No good deed goes unpunished…”
One-Newbies shouldn’t be Chairman–or should they?–what they lack in knowledge they make up for in enthusiasm…and there will probably be some wiser quilter to take pity on you and help clean up your mistakes–at least that’s how it worked for me–and we still are friends to this day.
Two-Know your quilters.  Mine did not like appliquĂ©!  So I started uphill…
Three-Choose a quilt pattern that has broad appeal. Â Hearts and Airplanes eliminate half the buying audience.
Four-Complete the quilt well in advance of the raffle so there is plenty of time to sell tickets and market the quilt.
Five-Have fun!  You’ll meet lots of new people and as Mom always says ” You’ll get out of it what YOU put into it…and probably a lot more!”
Experience as a Teacher
I continued as the Quilt Raffle Chairman for several more years.
The following year we did a log cabin in creams and whites. Â This was a great quilt block to do as a group because the inconsistent size of the quilt blocks (part of every group quilt) could be easily adjusted.
The Most Successful Quilt Financially
Surprisingly, the quilt that did the best was a White on White quilt that was elaborately hand quilted in single blocks and then assembled already quilted…Quilt as you go style.  It was from a book we found…and have since lost…maybe I gave it to one of my sisters???
Marketing Your QuiltÂ
Find someone in the group to be your marketing person.  The marketer does not have to be a quilter.  You will be too busy quilting to do both jobs properly and marketing is key to making your quilt a financial success. (I hate to admit it, but it may be more important than the quilting…)
Find quilt shops or local businesses that will hang it for awhile and sell tickets.
Maybe someone has a sister that has a blog that will advertise your charity’s quilt?..
This Week on Open Line Friday…
What experience do YOU have with Charity Group Quilts?
What has worked?
What didn’t turn out so well?
All Month or Any Time…
If anyone has a Charity Quilt they are working on…let us know…We’ll spread the word!
PS…All tutorials, information and images are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin, tweet with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!
Jeannette Long
I didn’t answer last week when this was the topic but it has been on my mind. I head up the Raffle Quilt team for my organization and I’m always looking for ideas. Last year we made a quilt based on Peggy Martin’s “Quick Strip Paper Piecing.” I got hooked on her dyslexia proof method when I took her course on Craftsy and then when Imtook her book to my meeting, everyone fell in love with the quilt on the cover. I emailed her and got her approval to use the pattern within a couple of days, She was very supportive of our using it and it was fun to share our progress. We netted $2500 in sales and increased our number on the quilt team from three to eight people. Two of the pieces were first time piecers! To achieve consistency in the sewing, we had classes in the technique and made practice blocks from our stash of donated but not so great fabric. For the quilt, I was able to get beautiful batiks on sale and used the scraps to piece the back which increased the appeal. If I knew how to post a picture I would.
When I volunteered to be the raffle quilt chairman for my local guild.. I was given a copy of the article ” The Business of a Raffle Quilt” by Gail Mitchell as published in McCall’s Quilting (Sept/Oct 2011) pg 70-71. Some of the things she mentioned that have not been said previously are:
1) Do not make a quilt that reads one or two colors. This leads to the color excuse being used .. i.e. does not fit my decor.. The best quilts in her experience use 7-8 different colors (i.e. the scrappy look). Make a quilt that anyone will love to win, not just a select few. One does not wish to limit your audience
2) Use a mix of pieced as well as applique (again trying to appease all types of quilters) …
3) Queen size.. this size sells best because it will be something that can be used on a typical bed.
4) Talk up the quilt.. i.e. pattern.. designer.. point out the quilting work.. what money is being raised for.. etc..
Now for some things I learned during my first year:
A) Local Quilt Shops are not the best place unless the shop owners are willing to talk up the quilt and push tickets (remember this is not the reason they are in business). I found this to be the least effective spot to raise moneys.
B) A way around this would be for your group to set up a table at an event being held at LQS.. i.e trunk show.. guest speaker.. sale.. shop hop.. BOM program.. Also Raffle Quilts do best at shops that carry the types of fabrics used to make quilt. Remember LQS customers flock to a shop because of the fabrics/merchandise they carry.
C) Local Quilt Guilds are a fantastic place to sell tickets.. What a better place than one with fellow quilters in abundance. This I found to be the best selling spot.
D) If going to a local community event.. Look at what audience the event is trying to draw.. craft shows work.. but an event geared to kids may not be the best move.
At work a small throw size quilt was made for a raffle by supplying co-workers with a 12″ x 12″ piece of muslin. Each person drew a picture or words that went along with our theme of hope. I framed each square with fabric from my stash, to create a scrappy look. I put the layers together and many helped tie the quilt with embroidery floss. It was a fun project and was a good fund raiser.
Helen Sullivan Sini
Framing is always a good idea: you can work out any size irregularities and can make the quilt color/design more uniform . How did you deal with making their drawings and/or writing colorfast?
Kris Jacobson
I have done several benefit quilts for various things.
#1. I will not do a silent auction unless it is something like placemats. You will not get the worth of the article, Even a wallhanging.
#2. People like queen or larger quilts.
#3. Know the people who are helping you put the quilt together and choose your pattern accordlingly. Personally, if I am going to help with a benefit quilt, I prefer to just sew it myself instead of having organize everyone. I know I will get it done. If someone else is going to finish the quilt, I will always make blocks and I make it a priority to get them done as soon as possible.
#4. Be sure to have venues where you can show the quilt. People are much more likely to buy tickets.
My latest raffle quilt was to raise money for my niece. I had intended to donate a quilt already made but my sister wanted to make one with me. I knew it had to be done by May. My sister made one sewing session and I made the quilt.
It was a gorgeous 4 lonestars with a boot border and stars to look like spurs (western theme). I was able to raise a couple thousand dollars but could have raised more if I could have displayed it at more venues. I donated another couple hundred dollars to the quilt because I loved it so much and was hoping to win it.
We just found out our daughter has a very fast growing breast cancer, my heart is just broken, she will start aggressive chemo next week, I know it will be outrageous expensive for her care, and she has 3 kids as well. I have been pondering what I could do to help her financially, I have made many quilts, but no idea how I could sell one for a decent price to help. If it only sells for what I have into it, then for all the work in it I might as well just write her a check. Being on a fixed income that’s hard. We are snow birds here in Arizona, and I have no idea how I could do this. Any suggestions??? I am not very internet savvy and have no idea how I could even sell it on the internet… Thanks all.
I made a Queen sized machine appliqued quilt with a floral motif for the local Senior Center to use as a fund raiser and it raised $1,700. I donated another queen quilt to them later but they only made $800 as they did not work as hard or as long selling “chances”.
A friend an myself are volunteers at a local cat shelter and we made a couch throw sized quilt with a cat (of course) motif and made well over $2,000 for the shelter but it was advertised on pet sites on the internet. .
I would like to make a raffle quilt for my local humane society. I have no experience at this. On what pet sites did you post your quilt. Also, I was going to do a queen size with a dog and cat motif. My first thought was to machine embroider the motifs, but is this not a good idea for pet owners? I have no real ideas on where to start.
Helen Sullivan Sini
Very interesting thread. I have organised group quilts made for friends who were ill, and the process – except for the marketing and ticket selling – is similar. Shorter deadline, too, since one wants to get the quilt to the person as soon as possible…
Many of the lessons we’ve learned have already been mentioned. There was an article in Quilters Newsletter a few years ago on this topic. Our guild chooses a block that can be cut down, since a quarter inch seems to vary quite a bit. We pass out block kits at our meetings. Choosing a pattern with several different techniques will appeal to more of your members. Be sure to make a few extra block kits in case some don’t come back, and remember, some always come back late. Queen-size sells the most tickets. Sometimes it is easier to sell tickets to non-quilters, as quilters will want to make their own instead of buying a chance for yours. Make an original pattern, and you can sell the pattern, too. Wool batting will help the quilt from getting fold lines during storage between events (of course you can always fold the quilt on the bias for storage which helps, too.. Put a sleeve on it to hang it. Sometimes getting members to sell tickets is hard. Now we put a line on the tickets for the sellers name. After the winning ticket is drawn, we draw a second one, and the seller of that ticket wins a prize.Lastly, take advantage of the back of your ticket. We always put info about our guild meetings and a discount coupon to our quilt show on the back.
Check with your specific state, but this sometimes will help you around the raffle or “game of chance” laws. Right on your ticket, ask a question that requires a written response on the ticket. Only “right answer” tickets get entered into a tie-breaker drawing. This takes the element of chance away, it is knowledge based. Your question can be something like, what non profit will benefit from this quilt? Or, what kind of a machine is used to sew a quilt? Again, and I cannot stress this enough, check with the gaming commission in your state. The 3 states I’ve dealt with we’re all very happy to help us through the process, and very easy to work with!
Marta. south Georgia
So interesting…I have only been involved in our guild for 4 years. We do a raffle every year and have done so for 12-15 years. A volunteer committee picks a pattern and oversees the process/quilting. Members who want to participate sign up. if 12 or 20 people sign, then they sew , for example,13 or 21 quilt blocks. 12 or 21 blocks are swapped with each other. The number of sign ups varies each year, The remaining block from each one is finished to be used for the raffle. Keeping the other blocks allows the member to have their own quilt blocks. Usually we have a Swap Block party each October. By that time photographic prints of the raffle quilt are distributed with 20 raffle tickets to each member to sell. Some members buy all 20 of their tickets instead of selling them to others. The quilt is displayed in the library for weeks ahead of the annual festival. There is an indoor quilt booth at a county festival every year in March. The booth/festival lasts 3 days. Tickets are sold from the booth. There are sewing machines for demonstrations in making quilts. Members volunteer to sew
for the public or sell tickets for few hours at a time or all day according to preference. The more old fashioned the pattern and fabrics, the better they sell.
We live in a small town and have about 40 guild members. This year we are doing a log cabin with multicolor logs in half the block and white in other half.. It is gorgeous!!
Last year we made approx. $ 800 which is miracle for our small community. It was donated to the county library which had suffered a big budget cut. The guild votes on where the proceeds go each year. The local newspaper publicizes it and prints the winner/quilt each year and a photo of the winner if it is someone local. I am writing while tired so hope this makes sense !! ( We also sew 50-70 charity quilts of various sizes every year.) For the first time I am heading a guild effort to make a quilt for donation to a charitable group for them to hold a raffle. It will be in Autumn and they will do their own marketing. I made up fabric kits in Dec Members signed up to do simple rail fence blocks using the kits.. They are to turn them in to me by Feb 1. I will sew the top and a lady in the guild has volunteered to do the long arm quilting.If some blocks don’t come back, I have extra fabric to fill in..I do hope this goes well.
Thanks for all these great suggestions here.
The most successful raffle that our guild had was with a quilt made in a jewel block pattern in bright batik fabrics with navy batik sashings and borders. It appealed to everyone, quilters and non-quilters. When we raffled quilts with traditional patterns, or applique we had trouble selling the tickets.
Patricia Sherman
Our guild has had many issues with raffle quilts, like state approval, places that will let us sell tickets, cost out weighs profit, etc. So the suggestion was made for our last quilt show for guild members to make small ( 18 or 24 inches) quilts to hang. Show attendees could purchase tickets very reasonably and put tickets in for whichever quilt or quilts they would like. This was the best money maker for us. Our shows are every two years with the next one in May of 2015. Some small quilts have already been turned in and the rest of us are working on ours. We are in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA
Hi Patricia, I belong to Brandywine Valley Quilters and was wondering if you are a member of Penn Oaks Quilt Guild. I have been to several of their shows and was the lucky winner of one of the small raffle quilts at the 2013 show. I thought the small quilt raffle was a great idea and though I’m a quilter, I have too many UFOs as it is, so I was glad to have the opportunity to win a finished wallhanging, especially one I would love to have but wouldn’t be inclined to make (such as a crazy quilt or a machine embroidered one).
Everyone’s comments are valuable, and I am going to send the link for this discussion to our guild president to share with our next raffle quilt chair.
Thank you, Lori, for providing this terrific forum, and, of course, for all your super tutorials!
Deb Lund-Tlumak
I chaired and designed our Raffle Quilt for our Guild in 2008. We made almost $2500 dollars. It was both pieced and applique, and I designed the pattern for simple quick piecing, with the applique on top.The foremost reason for it’s success was that it was done 6 months before the raffle date, because the key to the money is getting that quilt out there!
I and a small group of guild members took the quilt to Farmers Markets on the weekends, Quilt expo had an extra spot they let me use. All the local summer festivals in the area. I usually would set up at a grocery store next to the festival, or some were willing to let us set up on the grounds.
What I learned :
1:) Our guild has several charity projects that our Raffle Quilt helps support, let people know this! Make signs to display with that info and info about your guild.
2:) Check with the area Chambers of Commerce, find out all local activities, then write the chair asking to be able to set up a table
(usually that was it, the quilt on a stand, the table and chairs and tickets and plenty of change)
3:) Protect that quilt when you are traveling to keep it clean – if we set up on grass, I laid down a length of muslin to protect the bottom
4:) See if some one has a canopy you can borrow – helps with the sun or the damp
5:) Smile and have fun!
An experience that I had with our raffle quilt endeavors is that the state (Michigan) would not give us a license to hold the raffle. My advice – find out the raffle requirements for your state before jumping head first into the pool. At least then you will be properly informed as to whether or not you choose to be in compliance. Cause remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Our organization made $1200.00 on our last raffle quilt. Not bad; just be informed first.
Our guild is finished a batik paper pieced block by Karen Stone, who graciously let us use the pattern for our raffle quilt. Four of us made kits for each block(over 100) we gave a whole day workshop on making them, and let people take them home. A lot of blocks did not come back although we sent pleas out for their return, made or not- we would even pick them up. So, if you allow people to take them home, make extra kits.
Right now it is being quilted.
Please consider your audience when choosing what to make. Ours is for a quilting audience at our quilt show and shown to other guilds.
My dear friends made a full size Judy Niemeyer paper pieced extravaganza and a lap size Frozen panel quilt for a Veterans fundraising event at a classy restaurant. Frozen went for over $500 and the jewel went for under $200. Audience is key.
Julie M
Have been president of our guild and involved in lots of raffle quilts. There are articles out there, too. Here’s what we’ve learned: About the quilt–Queen sized is most popular. Scrappy or a mix of colors is better than two or three, because it will work in more bedrooms. (The comment “the colors are wrong for my house” is not one you want to hear.) The group: Start early, have someone who markets the quilt and is responsible for getting it “out there” for ticket sales. Take great photos of the quilt in great settings for publicity purposes; use that photo on the tickets and other materials. Have a note attached to the quilt indicating how the money raised will be used; people want to know. Make sure you are square with the raffle laws in your state, and that you have the information required on the ticket. Besides quilt shops and shows, think about non-traditional venues to display the quilt and sell tickets: the beauty salon, the athletic club, the clinic, the hospital lobby for instance.
I agree that simple patterns and scrappy fabrics (coordinated/provided to the piecers) make the best choices. We used to have an auction conducted by a woman who was very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about quilts but new state regulations caused it to be cost prohibitive. Our guilt typically has at least one shop owner in our membership and one of the shops provides the materials at cost, another member donates her long arm quilting services, and experienced members handle putting the blocks together and binding. Ticket buyers seem to value that all members worked on the quilt.
Pam J
Years ago, a friend and I were in charge of designing and the making of a raffle quilt for our guild. It was an elaborate quilt and we broke it down into 4 parts. 1 part was for novice appliquers, 1 part was for proficient appliquers, 1 part was for novice piecers and the last part was for proficient piecers. We also ran mini classes for the 2 novice groups and for the advanced piercers group (they made mariner’s compasses). Everyone in the guild participated and we received a lot of positive feedback about there being something for every skill level. It was a gorgeous quilt – black with jeweled tones and at the time it was financially our most successful quilt. I think the key to the success was having a quilt that every quilter in our guild was able to create part of and everyone was very enthusiastic about.
Our guild which is on the coast does very well with nautical and ocean theme quilts with a combo of piecing and applique. A committee does the construction. When we had everyone involved we had problems with blocks being wrong size and so on. We raffle one quilt a year and do very well.
I make charity quilts in a basic pattern such as 4 patch combined with a novelty print square for kids. I did a bunch of First Responder quilts in patriotic colors in disappearing nine patch too. Also do lap quilts for nursing homes with floral and patriotic and “guy” stuff being favorites. I make about 100 a year because I am trying to bust stash and because I LOVE doing them. It is so satisfying to bless someone with a quilt for no reason.
I would encourage quilters to donate to assisted living or nursing homes. Lap quilts and walker bags are especially loved. Some of these dear folks never have a visitor or gift. They are alone or neglected by family. The place where I donate loves yarn donations too. Some of the gals knit and crochet, but can’t get or afford yarn. Yes I know that the quilts disappear or are not well cared for by staff, but I chose to ignore this issue because of the joy my gift gives them.
Joni Keskey
Our painting group made a quilt for our annual auction. I found 15 autumn designs and 15 painters who each painted a 12 1/2″ square. Each square was signed by the painter. I then sewed 12 of them together with bright autumn batiks and quilted it.
The extra 3 were made into pillows by a friend. The patterns and squares were distributed in October with a February deadline. The quilt was done by May and we had until the following October to display it and sell raffle tickets. It all worked out with only minor glitches for a $900 profit for a small group of 30 painters. I asked for 15 squares in case someone didn’t get theirs done or any were ruined. The quilt was truly lovely and I’m thinking of making one for myself.
You all have good experience to comment on. I don’t think it should be just experienced quilters who oversee projects, but experienced quilters should be able to help out when they can. I think the simpler the pattern, the better. But I see guilds come up with “WOW” quilts all the time. I think that planning and deadlines are the most important. If it’s a large fundraiser, there is probably a bar that is raised that needs to be met as to quality and appearace.
For me, Charity Quilts are not the samce as Raffle quilts. Charity quilts are what quilters make to give to shelters and other organizations.
One more thing about raffles – be sure to follow your state’s guidelnes if there are any. In Colorado, a group has a number of hoops to jump through in order to have a raffle license. Not sure what happens when selling tickets online, but it might be good to look in to if your state has regulations.
At my church we make a yearly quilt and just auction it off by silent auction. We do not solicit.
Good topic, today, Lori!
Peggy Aare
In Wisconsin a raffle permit is required and may take several months to obtain. You will have to print your raffle permit number on your tickets after you receive your permit… so plan ahead. Look up your state’s requirements.
Here is Wisconsin’s
Melanie McNeil
Iowa requires a permit, also. Thanks for mentioning this.
Yes, be sure to check the requirements and regulations of your particular State. In Florida we have to call it an Opportunity Quilt in order to circumvent all sorts of legalities!
This is not a raffle, but every year I donate a quilt to a silent auction at the nursing home. The target audience is family members, so I also include some matching coasters and small placemats that can be used to spruce up mom (or dad)’s room. I also add a little pocket on the bottom of the lap quilt that can be used to store tissues or eyeglasses. I don’t know how much they get for it, but I enjoy doing it and learning as I go.
That is brilliant and so thoughtful!
Wow, thank you for the informative and thoughtful responses! I am venturing into this project as an experienced quilter (so it is great to hear about what designs and sewing styles to use or avoid) but a novice at fundraising through a church group(so it is also very helpful to hear the comments about marketing). I will be posting a notice in our church bulletin and have yet to find out if I have any volunteers (my friends and family may get roped in) or their skill level.
Again, thank you, thank you. I will keep you posted on progress.
The Sister.
use social media….I am from Boston and made a quilt to raflle off in the BOSTON STRONG colors …simiple scrappy trip around the world posted the quilt on FB …. low and behold by the time of the raffle I alone had raised over 800 buckaroos….I just asked for a 5 dollar chance and most people sent 20 I just used the names in the raffle no numbers ….it really surprised me
Lorraine Doyno Evans
Great idea…however with social media, the winner may be far out of area. Did you indicate they would need to pay shipping, or was that taken out of your ticket profits at no cost to them?
Lori Kennedy
Wow! Great idea!
I have been in charge of our guild’s raffle quilt several times. It can be a challenge! We have found that traditional patterns with both piecing and applique in traditional colors sell the best. Keep in mind that the target audience may not be quilters! Quilters already have more quilts than they need, so try to appeal to the greater public that may not appreciate the daring color combination!
We have also found it is best to keep it simple, don’t underestimate the power of a simple block. There is a wide range of skill level in most groups so the quilt needs to be something that most quilters can successfully construct or you will be redoing a LOT. Be prepared to redo inaccurate blocks. People have different perceptions of “quality ” work, accept blocks at face value and quietly redo them if needed. If you include applique in the quilt make sure before that you have appliquers in your group. In my experience people either love or hate applique, hand pick the appliquers to ensure success.
A lot of groups use paper piecing as a way to ensure accuracy, even for simple blocks but you have to know your group, mine does not particularly like paper piecing so we don’t go this route.
I also know groups that have members “make any 12″ block in xyz colors” This is usually a bad idea. People interpret color very differently and the blocks are often very different in size making setting them a daunting challenge. It is best to supply the fabric so there is continuity in the design.
Queen size quilts seem to be the most popular raffle size. King seems to be too big for the general public and twin/lap too small.
The most important thing is to know your group and give them a project they can be successful on and be proud of.
Mary Nelson
Our guild does a quilt every year and our very best seller was a 4″ Pinwheel block in 30’s reproduction fabrics. They were arranged in a 9 patch with solid white between them and a 12″ white block between the 9-patch blocks. The pinwheels crisscrossed across the top like an Irish Chain. The border was a pale yellow and scalloped. We sold tickets to everyone, especially men! We had so many comments that it reminded the ticket buyers of their childhood, or grandma. I think it was very nostalgic for people.
Other good sellers are Christmas colored or themed quilts. Most ticket buyers would love to win a Christmas quilt. Not so great sellers have been more specific fabric types…batik or civil war reproductions.
I think it really depends on your market. If you are selling tickets mainly to other quilters at shows or guilds, likely any fabric choices will be well received. But to the general public, we have heard comments like “it wouldn’t match anything in my home”. Our response is that for a $1chance it would make a great gift for a wedding or birthday. But to many, the idea that it has to fit into your decorating scheme is important.
Another tip on selling tickets-we have found that Farmer’s Markets are great places to sell tickets. It is a relaxed atmosphere, many people are there to mingle and spend money and a quilt appeals to the clientele that frequent a market. A table, with the quilts displayed set up amongst all the pretty colors of produce seems to work for us!
Your quilts sound gorgeous, I’d love to see them, any possibility of posting photos? Thanks!
Mary Nelson
Will have to see if I have a photo left, scan it in and post it. It was made before I was sharing photos digitally!
Lori Kennedy
Unfortunately, those quilts were made before I thought of keeping a photographic record…Word to the WISE–take pictures of all the quilts you work on!
Carol Stearns
I made a 60″ square breast cancer quilt for my church group to raise funds. Unfortunately, the group you donate your quilt to, isn’t necessarily experienced in selling anything. They did manage to raise about $200 which almost covered my cost. Hopefully, this year they will have a better event with the sales knowledge they have gained. It all goes to a worthy cause.
Lori, I chatted with a quilter at the Sisters show, and she ruefully confided that what sells best is quilts with cat motifs. Go figga! I just can’t go there myself, but I would think your local community will tend to have a preference for either modern or traditional, and if so, I would go with the preference of your demographic. But I wonder if a modern take on traditional might hit all the possible ticket buyers?
Debbie Sheldon from NH
Hi Lori
Again, eyerything you said–I totally agree with. I have been on many committees that make charity quilts. We are making one right now. My good friend Laura (in the previous comment) is chairing our group. She has permission from the author and publisher. We just finished picking all the fabrics. Next we are making kits so our membership can help. You need to have extra blocks in case some do not measure up. Please do not try to do it all yourself. The best part is getting together with your friends. We have a small group of 5 that work well together and help each other in every endeavor. Make something you love, this is a long process and you want to enjoy the work along the way. Our guild sets the size it needs to be 90 X 90. Enjoy!
Judy Smith
There is some good advice in this post. Our guild does a raffle quilt every year and sells chances at our quilt show in October. We often choose autumn colors for it, as well. We also try to take it to some community festivals during the summer. Our quilts are custom machine quilted, as opposed to hand quilted, but do very well.
I have no experience with it. Roped into helping on one by my MIL (!) who doesn’t sew…when I was about 21… I sewed a lot but never quilted. It was a nightmare…LOL! for a 21 year old anyhow LOL! This will be full of great info I’m thinkin’!
This is something I would like to get involved with now.
Laura P in NH
Great topic this week as I’m chairing our local guild’s raffle quilt this year. I agree with everything you wrote Lori.
In addition I think the best part is having a great team to work with. It’s fun when you get to share the work load with people you know and love and/or you’ll come to know and love.
I’m happy we’ve chosen a quilt to raffle that has lots of techniques in it. We’re making kits for our guild members to make – there’s going to be something for everyone to choose from so lots of members can participate in the fun.
One word of advice is to get the proper permission to share directions and raffle your quilt. I got permission from the artist first and then from the book publisher since it’s a book still in publication.
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