Open Line Friday-Quilt Abbreviations

April 4, 2014

Vintage ThreadWould you  believe that when I began blogging (August 2012), I didn’t know what FMQ stood for-and I had to ask another blogger?  How’s that for embarrassing!   Just last week I learned what LAQ stands for–Long Arm Quilting.    In order to prevent any more embarrassing situations for any of us…I propose we make ONE list…I’ll make a tab for it in my sidebar…

Vintage ThreadToday, on Open Line Friday…quilting, sewing, and blogging abbreviations and acronyms...

Or if you’d rather talk about embarrassing situations…I think we’re all friends here and up for a LOL!

TTFN,(TaTa For Now)

LCK (any guesses what “C” stands for?)

PS (PostScript)–All tutorials, images and information found here are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to pin and re-blog with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other uses, please contact me at!  THX!





  • Chris

    Over Christmas one of my sons slept in my workroom and on one of my shelves was a sign with my ufo’s on, he spent along time trying to work out what UFO was knowing I hate sci-fi really made me laugh x

  • how about CRAFT,(can’t remember a freaking thing) Will never forget the time someone asked me if I had craft disease. It was one of my employees, I lmho, (laugh my head off). This has been a fun discussion

  • Loved reading everyone’s acronyms – I knew a lot of them already, but some are new to me and hilarious! As to LOL and ROFL, there’s also ROFLMAO (ends with “my a$$ off”). I’ve always referred to my projects languishing in bins (stacks of fabrics with notes for what I plan to do with them) as USOs (UnStarted Objects), before I learned of their real name (HSY), but that reminds me of “hissy-fit” which is what I do when I screw up my FMQ. Which maybe I’ll stop doing after I start practicing Lori’s tutorials! Thanks, Lori! TTYL…

    • A

      I love USOs–the abbreviation that is. I have a bit of a guilt-complex over how many I have! (USOGC)

  • Oh my goodness, Lori — you really hit everyone’s hot button with this one — what a hoot!!

    • A

      Hilarious–and creative! I guess I was not alone in my misunderstanding of all the abbreviations!

  • such a fun read-thanks Lori and all the comment-ers- I’ll be jotting a complete list. It’s just what I needed. Yesterday was spent trying to find a “wonderful” care facility for my Mom.

    • A

      I thought everyone’s responses were so creative and funny! Who knew there were so many!? Hope you find a nice place for your Mom?

  • Didn’t see BOM listed. I just finished a Block of the Month for a quilt.

  • Kris Jacobson

    Not exactly an acronym but one of my favorites

  • Hi Lori, What “C” stands for can only be Catherine!!!! Your blog makes me smile and laugh. I love it thanks Lori.

    • A

      Julie, thanks for your guess…

      • Marta

        Another guess… Cassandra…are you going to smile or cringe when someone guesses? Hey Teri, did she swear you to secrecy?

  • There’s LMK (let me know), BTDT (been there, done that), and, no offense intended- PITA ( pain in the a_ _).

  • Kathleen

    This is going to be one long list! I think the C stands for Cathleen. Of course that’s not how I spell it 😉

  • First time I ever got a lol in an email, I thought it was Lots of Love. Seemed to fit in nicely but so did Lots of Laughs!!! How about Catherine?

  • c if for caroline…like in caroline kennedy??

  • What a great read. Re Mary Z’s post I have SABLE but continue to FART. I have so many PhDs I must be a genius. At least one of them is in WOMBAT. The UFOs are whizzing over this Welsh coast town as I write.

    • A

      HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing! More than a few UFOs flying around Minnesota as well!

      • Mary Z.

        This has been fun! Cannot wait to see the completed list – – a whole new language for our families to learn!

  • I just read them all again and LOL again. Read them to my husband and son who also LOL. Since my knitting did not work out, I am happy that I always bring more than one, usually 3 or4, road trip projects on vacation. Maybe that should have an acronym. RTP’s?

  • Barb E., highlands Ranch, CO

    C = Corina??

  • Barb E., highlands Ranch, CO

    OBW—One Block Wonder

  • I was going to suggest the same link Jean posted. Instead, I’ll tell a little story:

    It started out as a WHIMM (Work Hidden In My Mind).
    After a FART (Fabric Acquisition Road Trip) and
    some SEX (Stash Enhancing eXcursions),
    it became a PIG (Project In a Grocery sack).
    The PIG became a HSY (pronounced hissy….means Haven’t Started Yet).
    Once I had a HSY fit and began work, it became a WIP (Work In Progress).
    The WIP became a UFO (Unfulfilled Opportunity? …I like that better than
    “Unfinished Object” which sounds so negative!) as soon as some other project grabbed and held my attention more than the WIP I was just working on (QADD = Quilter’s Attention Deficit Disorder).

    Is it a disease? Yes.
    Is there a cure? Yes. Quilting with friends!

  • caitriona

    Loving these. The only one I haven’t seen is UFO. Unfinished Object.

  • Jean Garces

    Here you go Lori– a list already done for you. I’m sure QuiltE would not mind you posting it here!

  • I am laughing. You are all so funny. I am Lori’s sister. One of our ther sisters knits like Lori quilts. She started me on an “easy” knitting pattern I could take in vacation. Uses 4 skeins of yarn at once so to keep them from rolling around the cabin, I have had them in a paper grocery bag which I now know is a PIGS. I almost finished and can now see that my slipper would only fit a round foot. LOL. It is now a TOAD, trashed object in discust another abbreviation I had not heard until today. With all these funny abbreviations I can laugh about my failed “slipper”. I am going back to the hand quilting project I brought, English paper piecing. Thanks for the laughs.

    • HI TERI!!! we are glad to meet you too!! LOL…these replies are hysterical!

  • Has to be Catherine.

  • Kay Curl

    Our local quilting bee takes frequent road trips, since we like to check out new quilt shops. We refer to these outings as (giggle) FARTS: Fabric Acquisition Road Trips!

  • LCK in texting means luck. It also stands for lock as in lock (lck) stitch. OK, I’m not that smart…I googled it 🙂

  • Laura M

    I don’t have any more to add, but am also sitting here giggling away! Our quilt guild used the SEX ones on buttons at our last craft show, they went like hotcakes!
    IMHO -in my humble opinion-, there thought of one. I work at a hospital and we are also notorious for acronyms, the ones we use in the lab are different than the ones the nurses use so it can get quite confusing. I also volunteer in the prison system and have learned a few choice ones there LOL.
    I’m thinking the C is for Catherine.

  • Very funny and enlightening!! Here in the hospital, the computer on wheels naturally had the acronym of COW…that is until a visitor overhead a staff member asking “where is the COW?” and the visitor was highly offended… 🙂

  • Sheila

    My guess is Catherine.

  • NESY–not started yet
    OBW–one block wonder
    SEX–stash enhancement expedition
    VIP–very important project
    WIWMI–wish it would make itself
    WWIT–what was I thinking
    WISP–work in slow progress

    Saw these on another blog a while back.
    Can’t wait to see the master list here!

  • Mindy Johnston

    I have s feeling most of my STASH is SABLE! NETTQ ( not enough time to quilt)!

    • A

      We could create an entire language that no one else would understand…never mind…no one seems to understand us anyway!

  • Darlene

    Great idea! Going to add all these to the front of my Quilt Notebook.

  • I am guessing Catherine…
    In the mean time I’m rolling laughing at these…hysterical! Is as good as that commercial with the two older actors saying outloud teenager texts. So funny! Totes ma goats…cray cray! LOL!

  • and then there is the blog lingo like QAL(quilt along) which is even more confusing when paired with other acronyms like QAYG to make QAYGQAL.

  • My guess is that Lori’s C is for Cindy or Catherine.

    And Marta, you’re thinking of a BSR – Bernina Stitch Regulator. They’re $500 attachments for pre-equipped Bernina sewing machines and they’re supposed to make your stitches an even length when you FMQ. Not everyone’s a fan.

    • A

      Thanks, Suzanna for explaining BSR…

      Nice guesses…see Monday’s post (4/7)

    • Marta

      Yes, that is it…Some fellow guild members have them on their non-Bernina machines….added later. Uniform stitch length is problem I have.. …mine look like a buttonhole stitch..LOL…There is no regulator made for my Viking Emerald. 🙁 So more practice is goal. Thanks…

  • Mary C.

    A list of quilty acronyms would be a great reference tool.

    My older brother was in the army in the 70’s…he sent my mom a letter asking her to send some things he needed ASAP. She gathered the items, packed the box and went to the post office and asked how much it would cost to send to him ASAP. She thought it was a postal rate. I believe she was quite embarrassed, and we did tease her for some time, but Mom’s a good sport 🙂

  • Hazel

    I left out something earlier on my post re initials that left the story incomplete. In the Army the papers asked for first name, which was H.D. The Army listed that as H only D only, therefore his buddies called him Honly Donly.

    • A

      That is hilarious!

    • rosemarazzle

      HaHa. I know military folks are a fun bunch. We used to live further east in Virginia in a neighborhood called Lake Ridge Virginia. It was75% military. Some of the best years we had living there.

  • One of my favorites, and fairly new, is SOB — Slap On Borders. So, if your quilt isn’t quite as big as you’d like it to be, just S.O.B.!!! ha ha ha

  • Pat Meinecke

    Marta, I think BSR is Bernina Stitch Regulator. Just figured it out–for what its worth.

    • Marta

      I had been wondering since January… thank you..

  • rosemarazzle

    Rosemary B here:
    Barb M has some good ones!
    I live in Northern Virgina (35 Miles west of the cesspool) and hubbs and our youngest daughter and her newly married to hubby, work for the US Govt. They use acromyns
    all day and when they are here, it is DISA this and POA&M, DIA that, OSD, on and on. I never ask what they mean. Many I already know, of course. Haha
    I am learning all of the new acronyms for sewing and I really enjoy the technical ones.
    I have been sharing my terminology with any one that will listen, daughters and my 90 year old mom, who has done every kind of sewing and hand work except quilting.
    I tell her this is probably much easier than making lace, or hours and hours of needlework making actual size copies of paintings by Rembrandt.
    The most recent ones I learned are HST and QST
    have a lovely Friday and week-end

    • rosemarazzle

      Oh, and the C stands for Christine?

  • I’m retired AF and in military speak, whenever you write a letter to someone or a report, etc. you first spell out the name, and then use the acronym after that. Example. I love free motion quilting (FMQ) and could spend all day doing it. Then from now on, I just refer to FMQ and everyone understands. Of course, you have to do this everytime you write a note, letter, memo, or report. Its just military rules but people aren’t wondering about what it is.

    • On my blog that is the general rule I follow…the first time I write the acronym I explain in parenthesis after that, well…………… It’s courtesy to those who have taken the time to read my writings.

  • Mary Z.

    FQ Fat Quarter
    MAQ Mid arm quilter
    UFO Unfinished object
    WIP Work in progress
    SID Stitch in ditch
    PP Paper piecing
    QAYG Quilt as you go
    SABLE Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy!
    DSM Domestic Sewing Machine
    WOMBAT Waste of Money, Batting and Time
    FART Fabric Acquisition Road Trip
    PhD Projects half done

    Not sure all of these are true acronyms, but I saw them in a column on someone’s blog one day and got a kick out of them! Love opening my email everyday to see what you have on the agenda for the day.

    • A

      Great list, Mary! Thanks for taking the time to type it! Love SABLE–sad, but true!

    • I’d add:
      HSY (pronounced “Hussy”): Haven’t started Yet
      PIGS: Project in a Grocery Sack
      WHIMMS: Works Hidden In My Mind (you know those great projects yet to see the light of day or have a designated stash)

      With due thanks to Nancy Goldsworthy author of the “Quilter’s Guide To UFOs” for those!

    • Hahahaha….love SABLE. Hadn’t heard that one.

  • Gail Mullan

    I’m new, what is FMQ?

    • Maybe it’s BSR, Bernina Stitch Regulator

    • Gail Mullan

      Never mind, just realized it’s free motion quilting. I feel stupid!

      • Marta

        Not stupid… just a newbie..:) . like me too! There is one used on the Jaunt, I still can’t figure out…. BRM or something like that. People ask Lori if she uses one and she says nope..

  • Barb M

    C? Don’t have a clue!
    COWS-cream on white
    BOB Black on Black, or beige on beige
    TOT tone on tone
    WOW Whit on white
    Wombat Waste of money, batting ,time
    TOAD Trashed object abandoned in disgust
    401F Fabric for retirement
    401P Patterns for reitrement
    401B Books for retirement
    STASH Special treasures all secretly hidden
    PHD Project half done
    TGIF Thank Goodness its finished!

    • PT in SC

      Thank goodness my 401’s are fully funded and I’m ready for quilting retirement. But before that, I’ve got to purge some TOADs. Thanks for making my day!

      • A

        Very funny–BTW, my 401s are fully funded as well, but I like to keep saving…how ’bout you?

    • Haha, these are great, Barb! (I can’t quite make myself do the LOL thing yet)

    • On Nancy’s blog (Blogging Near Philadelphia) she always uses the term COW to mean “Cranky Old Woman” which is what I am when a project is not going well!

      • A

        Harsh! I’ve been there more than a few times…including the time I stitched through my finger–I was definitely a COW-and then I stitched through my hoof!

  • Hazel

    Southerners sometimes use initials for first names. This particular Private’s name was H.D. His buddies called him Honely Donely! Thanks for clarifying BFF.,, I was wondering.

  • Teri powers

    I thought LOL was lots of love for the longest time until my kids corrected me! Took me a while to figure out LQS was local quilt shop.

    • Judy Johnson

      In my day, LOL was in fact, Lots of Love. I guess it changed through the years. My kids also corrected me. (while LOL I might add) : )

  • sillyandrea

    DD, DS, DH are dear daughter, dear son and dear husband. Or Darn husband, depending.

    NSFW is not safe for work

    ROFL is rolling on the floor laughing, when a LOL is not enough.

    BFF – best friend forever

    • A

      I love those! ROFL is MY new favorite!

      • sillyandrea

        Some other internet ones:

        TIL – today I learned
        AFAIC – as far as I’m concerned
        WYSIWIG – what you see if what you get
        TL;DR – too long; didn’t read (usually used sarcastically, to tell someone they are droning on and on)
        ISWYDT – I see what you did there
        TWSS – that’s what she said (from The Office)
        BRB – be right back (often used in chats)
        YMMV – your mileage may vary (when giving out advice)

        • A

          Hilarious! Love TL;DR–I try to be mindful here…YMMV, too!

          Will definitely add these to the list!

  • Lori….I discovered your blog about a month ago so I do not feel like I am one of “the family” yet….but I have to tell you that your posts on FMQ are delightful, thorough, intricate and SDH (so damn helpful). I am so happy for you regarding your new venture with American Quilter….MY LINE WITH LORI KENNEDY….How cool is that?! Congrats and WTG (way to go)

    • A

      Judy, You’ve always been family…you just didn’t know you’re way home! Glad you finally caught up with us! Thanks for your kind words…and chime in anytime–the more the merrier is my motto!

  • Inge C.

    A new to me abbreviation I just saw: PIG = Project In Grocery bag 🙂
    Have a nice Friday everyone

  • WOF-width of fabric
    RST- right-sides together
    HST- half-square triangles
    QST -quarter-square triangles

    Your middle initial C–hmmm….Colleen?

  • Liz Blois

    What could the C stand for….creative wizard, challenge giver, collector of fabric, cushion maker, caring blogger!!! Obviously its not really any of these unless your parents were very prophetic. My son is in the Army and his life is full of abreviations, they even have an abreviation for them, TLAs (three letter abreviations). I think one of the funniest quilting abreviations I’ve seen is PIGS (projects in grocery sacks) for all those half done quilts that we bundle away under beds and in the back of cupboards.

  • Betsy

    C for Celeste?

    As far as abbreviations go, I spent a long time trying to find out what CCs were . . .

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