Open Line Friday–Movie Suggestions?

October 11, 2013

Movies and Quilting

Welcome to Open Line Friday...I’d like to start today by answering a few questions that came up this week:

**Yes, I would love to teach someday...I have been talking to a  local quilt shop and am developing a workshop that I could offer at quilt guilds.  I am also considering an on-line workshop...any opinions, ideas?   —

**I almost always use Aurifil 50wt in my bobbin.  I love it–and more importantly, my Bernina loves it!  —

**My favorite batting for small tabletop or wall hangings is Warm and Natural.   It’s lightweight and quilts very well.  (I will discuss my favorite batting for  larger quilts in an upcoming post.)

**On Basting Quilts-I usually spray-baste my small quilts, but safety-pin my large quilts.

If you have any more questions for me or for the group, chime in…Now I have a question for you…What’s more relaxing than a movie and a quilt project?  I have lots of quilt projects, but now that Breaking Bad is over and Downton Abbey isn’t scheduled for months…any movie ideas?

Movies and QuiltingOnce the fall winds start to blow, I love to pop a bowl of popcorn–my favorite is black popcorn–and either hand-sew or piece a quilt at my sewing machine.  (I find free-motion quilting is not conducive to movie-watching.  I have to keep my eyes on the road and can’t glance up at a TV!)

Movies and QuiltingAny movies you can recommend?

Movies and QuiltingHope you have time for a long movie, a little popcorn and a big quilt this weekend!


You might also like:  The Ten Spookiest Movies HERE



  • LauraBC

    Just doing Fri night laundry and came up with a question, totally not quilting related. Does anyone have any tips on how to get the yellow out of knit tshirts in the underarm area, the dreaded perspiration stain???

    • A

      I have had some luck with OxyClean–soak overnight in hot water, then wash. That is a tough problem, though! Anyone??

  • LauraBC

    I can’t watch tv while sewing but some of my favorite Net Flick movies lately have been Ruby Sparks, RED, The Blind Side, Hachi (but you will need a box of kleenex), and for lighter fare, I love the animated ones like Epic, etc.

    Have you thought about doing a Craftsy class on FMQ? You have such a different style than the others that have classes, I think it would be well received.

    • A

      I can’t wait to draw up my list!
      I may consider a Craftsy class, but am thinking of offering a workshop of that type right here…what do you think?

  • Leslie Schmidt

    Hi, Lori, I really like your tutorials and think you would be a wonderful teacher for an on-line class. I don’t get to many movies, so I can’t be much help, but I completely agree with Sheryl Hobart about Rear Window. It’s my all-time favorite movie, with To Kill a Mockingbird a close second. And I second the love on your log cabin.

    By the way, what local quilt shop are you talking with? I live in Woodbury and would love a chance to get a person – to person class.

    • A

      Hi Leslie,

      Forgot to add that I am working with Bear Patch quilting in White Bear Lake.

    • A

      I love To Kill a Mockingbird. You’ll be happy to know that my son is reading it in school right now–so glad it is still required reading!

  • Barbara

    One of my favorite Netflix choices has been “Tea with Mussolini” with Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, (looove anything they are in) and other classy British actresses. A very good story, and a history lesson thrown in.

    A great batting tip I’ve just learned from Cindy Needham’s Craftsy class is that wool batting has a wonderful “memory”; she is required to use it in quilts she makes as the rep for Superior Threads, and has found that when the quilts containing wool batting are shipped they arrive uncreased. Cindy likes to use a layer of Quilters Dream Cotton on the bottom and a piece of split wool batting on top – calls it Gourmet Batting! The layer of wool also gives great dimension to areas surrounded by dense background stitching.

    • A

      I love Tea with Mussolini! Barbara, we are going to talk about batting next week on Open Line Friday–would you please add that to the discussion. I love wool batting, and that is what I will be talking about, but I have never tried Gourmet Batting!

  • Lori, I loved the “Call the Midwife” series. Definitely recommend those! Also, we just watched “Olympus Has Fallen” which was well done. One lesser known Kevin Costner movie (I watch anything with Kevin in it!!) that is an alll-time favorite of mine is The Postman. So glad you asked for suggestions as I wrote down a few of them I haven’t seen yet!

    • A

      As the weather gets colder, I feel “tucked in” if I have a good list of movies, books, and projects to sew!

  • I love re-watching all the Jane Austen flicks this time of year– Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Mansfield Park.

    More gender neutral options: the rest of Breaking Bad!!! A must!!!

    Documentaries on Netflix: Jiro Dreams of Sushi!

    • A

      I’ve seen most of the Jane Austen and some of the Breaking Bad, but have never heard of Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Do you recommend bringing in Sushi while you watch it?

  • My fav movie of all time nothing scary….a bit romantic Out of Africa Meryl Streep / Robert Redford !!!!!

  • Here’s a recommendation no one else will give you: The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. Hilarious spoof of 1950s sci-fi B movies. You can get it through Netflix mail service or set your DVR and it will eventually pop up out there in cable-land.

  • Call the Midwife series just started again on NPT, from the beginning, and it is wonderful! Very well acted and done!

  • This is an older movie (1980s?), but I always recommend Bagdad Cafe, and everyone so far has enjoyed it. (Nothing to do with Iraq!!!)

    • A

      I’ll check it out! I like old movies–and I don’t consider the 80s old–I’m never current when it comes to movies!

  • Hi Lori, I am an older generation person so my movie suggestion is different maybe but I enjoy some of the oldies –just watched James Stewart in Rear Window and enjoyed every minute again. Also anything Richard Gere !!!

  • Re: teaching. Be prepared for a LOT of work. Prep, fabrics, organizing lessons, critiquing, etc. Seems you are very organized, so that is a definite plus. It can be very, very rewarding, especially when students really WANT to learn the material. And I think you have a lot to offer as far as hints and tips to make quilting more fun and more accurate. I have signed up for about 9 or 10 Craftsy classes, and I love them. The instructors always, always have something to offer, even if the course seems rather elementary at first. Good luck!

    • A

      Sunny, thanks for the tips. Sounds a lot like what I do for Tuesday Tutorials and for blogging…which is always fun and rewarding.

  • Online class, book..I’m up for all of it! Anything to keep me quilting daily. The more I quilt, the happier I am! I am not a true movie buff. I dont’ like anything underwater, action stuff ..iffy…My go-tos are mostly Jane Austen stuff. I think I know all the dialog to the ones I own. That way if I’m sewing I dont ‘need to look up to follow long! I seem to have a list of favorite TV shows this year. Some years are thin, but this one is busy.

    • A

      Beth, I am like you…I need to quilt every day or I get a little anxious. And I love Jane Austen…

  • I just opened up the bag of pop corn, the weekend has started over here! Sorry, no movie tips, have only seen bad ones lately 🙁
    I would love an online class, by the way! You are awesome!!!

    • A

      I hate when I waste my time on a bad movie–that’s why I am asking for recommendations! It seems the idea of an on-line class is appealing…I think it would be a lot of fun, too!

      • Marianne

        I like Last Tango in Halifax, All Creatures Great and Small, Call the Midwife, A Thief of Time, any Hallmark Hall of Fame movie.

  • Sandy Pigford

    Lori, I’m obviously from another generation and loved “Pyscho, The Birds, The Exorcist,” and especially weird, “The Shining”, which is my favorite. Love your Tutorials,

    • A

      Sandy, You like the really scary movies, don’t you? I still have a slight fear of birds from watching “The Birds” as a kid.

  • hi lori, I am blown away by your free motion quilting tutorials….are you using a long arm machine ….I recently purchased one with my sister…we are absorbing anything we can in that category ….so long arm quilting on line class would be great that is unless you can come to the north east coast to teach us ………

    • A

      I stitch on a Bernina 820–a domestic machine, but as you know, all the patterns can be stitched on a long arm as well! Have fun with your long arm!

  • Diana

    On line class would be GREAT!

  • Beasts of the Southern Wild is my current favorite. Not your average movie… An online class would be great. Love your Log Cabin in the photos!

  • sillyandrea

    I’m sick this week, everything is moving so slow. No quilting has been happening.

    I have been taking a batik course though, that;s fun.

    I *also* watch a lot of Netflix. Try:
    – Orange is the New Black (tv series)
    – The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

    • A

      Just re-read your note…Orange is the New Black–definitely sounds like my kind of show!

    • Sharon

      The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is one of my favorites!

    • A

      Andrea, sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope you are back to the things you love soon. I will go straight to Netflix to put your suggestions in my queue.

  • Hi Lori: I would love an online workshop also. For a movie recommendation , I really enjoyed Argo at the movies and would watch it again with DVD.

    • A

      I loved Argo at the movies as well. Great movie to rent this fall–thanks for the suggestion!

  • An on-line class – yeah!

  • Irene Shooter

    I would love an on-line quilt workshop, hope you will consider doing that.

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