Open Line Friday–All About Moms!

May 12, 2017
Mother's Day


Mother's Day

Good Morning, Quilters!

My mom turned 92 this week-help me wish her Happy Birthday!

My mom is the best!

I can honestly say I’ve never heard her say an unkind word or criticize anyone.

Her favorite line is– “There, but for the grace of God, go one of mine.”

mother's day

My Mom (almost) always knows the right thing to say.

Whenever we didn’t get something we wanted,  she said disappointment “builds character”…(I told her I didn’t want character, I want to be a cheerleader!)


She is very patient…

She taught all of us to sew–even when I’m sure she would have rather been quietly sewing herself.

Her sense of humor…

I accused her of having kids (there are seven of us) just so she wouldn’t have to do dishes…

You should have heard her belly laugh!

Oh dear, Mom!

Happy Birthday!  Happy Mother’s Day!


What about YOU?

Did YOUR mother teach you to sew?

Any favorite quotes?

Any favorite stories?

We’d LOVE to hear about YOUR Mom!





  • English quilter

    My Mother turned 100 on Boxing Day (December 26.) Sadly she has dementia. She taught me to knit and do hand embroidery but she was not a garment sewer or quilter. One of her favorite quotes was “there is none so queer as folks” and another is “what is cheap is dear”.

    • Support

      Love those quotes!

    • Marta

      Love her quotes ! Thanks for sharing her.

  • Melanie

    Wishing you and your wonderful Mom a very Happy Mother’s Day! I miss my ow! n Mom so very much for so many things she was to me. Did she teach me to sew? Oh no! I was too impatient and she was a perfectionist in all she did, so accomplished even after having to leave school to support her family way back when. The first time I sewed a seam wrong, she told me I’d have to take out the stitches? Huh? That was a very long seam, probably 15 inches! LOL I taught myself later on when I made maternity clothes–nothing had to fit just exactly. Then I got interested, but didn’t get “into” quilting until I retired and had the time, Now I’m addicted and want to do it all. Ha. BTW, my first king size quilt was for Mom and Dad and I put all my love into it. Enjoy your precious and very special time with your Mom, Lori. :o)
    PS: I have a daughter Lori, too.

    • Support

      Thanks for sharing your story!

  • Lori, how wonderful to have your Mom & a birthday too! I just had my birthday and I pray I live as long and as lively a life.

    Happy Birthday Mom(s) and Happy Mother’s Day too!!!

  • Happy birthday Mommy, hope you are getting spoiled

  • dragee

    I cherish the memories of the wonderful moments I had with my Mom. She now lives for ever in my heart. I wish a happy birthday to yours, she looks great. I love what you tell us about her, and the photo where she is surrounded and kissed by her loving daughters !

  • Lora Stovall

    My mother didn’t teach me how to sew, but she made sure her 3 daughters learned. Her mother was born deaf in 1885 and was apprenticed to a dressmaker. She used that skill to keep her family (herself, my mother, and my uncle) alive through the Depression. My mother herself was never handy with a needle, but she made sure her daughters learned. We are all retired now, and two of us still sew regularly. I lost my mother when I was 22, but I thank her for teaching us our independence and self confidence.

  • Janet Licari

    Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day to your sweet Mom! I hope you and your sisters also have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  • Barbara Wrobel

    My 89 year old mother suffered a stroke 4 weeks ago. She was not a sewer, but she is my biggest fan. She often says I could be rich if I sold my quilts for a living
    I didn’t want to wait until her landmark 90th birthday to give her the sunflower quilt I made for her. That is her favorite flower. I gave it to her for Christmas. She loves that quilt. I know she is getting back some reasoning skills since she told me to take it home so no one would steal it. I don’t know what the future has in store, but I treasure every moment with her.

    • dragee

      I am so sad for your Mom. I will pray for her and for you.

    • Support

      Im so sorry to hear about your mom. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • My mom couldn’t sew worth a darn, but she bought me my first sewing machine when I was 12 years old so I could make slacks long enough for my long skinny legs. And she sent me for sewing lessons at the Singer store. She bought me my second Singer sewing machine when I graduated from college. Thank you, Mom, and thank you Singer. PS – that Singer lasted until my husband bought me my Bernina when I retired.

  • Laurie B

    My Mom never sewed a day in her life. Her mother hardly sewed either. My sister and I are both quilters. I lost mom 6 weeks ago. I miss her every day. I just want to call her to tell her some silly thing only she can appreciate. We were very close.

    Lori, glad you still have your mom, and that you shared the pictures. There is something different about moms and their daughters.

  • I was 12 and my mom was teaching me to sew. We carefully laid out the pattern for a skirt on a wool plaid fabric, pinning so that the plaids matched. She said “okay, now you can cut it out” and went into the kitchen to work on dinner. I did – including the fold where the center of the skirt was right up against those darn pins… I burst into tears when she noticed and commented, very calmly, on the error. She wasn’t upset- she was perplexed that I was! I love that memory because it characterizes how loving and patient she has always been. Happy Mothers’ Day to all of you moms and to our moms!

  • Pat V

    I love all the mom stories. They bring up sweet memories of my own. My mom was raised in a house with her mother and mother-in-law. Her job was to keep the peace so she never learned to sew. However, she could host a party like nobody’s business. Her grandmother was the quilter in the family. My paternal grandmother sewed for a living after her husband died. She is the one who taught me to love sewing. I got quilting from the maternal side, so I happily represent both sides of the family.
    None of those women complained, God bless them all.
    Favorite sayings:
    God will get even with you when you have children.
    That good deed was always rewarded “by a star in your crown in heaven”.
    It costs you nothing to be nice
    If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
    You’ll poke your eye out.
    I do miss my mom.

  • Carol

    My mom taught me to sew doll clothes about age 5 and led 4-H teaching others & me for about 10 years. I was sewing my clothes and for my cousins by high school and now life long for several generations of children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. I also donate quilts for kids and Quilts of Valor and provide quilt gifts for many. She is responsible for my lifelong addiction to sewing and I am very grateful.

  • Julie

    Happy Birthday to your Mom! Mine taught me to sew, and I am thankful every day. ????

  • Happy birthday to your mother!!
    My mom is 96 and taught all four girls in my family to sew, and others, by being a 4-H leader. She made all of our clothes and I have fond memories of being in the fabric store with her and my grandmother. Grandmother was a quilter and tatter. Mom having seven kids ( and a chemist by trade) sewed practical items. My sisters and I all received white sewing machines for our 16th birthdays. I still have mine. Although my mom has ocular degeneration, she still cooks for my brother every day. Since she still lives in Paducah, KY, she still goes to the quilt show with my sisters and I. We always have a great time. Growing up she always said, “you kids behave!” And ” if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all!” We were a noisy bunch. Heading back to Paducah this weekend, where mom gets to crown the blessed mother, Mary, for the May crowning in her Catholic Church. She said she has always wanted to do it. Mom is a blessed mother to me and my siblings and is a saint to put up with us.
    Have a happy Mother’s Day to all!!

  • Patsy

    This is my first Mother’s day/mother’s May birthday without my mom. She died last fall at 97. She quilted but didn’t teach me. When I caught the bug, she told me to find a quilt shop that would teach me to do it right. She never had lessons, just picked up the needle and thread and sewed. I have 1 quilt that her grandmother made and it is our treasure along with the quilts she made. Her most used phrase was “I’m not complaining”. Happy birthday to your mom.

  • Nanci Swaim

    I love getting to see the pictures of your mom, Lori. I see your face in hers and love reading about her influence on you, as well as all the other women who responded. One of the gifts my mother gave me is the love of sewing. Growing up during the Depression, she lived by the words, “Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without!” She made most of my clothes growing up & carefully mended everything. As a little girl, I stood right next to her as she sewed, fascinated by the whole process. She would cut out paper dolls for me so I could design & color the fabric. As soon as I could reach the sewing machine peddle, she started teaching me to sew. When I turned 40, my mom was 80, so to celebrate, I suggested we sew a quilt together. We combined our scraps and created a Jewel Box quilt together, which is now my most valuable treasure. My mom passed away at age 93, but I feel her presence with me and creative energy living on in me as I continue to use all the sewing skills she so patiently taught me!

  • May your Mother have a wonderful birthday. Sounds like I should take notes from her as she is 8 yrs my senior and is still a vibrant soul. Gather your memories whilst you may.

  • Carol

    Happy Birthday to your Mom, Lori. My Mom taught me to sew on the treadle machine at age 5. I sewed newspaper doll clothes. He favorite quote was “there is no such word as CAN’T!” She is still active despite macular degeneration at 93. Love her dearly.

  • Sharon

    Happy Birthday! Happy Mother’s Day to all moms (whatever form) here and in heaven. Thank you for help shaping us into the women we are today. Mom’s are best!!

  • Beverly

    What lovely stories about our Moms. Lori, it is so nice to see your Mom and especially at the sewing machine. You are fortunate to have your Mom and do wish her a Happy birthday and Mothers Day. My Mom died 27 years ago when my youngest was a month old. It was a hard time for me. She was not a sewist but wanted to be so she channeled her sewing wishes through me. She would always encourage me to sew and I loved to do it. When I was in 4-H, I won a first place prize at our provincial annual fair for a blouse I made. She was so proud. I miss my Mom and would especially love to have granted her some of her wishes as she grew older. Happy Mothers day to you Lori and your Mom.

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    “You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to!” That was my mother’s phrase that took us all a long way.
    Rosemary, your words are so heartwarming. I wish I’d had a chance to see my mother grow older and to enjoy her company a bit longer. If I could only spend another hour with her …. She died at 61, when I was 23. It was the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me, and set me up for “nothing can ever be as bad as that”. A month later I met my dear sweet husband. No one can convince me that she didn’t send him to me … he’s a redhead as she was, and has a very calm demeanour, as she did, except she had a fiery red-headed Irish temper when riled. We didn’t see it often, but “the look” was all we needed to get the heck outta dodge.
    She sewed out of desperation, mending mostly. One winter I didn’t have a winter coat, so she cut hers down to make one for me, then didn’t leave the house all winter. That was a long time in Montreal winters. I hope she’s enjoying watching my happiness at quilting from her lofty perch among the clouds. Still love you best, and miss you most, Mummy.

    • Maureen B. in B.C.

      And Lori, I didn’t mention how lovely it was to see your Mum, with you and some of your many siblings kissing on her. Still the centre of attention, still enjoying it, just as it should be. Lucky her, lucky you.

  • Rosemaryflower

    All of your stories above are astounding testaments of our mothers, immersed in the graces of God.
    The last ten days with my mom in Hospice, my dad stayed on a cot next to her.
    We frequently got in bed with her and spoke softly to her. When she was feeling distressed, I asked her about clouds in the sky, we talked about the beauty of the earth, flowers, colors, just everything good.
    Marta and Judy, your stories, and every one else’s, really touch me deeply

  • Deborah johnson

    Love her for me i sure do miss my mother…she sat and sewed them polyester(lol) suits for me as a kid thinking i would have the prettiest clothes and i hated them but i realize at least she had clothes for me to wear…i would sit behind that old singer and watch her and if i touched the fabric going thru the needle she woukd say DONT PULL IT!…every time i would try to sew i tore up her machine….now look at me….i think she would be sending sewing smiles from heaven to me now…

  • Gloria

    My mom, where do I start.
    First, my mom will be 97 years old May 30. Yes,, my mother lived those depression years. There was very little education available to her back then. She loved learning and was self taught, but she certainly was not uneducated. In fact, she is the smartest person I have ever known. She is the most amazing woman. We are blessed that mom still has a clear mind and a relatively healthy one.
    She still raises a garden, works in her big yard daily and seldom ever stops.
    She gave birth to three boys and seven girls and managed to educate every single one of us.
    One of the most outstanding memories of her is the fact that I would see her work six days a week in the fields, chopping or picking cotton, working watermelons and cantaloupes and still there was three meals a day on the table to feed twelve of us. She would work in the fields most of the day, have material for seven (yes I said 7) dresses on a Saturday evening and never stopped until seven girls had a brand new dress for church on Sunday. This was all done on an old Singer treadle machine which I am blessed today to say I still own and it still sews like a champ. I just cannot imagine at the end of the days work starting to make seven dresses in one evening, but, we all got those pretty dresses.
    My mother is a widow now, being alone she still cooks herself three balanced meals a day. She never overeats, just eats enough she says, what the body needs. She tells us it is a sin to overeat. I always remember that when I have had a bit too much and don’t want to quit eating. Lol.
    I try to talk with my mom daily and sometimes 2-3 times daily. I live a couple hundred miles away and don’t get to go real often to see her. She loves learning and will try any new thing we do. We still share ideas on quilting, crocheting, knitting, etc.
    I am blessed for this wonderful lady to still be in my life and the fact you can bet she is out in that yard as I sit here and write this at this very moment. She is not one to burn daylight (as she says)and not accomplish something every day of her life. She continues to enjoy every day of her life and I love her with all my heart. How blessed I am to still have her in my life today.

  • Rosemaryflower

    Happy Mother’s day to all of you, and of course your mommas
    My mom died October 7th last year. My heart still aches.
    She was born with only a left hand, and her right arm ends at her wrist, that includes the carpal bones (if you are not medically inclined, I am an olden nurse, sorry, I hope I did not upset you) She was able to manipulate that tip.
    Oh she was adorable. She was born in Holland in 1923 with blond hair. Her parents were devastated but they were surrounded by smart people.
    Of course back then, “disfigured people” were hidden, but my mom some how had the most self satisfied confidence through her child hood. She did everything.
    They lived through WW2 with barely any food.
    She met my dad in 1945. He is still alive and I take care of him every day. He is 93, and he is such a prince. He was an auditor for NATO so we traveled the world, just because mom loved it.
    She spoiled us. I have her Singer 316G that I sew on almost ever day. She taught me everything. She had 3 girls, I am the last, then 4 years later she had my brother which was the worst day of my life.
    My daughter’s have over the years collected a long list of “Lena-isms”
    I just bought a Mother’s Day card for my only oldest sister Joyce (I call her Jizz Fizz)
    the card says, “ever since you because a mom, I see more and more of our own mother in YOU” (which of course is supposed to be frightening, right?)
    So I added around this bossy cartoon on the card “”Says who?” “when there’s a will, there’s a way” ““Just enough calories diviiiiided into the right nutrients”
    “I have a privilege which you don’t have: I can do things my way” “Chocolate is good for you, it has iron in it – good for your blood”
    ““Grandchildren having children…!” (marveling)
    My mom made all of her own clothing, during the war in 1940 she made clothes from old clothes for her dad.
    She embroidered, she made lace. She did everything.
    She thought she would never marry. I think my dad was smitten with her the day he met her

    • Rosemaryflower

      sorry this is so long. and there are a few typos. I am sorry about that too

      • Rosemaryflower

        I just read all of the above statements of adoration, and I am so touched by all of your stories. Lori, your momma is beautiful. All of your stories are absolutely lovely

  • My mom’s in heaven right now, but oh, I feel her influence everyday. She had an old Singer machine, black with all the gold filigree, in a cabinet that sat in our dining room. When she sewed for us, she’d pull it out away from the wall just enough for a little body (that would be me) to fit in between. I stay there watching that needle go up and down putting fabric pieces together into my new school dress. To this day I love to sew, and there aren’t many days I go without! Thanks Mom for all your efforts with me. You are loved and appreciated!

  • Marta

    My Mom taught me to sew. She started by making doll clothes to teach herself. Eventually she could sew anything… winter coats for us, suit for my husband, dance recital costumes for entire ballet company, majorettes and cheerleader uniforms, ball gowns with huge hoop skirt petticoats for Confederate historical celebrations, etc. She wanted me to major in Home Economics in college. I did not. (I already knew how to wash dishes and vacuum !!) Looking back over my life she was SO right. She grew up on a subsistence farm during the Depression and always said, “We didn’t know anything about human relationships because we just grew up like weeds in the country. ” She said they survived on onions, apples, cows milk and bacon.
    She was the 5th of 9 children and they were a very loving family. When she was 15 her parents took her out of school because she was having seizures. She loved school. She got on her knees by her bed and asked God to take away the seizures. He did !! However, she got her GED the year I graduated high school. Before she died in Dec 1999, she developed dementia and was in assisted living near my sister. I would visit for a week every month. She had been a doodler of clothing designs. I took her pencil and paper… not really helpful. I took her samples of fabrics, every different texture I could gather. She loved it… caressed them, folded them, arranged and rearranged them on her table. I miss her so much and wish she could see my progress in my sewing and see the quilting. We would have so much fun. I can’t imagine having any other mother, although my mother-in-law was special to me.
    I feel very blessed to have inherited all my mom’s sewing paraphenalia. (sp?).
    I have her embroidery pictures on the wall, her notebooks of doodles, her smocking samples for the baby dresses she made, and the forever warmth of her love
    in my heart.

  • Vanessa Taylor

    Let’s see quotes… Your face is going to stay like that… My mom is going to be 85, she taught me to sew for 4-H. All clothing and one table cloth. She gets the giggles really bad and we laugh a lot together. She grew up in Sleepy Eye MN. She raised six kids on the farm with dad and she was a nurse.
    … Say your prayers and go to sleep…

  • Debbie

    My mother is 87 and I feel very blessed to have her as my mother. She does not sew, but is the best at helping me pick out fabrics for my next project. Heartfelt thanks to all the mothers out there!

  • Deanna Bowman

    Happy Birthday to your wonderful mother. My Mom to this day still says all of our names, when she is calling one of us. I find myself saying my kids name just like my
    Mom does.
    Thanks for your great posts, I look forward to them everyday.

    • Maureen B. in B.C.

      Wow, I guess all “Mom’s of many” used that pattern. Being the last of five, I’d hear Mary-An-Ei-Don-MAUREEN … frustration when she finally got to me. Or sometimes she would break off partway through and just say “you with the brown thatch” — there was only one blond among us, so she got it right 4/5ths of the time ????

      • Rebecca in SoCal

        My husband (an only child) thinks it’s hi-LAR-ious that my mother of five occasionally included the dog in going through the names!

        • Marta

          I didn’t want to bring a downer last week but I want to say something..A week ago, 4 doors down from us, while the young mother of two was stoned, her 4 year old son went outside and drowned in the pool. The 6 yr old sister found him. There are young women- Mothers- who need help from others.. maybe us… Four years ago, a young mom came to our sewing group. Attendance was sporadic but we aggressively befriended her and family. She got more active in quilting. Yes, she
          had a therapist, but we believe the quilting/friendship helped her get off the drugs.
          Just wanted to get that off my chest…

          These tributes here to our moms are so wonderful, I wish they were in a booklet I could give to friends. How about a chapter in Book 3 or 4 dedicated to moms, Lori?

          I have no personal tribute to give to my husband’s grandfather who was a tailor of refined men’s suits in the 1920’s-40’s in Dresden and Prague as I was not blessed to
          ever meet him. We do have the fancy clothing he sewed for Mom’s (mominlaw) porcelain doll. Life is strange sometimes..

        • Marta

          Rebecca, LOL… and sometimes I wish WordPress had emojiis…

          By the way, yesterday, I remembered something my mom had to say to me frequently, “Because I said so ! ” She tolerated my first or second question but after that, she just wanted me to get on with what she had asked me to do.

  • Happy Birthday to your mom! How fun that you can enjoy time with her over Mother’s Day. My mom and I were great friends, enjoying shopping (mostly for the conversation), and both of us liked to quilt. Two of the last gifts she gave me was my sewing machine and a New York Beauty quilt kit. I cherish both of them, but miss my mom. Oh how I’d love to have a quilting day with her, just once more!

  • My mother dies early, she had 13 children, her passing was right before my fortieth birthday, she was a bit of a drinker, but heck, if I had 13 children I would be a DRUNK!
    We took sewing in high school, imagine that? I can still smell the home made snacks baking in the oven, she did that every day for all of us when we came home from school. Have a great Mother’s Day!

  • Gretchen

    How wonderful to have your mother with you at 92! My mother is no longer with us but I have great memories of her. She gave me the love of sewing. Her clothing made from Vogue patterns was amazing, not only on the outside but the inside too. She finished all her seam edges. I remember sewing doll clothes by hand with the scraps of left over fabric as I would sit by her and even making my first jumper. When ever I couldn’t make up my mind what fabric to buy, she would say it’s not the last sale! Lol. I heard of people naming heir sewing machines and thought what a fun idea. So I named my Hazel, after my mother for the gift of love of sewing she passed on to me.

    • Rosemaryflower

      Yes, My 316G is named Lena Magdalena, and I have her adorned with a bracelet around the arm and some of her lace on top. I am glad you named your machine after your momma

  • Michele K

    “If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all.” My mom is 93 in the final stages of Alzheimer’s. A good visit is making her laugh. She had lots of sayings. Another was “put it in a smaller dish & put it in the refrigerator.” We ALL say it. Her generation is so amazing.

    • Rosemaryflower

      Yes, I understand Michele. My mom started getting slight changes in her mental status in her late 80s. She had a stroke in 2013 and then the dementia progressed rapidly. We love them even more, don’t we?

  • Yolande

    Quelle grâce
    This is what a mother’s love is all about. She reaped what she sow. All that love back is what counts in life. This mother’s day is nothing else but a close stitch with her family.A bouquet of Joy,Happiness, and Always Love.
    Have a happy mother’s day as I will with my loved one..
    Maman and also a Mimi (grandmother)

  • Donna Johnson

    Your mom was the best mom for you!! Because my mom was also the best mom ever for me!! In other words, I’m not going to try and compete with you and anyone else about “best mom” awards because all mothers are the best.

    • I think that goes without saying! All moms are the best!

    • Rosemaryflower

      ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

    • Support

      Absolutely agree!! Thats is what I meant!!

  • Thank you for sharing your story about your Mom. She must have been from the same family as my Mom who taught me how to do EVERYTHING. Her motto was “If someone else learned how to do something, so can you learn to do it.” She had a difficult life, but was always happy and always greeting people with the biggest smile and took time to really listen to them. She had a brilliant witty sense of humor that gave everyone belly laughs. Although she passed away 4 years ago, I feel as though she’s constantly beside me. She stamped her love on my heart and soul and I’m so lucky that God blessed me with her as my Mom.

    Happy Mother’s Day Mom, I love you & miss you funny lady.

  • Donna

    Happy Birthday to your dear mom! Yes, my mother taught me how to sew as well. The most important I learned was not being afraid to ‘rip it out’ & get it right. It certainly taught me patience. She was a beautiful seamstress and was quiet & loving. Many times she opened our home to help one of our friends that needed to heal or get out of a less than desirable situation. Neither of my girls are but there is still hope!

  • Pat Knight

    MY MOM had me take lessons at the local Singer store because she said they would make me rip out if I made a mistake! But she was still my role model in everything and my biggest fan. I miss her. Your photos and thoughts on your Mom were wonderful. You are so lucky.

  • Bette

    Love the photos of your Mom and your sweet words describing her. I’m blessed to have my 90 year old Mom nearby, able to share going to Broadway shows, shopping, dining out, and hanging at the Jersey Shore with my sister. It must be both our Mom’s generation–no complaining when things don’t go their way, just put one foot in front of the other and do what needs doing. How admirable! She wasn’t my sewing or quilting role model–not sure where I caught that bug–but she’s still my greatest fan. Love you Mom!

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