Good Morning, Quilters!
Today’s Open Line Friday topic is Nurse and Doctor Appreciation.
But first, have you seen this uplifting Budweiser ad.?
My Favorite Nurses
We have several nurses in the family.
My two sisters, Teri and Pat and my niece, Carla are nurses in Chicago.
My nieces, Amanda, Sara and Jenny are nurses in Virginia.
And my daughters, Claire and Olivia are nurses as well.
Olivia is currently ( as I write this) working a twelve hour shift with a Covid19 patient in the ICU at a Minneapolis hospital.
All of these nurses are on the front lines of this pandemic.
“Thank you” seems insufficient, but THANK YOU to all the nurses and doctors who are working extremely hard, under very difficult conditions to treat our loved ones!
We salute you!
Your Favorite Nurses and Doctors
Please tell us about YOUR favorite nurses and doctors and health care professionals.
Please share their stories!
If YOU are a nurse, ( retired nurses, too) we’d love to hear that too! Please tell us how long you’ve been a nurse and where.
We would LOVE to hear!
Grateful in Minnesota,
PS…Don’t miss out on Bluprint’s ALL CLASSES FREE for two weeks deal!!!

Hey Lori ~I have two daughters in the healthcare business. One of my daughters works from home, but the other one works in Houston Tx & has been exposed to the corona virus. I know God is in control & he’s got her in the palm of his hands so I find peace in that. I also have a son-in-law who works for an ambulance service.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Kathy, we are praying for all those on the front lines–nurses, doctors, ambulance service, police! Thank you to your family!
Michelle Lynch
My oldest daughter is an ICU nurse. She was exposed without PPE when they had a patient brought in and put on a ventilator prior to testing, who was subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. That happened over 2 weeks ago. Thankfully she seems to have not caught the virus. Her unit at her particular ICU in her is now designated for virus patients, and suspected virus patients, so she will be on the frontlines for the duration….meanwhile it is very wearing on her emotionally. She has 3 sons and a husband at home. She is unable to touch them, wears a mask at home,etc… I had major surgery for my cancer 6 weeks ago, and she flew in to Houston to spend 10 days with me after I got out of the hospital and before I could go home to Oklahoma. She went home to the very beginning of the COVID chaos, and now is in the middle of the battle. Pray for hospital workers (phlebotomists, respiratory therapists, lab personnel, housekeeping, maintainence workers, cooks, etc…are all also warrior in this battle and at greater risk of exposure at work) and for their families….
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Oh Michelle! What a scary time for your family! You are in our prayers during your fight with cancer! Thank your daughter and her family for her work on the front lines! Please keep us updated!
Some serious prayer for all of you…hang in!!
Hi I’m a nurse practitioner who graduated in 1974 & went back to school & graduated as an NP at 49 working full-time w children at home then. I am still currently working at nite doing Oncall. I had a great aunt RN who attended my Mom at my birth & now have a niece who just started working as a nurse. Thanks to all our healthcare hero’s! Love the Bud advertísement❤️
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thank you for your service! Just imagine how many people you’ve helped over the years!
Martha Nottingham
I am a retired nurse with about 31 years of active nursing. Worked labor and delivery and NICU. Stayed home for 16 yrs to raise 4 children then returned. Many changes in that time. Nurses at the bedside work unbelievably hard and could not do what they do without support staff such as care techs, lab and X-ray techs and the people behind the scenes such as dietary, house keeping and sterile processing. I know I have left out people but it takes a team to provide good care!!! Kudos to all those involved!!! Proud to br a nurse!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Martha–thank you for your service! And thank you for reminding us that caring for patients requires teamwork!
Mary Green
My dear sister is a retired nurse but her daughter is a cardiologist in St Paul, MN. I just made and mailed her seven my face masks to see which is the best fit so I know which one to make more of for her. Our brother is a retired ER Dr and our cousin Carol is a retired nurse. God has blessed us with these frontline warriors. And may God guard and protect our nurses and docs as we fight this battle.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Mary-thank your family for all their years of service. They have been on the frontlines of many pandemics!
Laura L. Barnes
Wow! It seems nurses do run in families. I am a former CCU RN. My mother was both a CCU LPN II and Cardiac Catheter Lab Technician. My mother in law was an RN as well as her daughter. My former sister in law was an RN then Nurse Practitioner. We have all retired. However, my husband’s cousin is still a practicing RN in Utica, NY.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Wow! Thank you to you and your family! Think of how many people your family has helped over the years! And you’ve face several pandemics over the years!
Thank you to all involved in patient care and also to the cleaning, guarding and cooking (and anyone I left out) staff. You are all heroes in our time of need.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thank you, Linda-for reminding us that taking care of patients is a huge team effort!
My favorite doctor is my daughter, who is an internal medicine hospitalist physician and supervisor of residents and interns. One of my sisters is a nurse; another is a physical therapist. One niece is a nurse; her sister is a respiratory therapist, and I have a brother-in-law who runs a hospital pharmacy. They are all working very very hard. Prayers for all our healthcare professionals on the front lines!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Josie-you have a fully staffed clinic within your own family! Thank them for their service!
I was a teacher, but went back to school at 28 and became an RN. I worked at the University of Wisconsin Hospital for years before retiring. My daughter is a PA in Portland Oregon and is feeling the crisis at the urgent care center the works at. Her plea is on YouTube for people to realize the danger of COVID-19.
(A plea from a health care worker- Portland PA opens up about the cover- 19 crisis)
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thank you and your daughter for all your hard work during this difficult time!
Linda Crawley
Hi Lori, a big hug to you and yours. And a big THANK YOU to all the nurses in the family ❤️. My niece is a nurse practitioner and is also currently working with and testing Covid -19 patients. I pray for everyone’s safety 🙏.
While I am not a nurse myself and my coworkers are on the front line performing cat scans to rule out COVID -19 on our Vets at Hines VA 💖 A big shout out to everyone else who is on the front line caring for patients. 😷 . It takes a lot of heart 💓 and dedication to be in the medical field my prayers to all 🙏. Stay strong and safe.❤️
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Linda-Thank you for your service and all the staff at the VA. There are layers of people who are helping to fight this epidemic, and who do compassionate daily work behind the scenes! Thank you!!!
Diane Obernesser
I’m a retired nurse (Visiting Nurse & pediatric office nurse). I appreciate all the healthcare workers for their dedication on the front lines. They are brave & put aside their safety to take care of very sick people. Thanks for the Appreciation Day & pray that they are all safe.
The nurses I most appreciate are my chemo nurses who are ministering to me, for 3 years now. Our son in law is a nurse but sidelined with need for both knees surgery and now postponed til the duration is over. I am sure many
people are in same boat. In our general area, one especially hard hit area is in Albany. GA at Piedmont Hospital. We are praying for the doctors and nurses daily and nightly. Their own lives are on hold as they sacrifice and work extra shifts. I am sure it is same in many places in the world.. They are on the front lines and need our support in any way we can help. Just pray for them and their families too. Blessings to all your family, Lori.
My granddaughter graduated in December with a BS degree in nursing. Her whole graduating class had jobs, and they have gotten a trial by fire with the covid virus. If you know a nurse, thank them for their devotion to their job.
Mary F Nelson
My son is a doctor at United Hospital in St. Paul. He has a young family (they live pretty close to you I suspect) and he is working long hours, never sure when he will be back home. His wife is doing her best, but it is stressful and the prospect of no end in sight weighs on all.
My husband is a Pharmacist at grocery store pharmacy so he sees both sides of the crisis-a crowded store and shortages of medication. And with the shelter in place order, everyone is in a panic to get their prescriptions filled before they are encouraged to stay put.
I am so proud of both of them and know their hearts are with those who they care for, and their families who miss them.
All heath care workers are God’s angels on earth, as are all those who grow and deliver our food, teach our children, collect our trash, fix our furnaces and keep our world running. This is our opportunity to step back and thank them all.
My son is a nurse in Pensacola, FL (SICU) and last night took care of 2 covid19 patients. We are very proud of him. He went back to school when he was 40 (after being a truck driver) and became a Registered Nurse.
I am a retired RN after working in ICU/CCU for 42 years. It is a challenging and rewarding profession. Prayers go to all the medical profession and first responders in this horrific time. Keep up the good work, know that you are appreciated even at times when you feel you are at your lowest being overworked and frustrated. Remember you are the link to someone improving and going home and being with their loved ones. Thanks for having this Nurse and Doctor Appreciation Day!
My daughter is an RN on a hospital palliative care unit—one of the most levelheaded, compassionate, intelligent persons I know, RNs are truly the backbone of our medical system. We have many other first responders and essential workers in the family, and they all deserve praise and support. Prayers for everyone on the front lines and in support roles! You are all heroes.
I am a retired nurse after 45 years and now my daughter is on the front lines as an Emergency Room supervisor nurse in Alabama. We pray for her everyday as she is also a breast / brain cancer survivor. She is my HERO!! A HUGE THANK YOU to all health care providers who put themselves on the front lines every day!! These people need more than one day of appreciation as many people don’t realize what they give up on a daily basis to help others. Thank you for this recognition!!
Mathilda Bach-Frommer
I’m from a medical family.
My grandmother trained as a nurse during WWl – finished her degree in 1919. My Mum was a nurse as well as two aunts, my sister and four cousins are retired nurses – my two sons are MDs working long hours these days – one is a vascular surgeon the other is a radiologist.
I am all for this appreciation day.
I am a retired nurse and worked on a floor with all private rooms so we saw many different kinds of patients. My daughter is an ER doc and is working at Mayo right in the thick of it. To say I worry is an understatement . The prayer chain from church holds her up and I find that comforting. The service our health care professionals is amazing and under valued by some.
Judy in MO
I’m a retired nurse, active in the profession for 42 years before my retirement. I have such admiration and compassion for those on the frontlines of this war we are waging.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thank you for your years of nursing service! I’m sure they will appreciate your support!
Betty Anne
I have one cousin who is a retired nurse and many friends who are also retired nurses. The pediatric oncology nurses who cared for our grandson when he had brain cancer were the absolutely most amazing people! Selfless, caring, generous, loving. Virtual hugs to all nurses and doctors on the front lines of today’s pandemic. They’re in my prayers every day.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Oh what a difficult time that was for you! So glad to hear you had a loving nurse to guide you through!
I am a nurse working in Northern MN, currently my department is reduced as we call people for surgeries and colonoscopies and procedures. So with decades of experience, I am waiting for ’the call to arms’!
Joan Frome
It is gratifying to see Olivia with proper PPE while working with critical patients. So many family and friends in healthcare, yes it is a worry. My radiology technician daughter working in a clinic does not as the organization has limited PPE and thankfully her first COVID-19 test was negative. I am making masks with HEPA filter material per a you tube video by Dr. Ryan Southworth an ED physician. I was gratified to have it this week as was exposed to covid patients in my job as an RN. Dr Southworth wants this shared widely for those with no formal N 95 masks as Olivia has, it offers more protection than a standard mask. Sorry for the lack of a link, but the title below finds it easily.
A Doctor Explains How To Make The Safest Face Mask
Joan Frome
Sorry this got tagged onto another’s comments, first time posting here
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Stay healthy-I’m sure the call will come and we will need all the nurses and doctors! Please keep us informed of anything we can do for you!
I am a pediatric nurse practitioner and a Doctor of Nursing Practice educator! Nurses are the most trusted profession and we need more of them! Shout out and virtual hugs to all health care professionals and emergency technicians who put their lives on the line every day. Hang in there, we are working to get you the personal protective equipment and ventilators that you need.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Hooray! Thank you for your service! Education is so important right now. I hope you are working with all nurses to ensure PPEs are used properly. First we must make them available, but we must also be sure everyone is using them properly!
My daughter is my favorite doctor. She is a doctor in Milwaukee. She doesn’t miss a beat carrying for her patients. I’m lifting her up and all the other medical staff there. She loves God and prays for his grace and mercy daily to be with everyone at the clinics and hospital. Blessings
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Prayers to you and your daughter! (I lived in Milwaukee for 15 years–many wonderful hospitals!) Wishing her and her patients God Speed!
Maxine Reece
We we have at least 3 nurses in our extended family. My Son has CF and has been hospitalized many times in his 49 years, including a double lung transplant. He has had some of the most wonderful nurses in the world. Thanks to all nurses everywhere for their help and serving.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
How lucky you are to have loving caregivers so close to home. Wishing you and your son all the best during this difficult time!
I don’t have any medical personnel in my family, so please, please PLEASE tell your family members that we appreciate them beyond words and send them our love and prayers.
You have a WONDERFUL family Lori, God bless and stay well. 😊
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I will and I am very proud of all of them!
My sister-in-law and daughter are both PICU nurses, working hard to care for the sickest of children. Thanks and prayers for them and yours and all those on the front lines keeping people safe and cared for.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
We love PICU nurses! They are such a blessing to the parents and siblings of the wee ones!
Mary Rose
You are right words just aren’t sufficient at this time. Please tell all the nurses in your family they are being prayed for everyday and virtually hugged.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
You just did! Thank you!
Corky King
My Step-Daughter is a brand-new doctor, doing her residency in New Orleans. I am worried sick about her, but she is a trooper. I have two nurses in my extended family. I am proud of them, and all of the doctors and nurses who are tirelessly working to help the sick.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Wishing your daughter well and all the people of New Orleans are lucky to have her! She is in our prayers. Please keep us updated about her work in NO!
Hi Lori, I’m a nurse in Ohio but also worked in NY when I was younger. My specialty is Interventional Cardiology
but worked in other areas of adult health. My dream was to be a Psych nurse but it didn’t happen.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your service. I’m sure you used a lot of psychology while treating fearful patients-and their families- in Interventional Cardiology!
My husband is a family practice physician and my daughter is a PA. I am so proud of both of them! I am a semi-retired physician, I don’t have any direct patient contact these days, but I know a lot of health professionals who do. They are real heroes!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thank you to your entire family! You’ve been on the front lines of other epidemics as well! We are grateful to you!
My mom was a nurse and my older sister was a nurse. My older sister was injured on the job (moving patients is no easy task) so she is retired. My mom had 6 kids, didn’t finish high school but when we got a bit older she went back to school and became a nurse. I admire them both as I know for a fact I could not do that job!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I’m sure after having six kids, she was well on her way to being a great nurse!
My favorite doctor is my nephew! He’s one of the calmest people I know, thoughtful, engaging and handsome like his dad! I’m not sure what his duties are with this pandemic, but he has my respect and confidence and I know his peers feel the same.
I pray that the doctors, nurses, first responders and caregivers are all guided and blessed by the Heavenly Father.❤️
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Prayers for your nephew and his family! Thanks for sharing!
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