• Sandy Clarke

    It wasn’t quite Norman Rockwell worthy but we used to have the “Turkey Murder” at my parents house. When the grandkids were old enough one would actually do the “honors”.
    The kids got a glimps of life on the farm when Dad was young. He is gone now but they have good memories.

  • LOVE Norman Rockwell! This reminds me of my “farm boy” husband talking about having to butcher chickens before school so his mother could process them during the day. I don’t think he was ever chased by a turkey…..but our Holliday meals are always hams! He lost all of his interest in poultry meals! LOL

  • Marta

    LOL….as always, Rockwell displays lovable scenes for us. Can you imagine a kid of today dealing with a live turkey… only the country boys who are very blessed not to live away from the farm! Happy and blessed Thanksgiving everyone from the city of renown, LV, NV.

  • Barbara M Emerson

    Rockwell is an American treasure! Love his work!

  • Vanessa Taylor

    Norman Rockwell…my favorite! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • I love the works of Norman Rockwell. So expressive, so typical life in America.

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