New! Let’s Tell and SHOW!!!

September 28, 2018

Machine Quilting, Apple, WormGood Morning, Quilters!

I have an exciting announcement!  Faye and Nora have set up a new Facebook Group for us:  Quilting with LKQ (Lori Kennedy Quilts)!

Please join us right now and say hello!

This is in addition to–not in place of The Inbox Jaunt (soon to be Lori Kennedy Quilts).

The advantage to adding a group–we can share photos!

Machine Quilting, Lori Kennedy, Faces

We can meet each other!

So let’s start today!

We’d LOVE to see–what’s under YOUR needle!


I’m still working small–playing with Melissa Averinos’s Making Faces in Fabric!

Melissa is a talented quilter and prolific  artist.  She does painted imaginative and colorful pet portraits like the ones of Ruby and Roxie.  She also designs fabric, (even leggings) and so much more!

Her book walks you through a step-by-step process to first draw,  then appliqué faces.  (I still need a LOT of practice)  Of course, I felt compelled to do it the free motion way….

Free motioning face-with continuous line–creates a unique challenge. Each of the features has to be connected (so you don’t have to knot off) and those extra lines can be pesky-distorting a face or making a mouth look like a mustache!

What about YOU?

Do YOU have any quilt challenges?

What’s under YOUR needle?

We’d LOVE to hear!


Happy Stitching!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • Ellen Connors

    I was happy to check your facebook page and even more happier to watch the video on tear-away part two using the hoop for quilting. I’d never seen this before and I have a feeling it’s going to change my life. I know facebook has it’s issues but there are some things that it’s great for. LOVE getting your emails everyday and will look forward to seeing you on facebook.

  • Michele

    I also do not do Facebook. I will continue to follow your blog,PLEASE KEEP YOUR BLOG.. Michele

  • Carol Morgan

    Please keep your blog- I have loved following you and learning from you. I bought your books and bought your Crafty classes. I do not choose to use Facebook. Thank you for all you do for us with your amazing talent. Carol Morgan

  • Franni V

    I use FB to keep in touch with friends but I have had to limit the number of groups I belong to,as too many craft groups take a lot of time to read and keep up with.
    Leah Day used to have two FB groups for those who followed her Block if the Month classes, but she closed them earlier this year after realising just how much time and energy administering them took. Time which should be for creativity! Instagram and Pinterest are better vehicles for show and tell in my opinion!

  • Arvilla Trag

    I finally succeeded in uploading photos to the Show and Tell Quilts board on Pinterest. Anyone who wants to be added as a collaborator, please contact me. I think you need to be a collaborator to upload to the board, but I did this for all the “Jaunt” followers, so all are welcome as collaborators. It would be really neat to see some of our attempts at duplicating what Lori teaches us through this blog. I have become quite good at FMQ roses and leaves, thanks to Lori’s crystal clear instructions.

  • Leslie Schmidt

    I don’t do Facebook, so I’m glad you’re not going to eliminate the blog. I share my quilts on the Quilting Board and Pinterest, and that’s all I need. Thanks again for your generosity and talent. I’ve learned a lot.

    P.S. Isn’t it sad that Bear Patch is closing? That was like my “Cheers.”

  • I just saw on the news today that FB has had personal information from over 50 million people hacked yet again! I seldom use FB except to see what’s up with family. Sorry, but I won’t be posting any of my quilts there – but maybe on Arvilla’s Pinterest page. Also agree that NO social media site is without risks. How about Dropbox?


    Lori, like many others and for various reasons, I choose not to do Facebook, but thank you for keeping the Inbox Jaunt, which I love and look forward to continuing to receive.

  • Kathie Banks

    It is my belief that any public forum leaves people vulnerable. Social media is filled with all types of people sharing all kinds of information and like any other public space in the world, we should be wary of it’s dangers. That said, I do enjoy FB and look forward to joining the group there.

  • Terri Crothers

    I am so glad you are back. I learn so much from you Lori. I am sorry for your loss and so respect your decision to devote your time to her. My Mother passed Sept 6 after over 10 yrs of living with Alzheimer’s. Even though difficult, we are grateful for the time we got with her for we talked a lot about memories, looked at pictures and did everything to make her happy.

    • Granny G.

      My heart goes out to you Terri. I went through the same thing from around 1992 to March 2000 when Mom passed away from Alzheimer’s.
      I wish I had been a quilter back then (I only began approximately 2 years ago); it would have helped me through the grief journey. I hope you are blessed with many loving memories and that perhaps quilting helps you through yours.

  • Granny G.

    Dearest Lori,

    I appreciate and respect everything you do, but unfortunately I’m with the others who will never use Facebook – Arvilla said it very well. Not because of Mark Zuckenberg particularly, (although that does factor into it) but for many of the same reasons that others have stated.

    I HUMBLY apologize if this offends you or your lovely daughters, let alone hurt your feelings. This is because of Facebook, NOT you. You are a wonderful, giving, generous woman and I dare say I speak for all of us who follow your blog and think highly of you.

    I wish there was another way to share photos as I would love to do it too. Plus we could share pictures of one another and bring another level of fellowship to all of us who appreciate and admire you.

    God bless.

  • I thought I was the only one that quit Facebook. I will check out the Show and Tell Quilts on Pinterest as an additional place to get quilt ideas, too. Thank you for keeping your blog going as I would miss it terribly. I have both of your free motion books which I use extensively. Thank you for mentoring other quilters.

    • Kay McFall

      Well I’ll be, you guys have the right thoughts about FB !! I quit years ago but not for the same reasons but when I can read and see fabulous stuff like Lori’s blog I can’t resist. Sharing the patterns and the info she shares is an invaluable tool KEEP IT UP, AND COMING . IVE GOTTEN THE COURAGE TO DO BECAUSE OF YOU!!

  • Arvilla Trag

    As an alternative for those of us who will not use Facebook, I have created a board on Pinterest called Show and Tell Quilts. Those who would like to share what you have done and/or see what others of us have done are entirely welcome to post on this board. For each quilt please give your name and any other info you think may be of interest. I will uploaded my own photos later today. THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR LORI’s BLOG. Nothing can replace that. It is merely an alternative venue for those of us who want to share.

    • Faye Kennedy

      Thank you for doing that— Great alternative! We’ll share to both!


    • Granny G.

      Arvilla, you are a gem! Thank you.

      • Arvilla Trag

        Well, I just spent 45 minutes uploading photos to the Show and Tell Quilts board AND THEY ARE NOT THERE. I have done this before, and the photos showed up. I am going to go finish dinner, eat, and later I will resume fighting with technology. If anyone has photos to upload, please do not wait for me to get mine on the board.

  • Jean Berger

    Hi Lori, I read the comments and while I too do not do Facebook, I am glad that your daughters are sharing information in that method. So many young people only choose Facebook and similar platforms to receive information and share ideas. We need to remember to reach out to young folks who can grow in their passion for sewing and textiles and art to keep this quilting / textile art culture thriving!

    Quilt on! I love your blog and your ideas…thanks for all you do to share them!

  • Amanda Cannady

    Hello Lori and all of you wonderful quilters. I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom and will keep you and your family in my prayers. I pray many memories will flood your heart and mind of growing up with the guidance of your mom, her place as grandmother, and your place loving her at the end of her life. May God’s peace and comfort fill your heart.

    Thank you, Lori, for your blog and sharing how to’s on your many quilting motifs. I have taken two of your classes and plan on the next one soon. I have made 7 baby quilts in the last 3 years and have quilted them all myself. The growth is tremendous in my quilting. The last one finished a week ago was inspired by your blog and classes. Thank you very much.

    Thank you quilting friends; you all inspire me with your love of quilting and attitude to keep trying to portray the art of quilting and the love it expresses.

    My first posting, I am a quiet one but wanted to join in to express my thank you to you, Lori and to all of you who inspire me.

    I also, will not be joining FB for the reasons given by Arvilla. I haven’t joined Instagram yet; but that is an idea also.

    Everyone have a blessed day,

  • Judy Chastain

    What a conundrum, Lori, Faye and Nora. I do have Facebook, and I check it about once a month — too much nonsense posted to keep up with it all. I enjoy posts and pictures from family, some videos and music. I also check the quilting sites, because I love to see quilts others have made. I respect the opinions of those who won’t use it, and share the philosophy, but it’s a tool. I’ll be there on Facebook. Just a note, there’s always Instagram.

    • Donna

      No Facebook for me either, but will still enjoy your blog.

  • Helen S.

    So delighted that you are keeping this blog!

  • Amy N.

    Thank you for keeping this blog site. I don’t use Facebook either.

  • Glenda Reece

    Arvilla’s said it all. NO Facebook in my life. I go on Pinterest and see all of Lori’s tutorials… maybe the girls can do the same thing on Pinterest???? we all have choices…THANK YOU for retaining this blog site! It has been a busy year, and so sorry for your lose, same here in April, she taught me to hand quilt at the age of 12, almost 60 now.
    I love you Lori and everything you bring to people to learn

    • Jacqui VMS

      I do use Face book as this is the way the younger generation is communicating…my kids and grandkids and I’d like to keep in touch that way…but I don’t do Pinterest! I have way too many ideas in my brain and Pinterest makes me dizzy LOL! So, we each have our ways of communicating and have to pick and choose. I am glad that you are keeping the blog Lori, but Face book is definitely a great way to put quick comments on. I don’t get to reading all the comments and coming back to them to see who’s replied to them either…just too much to keep up. The downfall of the age of information LOL

  • Maggie A Drafts

    Thanks Lori!!! I’m not sure that you will see ANYTHING from me doing FMQ YET, but I am determined that “this old grey headed mnt. granny” will learn, from YOU!!!!

  • Margaret

    So glad you will be continuing with The Inbox Jaunt (Lori Kennedy Qullts). Good luck with the Facebook group.

  • Patricia Evans

    Sorry, I won’t be able to see and share either because I don’t do Facebook and never have. I hope you do keep up the blog because I’ve learned so much from you.

  • Janette Billings

    So much is changing, not always for the greater good.
    They say its all about the ride!
    One of the wonderful things about our world is having the choice to choose your path.
    Usually based all what you value most.

    Working on embroidered block , by hand. It is the block from the Splendid sampler 2.
    So glad you told us about it, enjoying it very much. Looking forward to getting the book.
    The faces look like a lot of fun, will have to check it out and give it a try.

    Good Luck to your Daughters on their adventure!

  • Dee by the Sea

    Arvilla’s beliefs are mine as well.THANK YOU for retaining this blog!

    Your communication with us was missed ~ I am so pleased that you put your mother first.Embrace the wonderful memories that you shared, I know that she will remain in a special corner of your heart. My heartfelt sympathies to you and to your family.

  • Nancy Burbacher

    I am also one who is not a fan of Facebook. I will join select groups but don’t participate in the group just read posts.
    Condolences on the loss of your mother. I lost mine 35 years ago but it sometimes seems like yesterday. God’s grace and mercy gets us through the days and years.

  • Mrs. Plum

    I don’t do Facebook, either, so I am glad you are keeping your blog.

  • I whole heartedly agree with Arvillla Trag. I could not have said it better myself.

    • I too am finished with Facebook when the last stolen content fell into hands that chose to use “my nothing information” against family, friends, & acquaintances. It took an inordinate amount of effort to get it reconciled. I have never been as disappointed as I was with this denigration of my character. There is no more social media in my life & it is “freeing!”

  • Arvilla Trag

    Lori – is there any site other than Facebook on which we can share with you? I will not use Facebook for a variety for reasons, but the top three are:

    1) They allow pedophiles to have pages, with no thought to the dangers they create

    2) They censor free speech if they do not agree with the opinion, even if it is devoid of profanity or other unacceptable behavior

    3) They provide false information regarding politics and politicians in an attempt to influence elections (by Zuckerberg’s own admission before Congress)

    I cannot in good conscience do anything that will remotely support such an organization. I do not care what Mark Zuckerberg’s opinions are – he is entitled to them. He is not entitled to stifle the opinions of others, or use his wealth to circumvent the Constitution and to influence elections to get HIS desired outcome.

    I would love to see the quilts others have made and to share mine with you, but it must be in a different venue or I can do neither. I suspect I am not alone in this opinion, but if I am, it is not the first time, nor will it be the last.

    • kate gypsybaker

      I agree with Arvilla as well…I canceled my FB years ago.

    • well spoken and greatly supported commeny

    • Carol

      I also agree with Arvilla Trag…what a great way to explain…thanks for sharing…I am not using Facebook either…

      • Lori, I love your site and your quilting, but agree with Arvilla and Carol — I am not on Facebook.

  • Helen

    I love apples … your apple raced into my heart

  • Helen

    Because of time limits, I do not do Facebook but I do make time for this blog. Thank you for not replacing it with Facebook. I have recommended it and your books to friends and in classes I have taught. I missed you while you were gone. I send my condolences on the loss of your mother. Mine went home 3 years ago and I still miss her.

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