My Quilt Adventure–Sewing with Nancy!

February 13, 2017
Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

I’m back from my Quilt Adventure–a trip to Wisconsin to meet Nancy Zieman and record two episodes of Sewing with Nancy!

And what an adventure it was!

My daughter, Faye joined me for the trip.

We arrived in Beaver Dam at Nancy’s office and home of Nancy’s Notions Catalog warehouse and retail store– where we were graciously greeted by Nancy and her wonderful staff.

We spent the day writing a script and preparing a few extra samples.

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

Nancy had an advanced copy of my book, Machine Quilting 1-2-3— (Available March 21!)


The next day, we traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to the Wisconsin Public Televison studios where we met Big Bird!

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

And then went straight to work preparing the studio set.

It was fascinating to see “behind the scenes” of a TV studio!

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

Soon it was   Lights!  Camera!  Action!

I was a little nervous–but Nancy is a pro–she’s recorded nearly 800 episodes of Sewing with Nancy since 1982 -making it one of the longest running TV shows!

You can watch full episodes of Sewing with Nancy online HERE.

And be sure to check out her blog, HERE

Nancy has a wonderful way of making her guest feel welcome and calm.

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

After several hours of demonstrating both doodles and quilting…

the control room declared:  “That’s a wrap!”

Nancy Zieman, Lori Kennedy

Machine Quilting 1-2-3 on Sewing with Nancy will air on September 11, 2017–

And Faye and I will always remember our time with Nancy Zieman, her husband, Rich and her staff, Donna, Emily, Vicki, and all…as one of our most exciting quilt adventures  ever!

Thank you, Nancy!




  • Lori, this is just so fun to read about!! I never thought they recorded so far ahead of time. I remember watching Nancy when I was a nanny way back in 87!

  • Leslie in MN

    So glad to hear of your experience with Nancy, and I look forward to seeing the show. I grew up 35 miles from Madison and attended UW. It’s a cool city. I’ve been going to Quilt Expo in Madison every year but 2 since it started, and I have attended some of the special gatherings to learn more about Nancy and her journey. Very inspiring. She is a special person.

  • Congratulations!!! You were in my ‘hood! And I’ve volunteered with WPT and have seen Nancy’s set up close and personal. Hope you had a wonderful visit to Madison! <3

    • Support

      Loved it! UW campus is amazing!

  • Karen Poling

    I bet that anyone visiting you would be just as honored as you were visiting Nancy!

  • Sharie

    Aw, sounds wonderful ! Looking forward to your book.

  • annieofbluegables

    Oh wow! My two favorite people!!! How wonderful!

  • Robbie Carpenter

    So proud of you Lori!!! Can’t wait to see the show, just put it on the calendar. I am going to get your book pronto when it comes out. You are just awesome, I have learned so much since I started your classes and blog!!

  • Mary Rose

    So excited for all your enterprises. Can’t wait for your book.

  • Lori that is so fantastic! I love this show and catch it every chance I get and have for years!! Yay for you! So exciting! Can’t wait to see it!

  • Marta

    Entering the show date in my Sept calendar now!! Enjoyed watching Nancy’s program for many years, What fun for you!

  • Teri Coha

    So happy for you that it went well and you had fun! Nancy Zaman and big Bird in one trip!! Does not get better than that!
    Looking forward to seeing you on television.

  • Congratulations once again. I KNEW you were going to be famous one day! No one could so generously share her knowledge and inspiration the way you have over the years without the Universe richly rewarding you. An AQS column, a book, a tv appearance—the sky’s the limit for you—I just hope and pray you’re never so busy that you give up this blog. Thank you, Lori….

    • Support

      Thank you so much!!! Very kind! The blog is always my first love!

  • Janice King

    What a wonderful adventure! You and your daughter will surely have great memories of your time there. Love Nancy’s shows.

  • So happy for you. Wrote your date on my calendar. Is there a pre-order anywhere for your book?

  • Florence

    Sept 11, 2017, is on a Monday. We see Nancy’s TV shows here on the West Coast on SUNDAY’S. Is your airing date correct? I don’t want to miss it!

  • Becky Shaffer

    Good for you, Lori! It sounds like you had a great time! I can’t wait to see the show!

  • I can’t wait to see it! Exciting!

  • Marilyn Anders

    So awesome Lori! I can’t wait to watch! I’m looking forward to my signed copy of your book!!!

  • Judith Creed

    Wow! I watch Nancy weekly and now we will have the opportunity to see you on her show! Also looking forward to your new book.

  • Linda Thompson

    Lori, I am so excited for you, but for us as well…we finally get to “meet” our blog mentor! I live so close, but haven’t had that opportunity yet!

  • Utterly cool. Despite being a wonderful program, Sewing with Nancy is no longer carried in my PBS market so please give us a reminder/heads up in September when the episode is available on the PBS streaming site.

    • Linda Thompson

      Susan, the show is available on the Iowa PBS station as soon as it is aired. So mark your calendar and catch it! What fun!

  • Linda Kennedy (not related!)

    How exciting!

  • Heidi Dewey

    Very exciting! How fun to meet a quilting “star” while becoming one, yourself! ????????

  • Ruth Wingfield

    What an exciting experience for you! I love watching her show, and will look forward to your episodes. You are a great teacher and so deserving of this recognition. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with the quilting world!

  • loosecannon2

    Nancy Zieman epitomizes perseverance, exuberance, a zest for life, & continuing forward with all the slings & arrows that life throws ones way. I watch each of her shows & always come away uplifted. That you & she met could only have been a wonderful & enlightening experience. I am so happy for You Lori that your career is bursting forth. Thank You ever so much.

  • Barb Ellis

    Looking forward to seeing you on Nancy.

  • Michele Ward

    What a wonderful and exciting experience!! Love your blog! Thank you.

  • I’m so glad to hear that Nancy is well again and back to taping. I look forward to seeing the show in September.

  • Andrea_R

    This is SO EXCITING!

  • Your wonderful experience looks great. I am looking forward for your book to be on sale. I’ll ask my daughter to buy it for me and register your TV show in September so that I’ll see it when traveling to the States at the end of the year.

  • Jennifer P

    How exciting to be part of Sewing with Nancy! I can’t wait to see your segment when it airs! I’ve watched Nancy for years.

  • Christina in FL

    Oh Lori, how completely WONDERFUL!!! I am so glad to hear of your adventure, book and what a great time! I can’t wait for both your show and book. You deserve this and so much more.

  • Carla Cavaliere

    How fabulous!! Cannot wait to see it!

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