• Leslie Schmidt

    I don’t recall ever hearing the name of this artist. And he was an American. I’d like to see more of his work. Thanks again for finding something to inspire and educate me.

  • Patsy Kaufman

    I am an intermediate free motion quilter and machine appliquéer.
    Patsy Kaufman

  • Calms me just to gaze at her and hear the sound of her garden as she stitched away!
    Thank you, Allison in Plano, TX

  • Suzanne Beech

    Lovely picture…looks like a very peaceful placectocwork.

  • Marta

    Hmmm. …lovely but as a person with an art degree, I am surprised that I never heard of this artist. His bio-life is very interesting. His wife looks young. She must have been from upper class to have a dress from such an ethereal fabric and spending her time embroidering..I never saw anyone embroider by resting the hoop on a forearm while tucking a hand behind. Maybe her hand/wrist got tired but he chose to paint her that way.Or maybe she lost her hand in an accident. Either way, she is brave to embroider no matter what life dealt her. May we all be so brave and persistent. Again, Lori, you expand my horizons and education…thank you.

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