More Ways to Divide and Conquer Quilt Design

September 24, 2020

Today’s Topic: More Ways to Divide and Conquer Quilt Design

Welcome to Week Nine of The Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.

Find all of the previous Lessons HERE.

Sign up for emails of the class HERE.

Join the private Quilting with LKQ Facebook Group HERE

Good Morning, Quilters!

Again, thank you for all of your comments on marking tools! Yesterday, I offered the reasons I no longer use Frixion Pens for quilt marking (difficult to completely erase) and it seems I’m not alone.  Several quilters shared their stories about Frixion pen marks reappearing.  As always test all marking pens on your fabrics!

I’d also repeat that I use white chalk a lot–but I don’t recommend colored chalk as it can often be difficult to erase.


If you would like to share photos, the best way is in our private Facebook group, Quilting with LKQ

If you are not on Facebook and you would like to share a photo with me, send photos via my email address, and label them “LKQ”.  Also please note whether or not I have your permission to use the photo on my blog and what name you would like published–for example, some people prefer only their first name.

Divide and Conquer Design

Yesterday, we reviewed a simple way to divide a square or a rectangle.  We will be using this technique in an upcoming project, and I use this technique frequently to help divide large areas into shapes that allow for easier quilt design.

After dividing the quilt space–block or border–I sample a variety of motifs and combinations of motifs. I flip through my motif books

or I visit the over 150 step-by-step motif tutorials here at LKQ.

Your Ruler Collection

If you’re like me, you’ve amassed a large collection of rulers in a variety of shapes and sizes.  In addition to squares and rectangles, you might have diamonds, triangles, circles.

Use your collection to create interesting designs as a framework for motifs.

Dividing Circles

Have you ever tried to divide a circle into equal segments?  It makes my head twirl to think about pulling out a compass…

But there is an easy way.

Start with the divided square and extend the lines to divide the circle into equal segments.  No compass!!!

As long as the center of the circle and the center of the square are the same point–it works!

Divided Borders: Triangles filled with lines, Rectangles filled with flowers
Divided Borders: Triangles filled with lines, Rectangles filled with flowers
The Quilt Design Formula

Use rulers and marking tools to divide blocks or borders.  (You don’t need to stitch these lines!)

Add motifs.

Beautiful quilt!

The divisions can be subtle…Instead of stitching a long motif like feathers in the large white border above, I divided the border into squares and stitched flowers.


Use a French Curve ruler too!
YOUR Assignment

Doodling is essential to good quilt design!

This week, focus on dividing your paper into compositions and filling the shapes with a variety of motifs.

Dividing the paper creates restraints and for many people-restraint makes design easier–not harder!


Doodle Every Day!

I have stacks and stacks of doodles (think fire hazard).

Starting today, I will share a few doodles every day–and maybe then I can purge the paper—but will I????

Wavy Lines are great for quilt design!

May your day be filled with restraint unrestrained Joy,

Your Doodle Hoarder,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thank you!

Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books!  They are ALL bestsellers!



  • Hi Lori,

    I just went looking for this page via the 25 WEEK QAL in your site banner, and I was disappointed to see that no links are there for week 14 yet. It would be nice if your IT people would do the linking as soon as you send out the emails, so that we don’t have to search through all our emails to get back to the most current posts. I get a LOT of emails …

  • Arvilla Trag

    Lori, that green border example is stunning! And brilliant!

  • Julia

    Hi Lori… I took a class yesterday for the embroidery capability of my Bernina 770. During the class the instructor mentioned marking tools. Her favorite is Ultimate Marker. They had them for sale there. I didn’t purchase one so I can’t speak to their use, but I thought I’d run it by you to see if you’ve used it. I recommended the quilt along. Maybe some new members will hop on board!

  • Carol

    Your page background hurts my head. As I scrolled down the page, the images roll up and the background stays still. Bad for people susceptible to migraines.

    • Mine doesn’t do what you are describing. It seems to be fine.

    • Marta

      This is a mystery to me… the background on my screen shows up as white around the photos of the quilt samples. And all text has white background. Hmmm.

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