More Easy Flower Motifs and a Leaf

June 18, 2020
Flowers, Machine Quilting, Tutorial, Lori Kennedy

Today’s Topic:  More Easy Flower Motifs and a Leaf to Doodle 

Good Morning, Quilters!

I am thrilled by the huge response to our quilt-a-long, 25 Weeks to Better Machine Quilting, based on my new book!

The enthusiasm in the Facebook page, Quilting with LKQ, is inspiring!  We’ve enjoyed meeting quilters from all over the world!

I LOVE your doodles!!!!

Let’s capture the momentum and build on it with a few more easy flower motifs to doodle.  Start stitching anytime you feel inspired!

Check out the latest doodle video HERE.

More Easy Flower Motifs
The Wide Leaf

The Wide Leaf motif can be found on page 77 of  Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3.

It is one of my favorite leaf motifs.  When you’re stitching a round flower in a square block, it helps to fill the corners.

Easy Breezy Flower (AKA Easy Peasy Flower)

The Easy Breezy Flower is a great beginner motif and can be found HERE and in More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3.

This flower is quick to stitch and fills in around other patterns well.

Forget Me Nots

Forget-Me-Nots are found HERE on page 92 of Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3.

This tightly clustered flower adds nice contrast when combined with other flowers.  It is easy to doodle, though it requires more careful stitching technique to keep the pattern small and compact.

Give it a try!

Tomorrow: Frequently Asked Questions

Happy Doodling and Stitching!


Today’s Doodle video: More Easy Flowers and a Versatile Leaf HERE

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thank you!





    Slightly confused. Is this the 25 week quilt along? What week is it? I got this post via my subscription to your emails/blog. I have all 3 books and appreciate your references to the pages of the books. It’s great to have videos on youtube.

  • Cyndy

    enjoying this bu5 will enjoy more when my main machine is back from repair!

  • Louise

    Hi Mary! Save all your “samplers” and put them into a quilt when this series is complete! Good luck,

  • Louise

    Oh Lori. Thank you again and again and for referencing what book the motif first appeared in. So very helpful for review (refresher — not to mention, I may need another book! LOL. THANKS. LOUISE

  • Joyce Beyer

    I am finding these a challenge, but determined to continue the practice. I have been doing meandering in the past and straight line quilting with a walking foot. I have always worn quilters gloves for meandering and find it easier for the doodling too. There has been no mention of using gloves. Thoughts?

    • A

      Many people love gloves. I don’t like them for myself. We will review a variety of options in an upcoming lesson.

  • Susan Coolidge

    I plan to use them in my latest baby quilt. Thank you.

  • Mary Green

    Omigosh, Lori. I’ve done some free motion quilting on my own now but nothing like these first days with you. Not only do I have the full machine set up for it, but my mind is much more focused.
    I started with a much slower speed until I got the feel of the petals and then moved it up a little. I know with time I will be able to go much faster, but for now I’m happy. And my results are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!! I am so proud of myself. Thank you thank you thank you!
    Also, I think a lot of it has to do with the little quilt sandwiches we’re working on, with the solid top fabric. I’m definitely saving these little treasures. I machine wrote the names next to each of my motifs (Giggle!)

  • Cheri

    Sweet tiny flowers are of the more challenging motifs on a longarm, that’s why I’m also using my DM! I love them tho and will proceed to practice, practice, practice!

  • Linda Klein

    Can’t wait to try this. Busy at work this morning.

  • Marta

    Beautiful !

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