Good Morning, Quilters!
Today we have more details about THE Quilt-a-long based on my new book, 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
Books are AVAILABLE on Etsy!
First of all, I would like to thank you all for the tremendous response to the book and the quilt-a-long! Our book sales in the Etsy shop have been incredible-so incredible that it appeared the book was sold out!
No need to worry, there are more books winging (or trucking) their way from Martingale in Washington to my HQ in Minnesota–and will be shipped to you within days!
If you pre-ordered 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting (before Friday, June 5) your book is on it’s way and many of you have already received your books! A few quilters did not get a shipping notification. We are looking into why this happened, but rest assured your book is in the mail.
Ebooks also Available
If you live outside the United States, shipping costs may be significant.
Please consider the Kindle edition available on Amazon HERE.
Also available on MartingaleTPP HERE.
Read about Martingale e-books HERE.

Don’t Need the Book to Start the Quilt-a-Long
Please don’t worry if you haven’t received the book before we start the quilt-a-long on June 15, 2020! I will guide you through the first lessons and you will have a seamless start (pun intended) to the quilt-a-long.
Quilt-a-Long Format
Yesterday, (Read yesterday’s post HERE) I posted the concept behind the quilt-a-long. I think the best way to learn a new skill is by following the formula:
Receive Feedback
With that structure in mind, each week will loosely follow the schedule:
Mondays-Discuss the new skill, technique or material.
Tuesdays-Doodle and set up the new project
Wednesday, Thursday-Stitch the project
Friday-Open line discussion

Fit the Quilt-a-Long into YOUR Schedule!
The quilt a long will be available here on my website, LoriKennedyQuilts.com. It will remain here indefinitely. There are no fees and no sign-up is required. In fact, purchasing the books from my Etsy shop is recommended, but not required (though I hope you will!)
If YOU have a busy summer schedule, no worries…take the lessons at your own pace.
It doesn’t matter if you learn free motion quilting in 25 days, 25 weeks, or 25 years, (I don’t recommend the 25 decade method!)
The important thing is to keep practicing and learning!
Receiving feedback is an important part of learning a new skill. Perhaps you could create a small group challenge within your quilt-guild or find a single quilting buddy?
Be sure to sign up for the Facebook group page Quilting with LKQ.
Use the hashtags #quiltwithlori and #martingaletpp to see what others are quilting!
My Guarantee
I guarantee you will be a better machine quilter in 25 Lessons!
JOIN the fun!
Share with your friends!
One Joyful Quilter,
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thanks!
Caroline White
Hi Lori, it is unclear to me and maybe to others how you are setting up the class on Monday. I’d like to join you live if that is possible. Is the class going to be live on Facebook and recorded for people to view later? What time?
Caroline White
Isabel Waddell
Received my copy with the wonderful signed message and sample flower… Thank you I loved it! The book is so amazing. I made a quilt for my granddaughter and quilted it myself using lessons I learned from you through blue print! I’m looking forward at improving and learning more! Blessings! Isabel
Connie Burroughs
Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.
Connie Burroughs
I am so looking forward to the book and the class. Ordered in the beginning but have not received a shipping notice. Please tell me it is on its way. Thank You, Thank You.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
It’s in its way!
Received my book yesterday thank you for the umbrella. Such an apt gift for me. When I was younger used to wear a blouse from the forties and it had umbrellas on it and I had an umbrella pin I wore on the wool jacket I wore with it. LOL you are kind to offer this sew along to all of us that are wanting to learn or at least try.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I must have known….
Isis Elisbeth Pluut
Thank you for making the book available on Kindle. Shipping to Europe is indeed almost as much as the book. Often Kindle books in the US are not available outside the US however yours is and am really looking forward to learning more. Thank you also for organizing the QAL, this will really help in learning and motivating us.
Lillian Krueger
I’m very interested in your new book, however the shipping charges to Canada make is too expensive for me at this time I’m hoping you will make it available through Amazon.ca as this seems to be the cheaper way to transport for us. I really enjoy your emails and am looking forward to begin the classes.
Janet Laidley
I ordered my book from Chapters, Newfoundland, Canada. Will not have it for few sessions but I can always go back.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I will forward your comment to Martingale. The may have some influence on Amazon.ca?!
I got my book yesterday June 9th so excited!!
Crystal Turner
Really looking forward to the quilt along. Please check on my book order as I have not received it as of the date. I too am a beginner and hope I can do this. Thanking you in advance for all you do.
Is there anything we need to prep or buy to be ready for Monday. Things might be hard to find right now.
Hi Lori, I purchased the kindle book, hope I am not sorry when the class comes that I didn’t get the book book. Waiting for the start, nervousness keeps me from quilting on my stuff, what if I ruin it??? I like the look of the kindle book, it looks like it will be great!
Ronda Rickard
I noticed you sew on a Bernina 770. I also sew on that machine. I wondered if you ever use your Stitch Regulator to free motion quilt? If not why? Thanks
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I do not use a stitch regulator. I learned to FMQ before the BSR was available. Once you develop your own sense of rhythm, it would be like adding training wheels back on your two-wheeler!
Martha Abstein
Received your book today and was so excited to see you welcome message. It made me feel like you were in this to really help me free motion quilt. Thank you.
Ann-Marie Picone
I can’t wait, for the quilt along and my book!!
Ann Avis
Received your book today I’m excited to get started!
Ronda Rickard
Just received my autographed book today! Thank you so much for the sample square! I am honored to have a piece for your work! Happy Sewing!
I am out of town till end of July so can I still sign up and catch up when I get home?
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Of course!
Rhonda Pecenka
I am very new to quilting and have a mid-arm. I just loaded my second quilt on the frame and wonder if I can use it for part of the projects or if I should work on something else. I am waiting for some batting to be delivered and hope it arrives soon. I’m very excited to follow along. I got my book yesterday, so happy with it!!! Thank you for everything.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I think you may be able to use it.
Susie Busch
I am so excited to do the quilt along. I have taken several classes, but have not quite gotten how to free motion quilt. I have a pile of quilts to quilt so hoping I can get this!!!
Thank you!!
Carrolyn v
I am an experienced longarmer who uses your books all the time. I learn something new every time! Thank you,
Pam Pettit Bauer
Is this for long armors as well?
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Yes! Most of the information is applicable!
Debbie Bloomer
Lori, I recurved two books! Not my intention. I’d like to return or share. Any suggestions? I’m really anxious to get started.
Is this appropriate for a rank beginner? Not even sure my machine will quilt!
Jo Larson
Absolutely! Lori is a great teacher. I just couldn’t get the hang of fee motion quilting before I found Lori. I participated in one of her quilt alongs a couple of years ago. By the end, I was free motion quilting!!!
All of her books are fabulous, but I recommend her newest book if you’re just getting started. The other two have great tips and are heavy on motifs, so definitely look into those also.
In case you’re wondering, I’m not a relative of Lori’s! Never even met her, but I would love to! She’s just the person who taught me free motion quilting from afar!
Love the new book!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Absolutely! Best to learn step by step!
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