Minnesota Style Creativity

January 25, 2016
Frozen Jeans
Frozen Jeans
Image Credit: Tom Grotting

You know the expression, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade….”  This beats all!

Check out what Minnesotans are doing this winter!

Bored Panda

Chalk it up to Creativity mixed with a sense of humor!

Hope your day is filled with both,


PS…If you want to give it a try, just run the jeans through the wash machine and spin cycle…remove and shape outdoors–it takes just minutes (I’m told).



  • omg, this is so funny, reminds me of when I lived in Europe, the landlord used the attic to dry sheets and they were solid. We had to sleep underneath, hahaha! Needless to say we were frozen as well as the sheets!

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    I’ll have to try this sometime when it gets colder.

  • Michele

    oooh….this ALMOST makes me miss Minnesota. I always say the colder but drier air in Minnesota was better than the damp cold of Michigan.

  • LOL! I suppose if it’s gonna be cold anyway, one just as well find a way to make it fun! 🙂

    • A

      Exactly. One thing I’ve learned living in Minnesota–the natives never complain about the weather or re-schedule plans for weather…they just layer up and carry on!

  • Jackie

    The trick to this is that the temperature must be way below 32 degrees. Closer to zero works best. That way you get a good hard freeze on them.

  • Marta

    When we had 23′ overnight, I hung out a card table size cloth dripping wet. I thought it would freeze in shape…nada… Must be a mystery trick to it ! The frost and ice on bushes and ground the next morning were lovely tho. Love the jeans idea. And it is a treat to see what other regions do. Thanks.. BTW, celebrating 2 years this week of Jaunting with Lori and Friends. Appreciate that too !

    • WordPress.com Support

      Hurray, Marta! You’ve certainly enriched our lives!

  • Laroletta Petty

    How fun-Great inspiration on a Monday to just enjoy the week. Thank you!

  • Jacqui

    That is too funny!!!!! Great sense of humour for sure :-). They are embracing the cold!

  • Да, до такого даже мы не додумались! У нас в разных городах зимой устраивают конкурсы рукотворных фигур из льда. Очень красиво!
    Ваши друзья видно веселились на славу!

    • A

      Do you have any pictures of your ice sculptures? or any links to photos that you could share?
      By the way, what town are you from? I’m VERY glad that you take the time to write. I always get the translation!

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