Good Afternoon, Quilters!
I’m off to a late start…
First, I want to thank all of you who have purchased my book--Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3! It is sellin’ like hotcakes! And getting rave reviews…
Please consider writing a review on Amazon (even if you didn’t buy from there) it really helps!!
Personalized, autographed copies are available from my Etsy shop, The Inbox Jaunt Shop HERE
(Be sure to include the names of who you want the book autographed “to”…makes a great gift for your quilting friends!)
Also available in print and Kindle editions at Amazon HERE
And be sure to check YOUR local quilt shop! I know Bear Patch Quilting in White Bear Lake has copies!!!
My motto for 2017 is Make New Friends…I would like to try new things, learn new techniques and think in new ways…
But I also love to meet new people.
This week we are going on a blog hop with a few of the BERNINA Ambassadors! Each day, I will include links to a few new friends!
I am certain YOU will find inspiration along the way!
Today…please hop over to meet Kelly, Lynn, Diane and Melody–Read their stories and discover their passion!
Be sure to leave a comment here and there!
They all want to meet YOU too!!!
Monday March 20
Lynn Carson Harris
Kelly Ashton
Diane Doran
Melody Crust

Happy Hopping…
But be sure to hop right back tomorrow…I have a really fun tutorial for YOU! (and more friends to meet!)
Ophelia faires
I love your quilting instructions and I have used some and have always been very proud of your great and compleat instructions can’t wate to get your new book thank you for helping us quilters
Ophelia Faires Support
So happy to hear! I hope you love the book!
Oh joy! I bought the Nook version and it is wonderful & convenient to move from sewing machines, class, wherever!
I’m so glad we got to know each other thanks to BERNINA!! Support
I agree, Christa!!!
theresa micene
Got my copy! I’d followed your advice of making cards with the quilting designs (which I love) but it’s great to have it in book format.
Jo O.
Lori, I don’t remember how I found your blog, but have been following for a few years now. I love that you freely share your knowledge of free motion and motifs you’ve created. I purchased both of your classes from Craftsy and now purchased your book! You deserve success, as I’ve learned so much from you at no cost, so I gladly support you in your adventure of being published. Thank you for your love of our craft and sharing your knowledge. Support
Thank you!!! I hope you find the print version to be a great resource!
Pamela North
I picked up my autographed copy of your book from the Post Office (in Australia) today. Wow! I am in awe of the work you have put into it. The pages of basic information before the designs even begin are wonderful. Super congratulations. Support
Thank you! So fun that it is in Australia! I hope it finds a home right next to your sewing machine!!
Claire Jungersen
Your book came today! It is wonderful! Can’t wait to start playing and practising.Thanks so much Support
I cant wait to see what you create!!!
Lori, I’ve followed you for quite some time. Love your patterns!! Ordered your book today and am looking forward to working with it. And, yes, I will give it a 10 and haven’t even seen it yet!!!
Good luck with all you do
Sharie Support
Thank you Sharie!! I cant wait to see what you create!
Thank you for introducing us to new friends and reminding us about old friends we haven’t visited for a while. Love the new book. I got it on the kindle for my Mac and it is great.
Deborah Buckley
I love your book. I used it this last week to help with quilting my first freemotion quilt. I have been telling all who will listen. It is so great that you do a step by step, It is very helpfull. Support
Your first FMQ quilt?! Way to go!!!
Going to post review now. Great book!!!! Support
Thank you!!!!
Terry Sheldon
Love your book, review posted! You’re the best, Lori… Support
Thank you Terry!!! And thanks for the very nice review!
Christine B.
Hi Lori! I received your beautiful book in the post today (all the way in England) and I just can’t wait to get to my machine and start stitching. I loved reading about you and the Bernina Ambassadors… I have always used a Bernina machine and I love it…. well them actually!! I see you are all holding Swiss flags in the photo…. have you ever been to Switzerland to the Bernina factory in Steckborn? It truly is the most beautiful place… you should visit!
With out even seeing the book ,l am positive that it is wonderful. Have followed your blog for a year and half and learned so much. Have been able to finish 5 quilts because of your step by step instructions. Presently working on number 6 planes, trains and automobiles. Your easy to follow tutorials and your passion for quilting keeps me coming back for more. You are a very talented person.
Unfortunately l am unable to purchase your book at this time.
Thank you so very much for sharing your gifts.
My book just arrived today, my husband purchased it for me from Amazon. I am so excited, I love everything you share with us. Now I can practice, practice and practice!
Hugs, Debbie
Your “masterpiece” is amazing; it is as though you are sitting by my side smiling that confident smile that says “YOU GO GIRL YOU CAN DO IT, just doodle, doodle, doodle. Having the spiral bound, flat lying book is “the best!”
Although radiation slows me down a bit I keep going & reading your blog is a great inspiration. Thank You Lori ever so much.
Cindy Janke
I have been a faithful follower of your blog for over two years. I got THE book and LOVE it! I may never like the quilting part of making a quilt as much as you do, but I will be better at it because of you, Lori. Thanks!
Lori, I received your book today, and it is no effort to give it and you rave reviews! Thank you so much for sharing your great talent with us! Support
Thank you!! Thank you! Thrilled you like it!
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