Machine Quilting Quick Tip–Practice Sandwiches

April 30, 2018
Quilt Practice Sandwiches

Quilt Practice SandwichesGood Morning, Quilters!

I always have a stack of quilt sandwiches of various sizes sitting by my sewing machine.

I use them for warm up exercises, to try new motif ideas and sometimes to create small quilts.

Quilting, Practice Sandwich, Machine Quilting, Lori Kennedy

The sandwiches range in size from 10 inch layer cake squares to 44 inch square.

I LOVE having these practice square at the ready.  When I have a few minutes between loads of laundry or when I should be dusting, I can stitch  (instead of scrolling my phone!).

St. Patrick's Day, FMQ, Lori Kennedy

Most of the practice sandwiches are throw aways.  I cut out the motifs that are nice (if you’ve ordered a book from me recently–you probably received one!) and I throw the rest of the sandwich away.

But sometimes…the small practice pieces become favorites.



My quick tip today:  Create a stack of quilt sandwiches in a variety of sizes.  When inspiration strikes (like tomorrow’s Ridiculous Rooster tutorial) or last week’s Silly Bird tutorial...YOU will be ready to stitch!

What about YOU?

Do YOU have a stack of practice sandwiches?

Do YOU keep a doodle pad near you at all times?

Do YOU have a Machine Quilting Quick Tip you’d like to share?

We’d LOVE to hear!

May YOU have fifteen minutes to stitch today!


PS…There are more Spring Clean Studios ready to tour!  (See my CLEAN studio HERE)

April 23 – Lori Crawley Kennedy –
April 24 – Jennifer Thomas –
April 25 – Robin Koehler –
April 26 – Andi Barney-
April 27 – Misty Cole –
April 28 – Carolina Moore-
April 29 – Heather Pregger –
April 30 – Linda Bratten –





  • Nana in AZ

    I always make a practice piece for the quilt I am about to free motion on using same fabrics. I use it to warm up and test different threads. And adjust my machine Tension

  • Piecequilts

    Could your Doodle pads be used for burp cloths ??

  • I have seen folks make small pouches, zipper bags and small totes with their practice pieces too!

  • Judy allen

    I serge finish the edges and donate the larger practice pieces to the local animal shelter

  • I heard another quilter say to date your practice sandwIches and keep them. That way you can see your improvement over time. Especially when you are just getting started with free motion quilting! Another quilter saves her for packing dishes when moving.

  • Rosemaryflower

    I need to make sandwiches.
    Everyone’s ideas are just great. I have some old sandwiches that have been fmq’d but they are only good for a mugrug, or a frisbee. (actually, frisbees could be very fun for inside the house with those silly grand kiddies)
    I will put this idea on my long list of things I should be doing instead of cleaning.
    the year is 2018, how come we do not have a button to push to just clean and sanitize the entire house??

  • janbevan

    My cat has a mat in every room. I make little fabric buckets and boxes and table mats as practice pieces. They make great ironing pads too. Love the idea of sending out motifs with your books. How fabulous. I recommend your pages to all my students.

  • Amy N.

    A pet bed tip: Line a trash container with fabric seams and/or fold on 3 sides. Fold the opening over the top of the waste basket and place near or under your cutting table. As you trim, simply place all the scraps in the prepped ‘bed.’ When full sew opening shut. This makes it simple to keep those unwanted bits under control and your sewing space neat.

  • susan hilsenbeck

    I always have a practice mock-up of the quilt I’m working on, to test tension, thread color and weight, but I love the idea of using layer cake squares — won’t grunge-reads like a solid layer cakes be great?

  • Nancy

    This weekend I enjoyed seeing you on “Sewing With Nancy”. My husband suggested that I make up some sandwiches to practice with. I really like your designs and methods. Thank you.

  • I have lots of orphan pieced blocks that keep calling to me. I’m just getting started on FMQ on my home machine, so I make sandwiches out of the pieced blocks. I can practice either FMQ or walking foot techniques, and sometimes the finished pieces end up as candle mats or placemats. If I want to practice motifs, I do make the sandwiches out of solids.

  • Brenda Perry

    I loved getting your “practice” motifs inside your new book when it arrived!

    I would like to share a tip: I use my practice sandwiches (that aren’t project worthy) to make pet beds for my local animal shelter. If they are small, I use a QAYG method to join them. I make pads for the beds out of batting and fabric scraps. Please don’t throw quilting scraps into the landfill – the animals love them!!

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    I occassionally have sandwhiches ready. For those sandwhiches that have been filled up, I have made pet mats putting two sandwhiches seamed together and filled with scrap batting and unwanted scrap fabrics to be donated to a rescue. Most recently I have turned a practice sandwhich into a fabric bucket from a free pattern on Craftsy.

    • I sew together two practice pieces and fill them with fabric scraps and batting scraps. I cut up the larger pieces into smaller pieces. It is so much fun to give to my family and friends who have dogs.

  • EvelynB

    Imagine my delight when I got my new book and opened it up to find two of your motifs! I couldn’t stop smiling. Made me very happy to have something created by your hands. A little treasure!!

  • Cheri

    Love this tip, no I don’t have a stack ready to go! Why didn’t I think of that!
    However, I have a doodle pad in almost every room in the house! And for my quick tip, I always read the Inbox Jaunt!

    • Cheri

      Oh and p.s. throw those discards my way please! I love them!

  • That’s a great way to use fabric you’re no longer thrilled with, or has been damaged in some way. If the pattern on the fabric is too loud, turn it over and use it with the back side up, or use it for the backing side.

  • Marie

    Do you use backing, too? Just muslin?

    • A

      I do use backing–because sometimes the practice pieces turn out well and I want to use them. Muslin is fine–or whatever you have!

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