Machine Quilting Quick Tip-Bobbin Thread Color

March 12, 2018
Thread Saver Bobbin Holder

Thread, Bobbin, Machine Quilting

Good Morning, Quilters!

Thank you to all who pre-ordered personalized, signed copies of More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 from my Etsy Shop.

YOUR enthusiasm is heartwarming!

MORE is selling like hotcakes–Thank YOU!!!  The first book of motifs is a best-seller–please help me make More a bestseller too!

Thread Saver Bobbin Holder


Last week we discussed how to choose the best weight of thread for the bobbin when free motion or long arm quilting.

The color of the bobbin thread is important, too!

Recently while stitching, I noticed my yellow thread color didn’t look as rich as I thought it should…

A quick check of the bobbin revealed that I had brown thread in the bobbin. Even though my stitch was balanced, the bobbin thread was creating a dark shadow.  When I switched to yellow thread in the bobbin, the stitches looked prettier–a deeper yellow.

In the first photo above, the left lower side is stitched with the brown bobbin and the right is stitched with yellow bobbin.

The difference is subtle in the photograph, but quite noticeable in the quilt sample.

For this quilt, I wanted the richer color…the yellow in top and bobbin.

I usually try to match my top and bobbin thread color--but not always! (More on that in a later post…)

Machine Quilting Quick Tip:  Bobbin thread color is important – even when your stitch is well-balanced.  Use matching thread color for the richest version of the color or use a different color to create special effects.

What about YOU?

Do YOU pay attention to bobbin thread color?

Does YOUR bobbin thread match the quilt back or the thread on top?

Do YOU have a preference?

We’d LOVE to hear!

Happy, Colorful Stitching,


Pre-Order signed copies of More Fee Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 from TheInboxJauntShop HERE
More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




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