Good Morning, Quilters!
The links for the Spring, 2017 machine quilting QAL (Quilt a long) are fixed and you can find them all in this post! Hooray!
As you know, we recently moved seven years worth of blog posts from The Inbox Jaunt to our shiny new site, Lori Kennedy Quilts.
Unfortunately, moving a website is the digital equivalent of moving a very large house cross country.
Some things get lost. Other things get broken. But once everything is all put in place, it’s worth it!

Oldies, but Goodies!
I plan to fix the broken links, dust them off, and post them along with new content.
While I hate to repeat myself…my kids may disagree…
I think it’s fun to review some of these old gems. For those of you who are new, these posts may be new to YOU!
BTW–If YOU find a “broken-link” post you would like repaired, send an email to

The Spring 2017 Machine Quilting QAL
This quilt a long is packed with lessons!
You will learn two ways to create half square triangles and two ways to size up a borders.
Then, learn why stablizing a quilt is important and how to do it.
Next, learn four ways to quilt half square triangles and three fabulous border motifs,
Along the way you will learn about thread, batting and other supplies.
And all of the techniques can be applied to much larger quilts!

- Lesson One: A New Quilt-a-Long
- Lesson Two: Stitching The Half Square Triangles
- Lesson Three: Creating HST with Triangles on a Roll
- Lesson Four: Piecing the Top
- Lesson Five: Borders and Layering
- Lesson Six: Stabilizing
- Lesson Seven: HST-Basic Stitching of Half Square Triangles
- Lesson Eight: HST-X marks the Spot
- Lesson Nine: Half Square Flowers
- Lesson Ten: Half Square Suns
- Lesson Eleven: Fabulous Flower Borders
- Lesson Twelve: Double Loop Vine Borders
- Lesson Thirteen : Tulip Borders

Machine Quilting QAL
While there are many online quilt a longs, there are very few machine quilting QALs. This project is for YOU whether you are stitching on a domestic sewing machine or a long arm. Many of the techniques–and all of the motifs— are the same!
If you did the QAL in 2017, why not do it again?!
Change the colors and see how much you’ve improved!
Progress is more important than perfection!
What about YOU?
Are YOU ready to start machine quilting?
What colors will YOU use?
Have YOU ever made a quilt in a QAL?
We’d LOVE to hear!
I’m off to find some glue–a few broken vases.

Your not-so-lonely blog repairman
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Thanks!
Find More Motifs, Tips and Techniques-My Books on Etsy!

A QAL is for me! I’m in!
Oh Lori! I’m so happy you fixed the links to these lessons!
I followed along with the SAL in 2017 but never got started on the quilting.
I’m new to machine quilting and afraid of spoiling the flimsy I made from your directions.
I’ve bought a new sewing machine this year and was hoping to go back to the instructions….. I was horrified when I found the links were broken! So now I need to really buckle down and finish my little quilt.
Thank you, your work is so very much appreciated!
Barbara xx
Anne Dirks
I never finished mine in 2017 so this will be fantastic. I couldn’t access the lessons when I tried before.
Anne-Marie Webster
I’m new to the quilting part of the quilt and would love to try this. When does it start? It sounds like a lot of fun.
Donna Johnson
Watched the Maytag guy!! Loved it. Miss those ads I had a dependable Magtag for 35 years, laundry for family of 6. In the next 15 years had 2 machines!!! Thank you Lori for all your wonderful blogs, books and posts!!!
I am so excited to see these links. My life has suddenly gotten over-busy; but I’m going to study your lessons
and apply the techniques later. Thank you for all your hard work. I for one really appreciate it!
As a relative newbie to your blog (only since ’18) I don’t remember seeing this QAL and pattern. It’s really pretty. I was gifted with some lovely batik strips recently and have wanted to make a quilt for myself – something I’ve not done yet – so I’m going to add some on-hand batiks and use your pattern to make it. Hope I can keep up, I’m just now starting a complete re-org of my fabric/supplies closet and may get a late start. We’ll see!
It was fun to see Jesse White’s face and the old Maytag commercial again; I remember him well for his many appearance on TV in the ’60’s and ’70’s. Thanks for the little memory lane trip!
Julie Spear
I AM new, so all of this is new to me and I am lapping it ALL up, like a starving kitten!!!!! I will say I have found a few broken links, but your Search tool works VERY WELL at finding whatever it is I was looking for!! I just hover over the link and it tells me the title of the post, then I search it and BAM – there it is!!!! Lori, I cannot thank you enough for putting all of your demonstrations and tutorials and your fun writing out into the world – there is a HUGE amount of top quality quilting information on your website – I am blown away by all of it!! THANK YOU!!!
Mariah Furze
Hey– If we saved things such as “How To Quilt A…….” on our computers, will that link no longer work?? Should we therefore go to your new place to get new blog (old) info? And finally, do we need to re-apply for the newsletter?? Thanks!
Julia Parrino
I can’t wait to do it again, Lori. It was really fun as well as educational. Maybe this one I’ll keep.😂😂😂
Chris Reeske
I did it last time, slightly larger since I had a charm pack I wanted to use. I will do it again same way since the larger size fits my table so well and gives me extra practice space.
Love to see a listing of all your QALs.
Is there somewhere we could find all the different “quilt-a-longs” you have done over the years? Possibly a button on one of the headers?
Thank you for making this available again…a definite for me!
Martha Cook
I am ready to do a quilt along. I’ve been quilting for a while but we always need a refresher course or fixing a bad habit lol. I am Pumped! Thank you.
You are such an inspiration and so so generous in your quilting ideas, wisdom and your cute quilting motifs.
Of course I will quilt along, thank ou.
Laura Barnes
I loved this triangle quilt along! I gave my sampler away so I will just have to do it again. And…as you said Lori, it will be interesting to see how much I have improved. I also loved the Sunflower sampler quilt along.
I intend to quilt along with this. It answers so many questions I have on quilting design.
I’d love to quilt along with you Lori, I just hope I can keep up!
I’m in. I’ll start next week when I get home into the cool of my basement studio! (I’m in hotTexas)
Rita in Iowa
When do we start? Can you tell I’m excited! That’s so much for your information and quilting. Progress is better than perfection.
Hello Lori: You have been an inspiration for years. I enjoy the quilting part of quilt making the most and I worked on my domestic machine – even doing 2 kings before purchasing a longarm machine which I am now enjoying and learning new techniques to achieve acceptable results. There is so much to learn in this field and I watch U tubes constantly to pick up a new tip to improve my skills. I would be interested i doing a QAL with you! Thank You for years of supporting folks like me – always learning.
Mary Griffiths
I loved that QAL… I made placemats and I’m still pleased with the stitching… but I will do it again, and see the “ improvements”! Glad to have all the instructions again.
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