Lesson One: Organizing for Quick Quilting
Good Morning Quilters!
I am thrilled to begin our 25 week quilt-a-long based on my new book, 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting! By the end of 25 weeks, I guarantee that if you do the work…
YOU will be a more confident and better machine quilter!
A Little Housekeeping
On Book Orders:
We are absolutely thrilled with the tremendous response to the book and the quilt-a-long! THANK YOU! All pre-ordered books were shipped on June 5th and we have been shipping every day since– as fast as we receive them from the publisher– Every book from my Etsy shop is personalized, signed, and lovingly packed with good wishes and a quilted treat!
You do not need your book to get started with the quilt-a-long (QAL)
On QAL Format:
The FREE 25 Week QAL will be hosted here at LoriKennedyQuilts.com. and will remain here indefinitely. The posts will be similar to the articles currently hosted here at LKQ with lots of photos and simple-to-follow text. We will add videos (possibly Live Videos) in the next few weeks (after my post-Covid haircut, LOL!)
I plan to loosely follow the schedule:
Mondays-Discuss the new skill, technique or material.
Tuesdays-Doodle and set up the new project
Wednesday, Thursday-Stitch the project
Friday-Open line discussion
On Sharing YOUR Work:
Sharing your work and seeing the work of other quilters is an important part of learning a new skill. I recommend finding a few quilt buddies, or better yet, organize a small interest group within your quilt guild! It’s a great way to share supplies and compare notes while enjoying the benefits of a guild on a smaller scale.
Also, consider joining the closed Facebook group, Quilting with LKQ.
On Facebook, you will be able to share photos and comments with other quilters. It’s a great way to receive feedback on your projects and a great way to learn!
On Instagram, follow LoriKennedyQuilts
Use the hashtags #quiltwithlori #lorikennedyquilts and #martingaletpp. to see what other quilters are sharing!
A few minutes of organizing will make your free motion quilting practice much easier. When you have a stack of quilt sandwiches and a few supplies at-the-ready, you will be able to quilt as soon as the inspiration strikes!
Many of the lesson projects are stitched on what I like to call “Quick Quilt Sandwiches”. I have a stack ready at all times, and hope you will too! Make 6-12 quilt sandwiches to use for the projects and for anytime practice. Over the course of 25 weeks, you will likely use 30 or more quick quilt sandwiches. Use them! Don’t save them!
The quick quilt sandwich is made of:
- 1 fat quarter of solid fabric for the top (18 x 21″)
- Layer of 100% cotton batting (18 x 21″)
- 1 fat quarter of coordinating print for backing (18 x 21″)
The fat quarter size (approximately 18x 21″) is perfect to practice free motion quilting. It is neither too big to be difficult to maneuver within the harp space, nor too small to be able to maintain good hand position.
Solid fabric is ideal for showing off your quilting line. We want to see those stitches and we will learn how to make them pretty, pretty, pretty! Use solid for all of your practice quilts.
Cotton batting has a textured surface that grips fabrics slightly. When you press the layers of a small quilt together with cotton batting in the middle, the layers hold together without spray or pin basting. Quick and easy!
Print fabric for the backing. I often use print backing fabric. Avoid fabrics that are white-on-white or have a painted textured surface. The paint is harder for the needle to penetrate and causes slight imperfections in the stitching line. Also, avoid tightly woven fabrics like batiks for the same reason.
Press basting is a quick and convenient way to create fast quilt sandwiches. I do not recommend press-basting quilts larger than a fat quarter and other battings do not work for this method.

We will start our early lessons with a few simple supplies and add to them gradually. Organize your supplies in one place so you don’t have to waste valuable quilting time while searching. (Ask me how many quilts I could have made if I never lost….never mind!) A shoe box sized basket or a dedicated sewing drawer is perfect.
To get started we will need:
- Snips/scissors
- Tweezers
- Thread
Snips or Scissors to clip threads as you sew. It is important to keep those little threads cleared away to prevent jamming the sewing machine!
Tweezers are essential for grabbing the small threads under the needle when you begin to sew. It is difficult and dangerous to reach under the needle for a short bobbin thread. (Ask me how I know…or read A Cautionary Tale Here!)
Follow up to a cautionary tale
Thread. For the first few lessons, use any thread in the top and whatever thread you normally use in the bobbin. (Much more about thread in upcoming lessons! You will be a thread expert soon!)

Use washi tape or post it notes to mark your sewing machine manual. Look for the following “how-to” information:
- Lower the feed dogs
- Change a presser foot
- Change a needle
- How to make tension adjustments
- Engage the Needle Down function
- Heel kick option-needle down and up

Lesson One does not officially include quilting, but I know you’re anxious to get this party started!
Check out the tutorial for my favorite motif: Flower Power
And watch the Flower Power video on my brand new YouTube channel-Quilt with Lori!
If you’re ready for a little more challenge, try Flower Power variations: Claire’s Peony and Faye’s Flower
(Find tutorials in Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3: Flower Power-p.94, Claire’s Peony-p.98, Faye’s Flower-p.102)
Later this week we will review in detail the QUICK MACHINE SET-UP
Twelve Step Set Up:
- Clean and oil your machine
- Thread the bobbin
- Attach a single-hole throat plate
- Attach an extension table
- Position a Supreme Slider
- Insert a Topstitch Needle
- Attach a Free Motion Quilting Foot
- Disengage the Feed Dogs
- Activate the Needle Down Function
- Thread the machine
- Stitch a Test Sample
- Begin Stitching
Lesson One, Day One– To Do List:
Lesson One is Organizing for quick quilting. In addition to prepping quilt sandwiches, does your sewing room need a little attention?
- Make 6-12 Quick Quilt Sandwiches (Start quilting on one–or several-if you feel inspired!)
- Create a storage box or drawer exclusively for machine quilting supplies
- Review and bookmark your sewing machine manual
- Find a quilt buddy or organize a small group study
- Join Quilting with LKQ. Introduce yourself, where you’re from and post a picture
- Follow LoriKennedyQuilts on Instagram and post a photo with the hashtags #quiltwithlori #lorikennedyquilts #martingaletpp (LOVE those photos of YOU with YOUR Book!)
- Order a personalized book from our Etsy shop (Books make great gifts!)
- Watch Flower Power on my new YouTube channel, Quilt with Lori!
- Consider adding a spiral binding at your local office supply store
- Write a review on Amazon or Etsy (It really helps!)
Slow and Steady!
Much MORE This Week!
I know I haven’t answered all of YOUR questions!
There’s much more to come this week and for the next 25 weeks…
Your Joyful Quilter,
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thanks!
Laura Hernández
Hola Lory, hace muchísimos que sigo tu blog pero nunca acolché a máquina aunque utilicé tus ideas para acolchar a mano. Para mí es toda una aventura que inicio, soy de. Argentina y tengo una máquina doméstica de coser pero quiero prácticarlo en la la máquina de pedal de mi madre, he visto los trabajos que compartiste hace un tiempo de una artesana que usaba este tipo de máquinas, su superficie de trabajos más amplia y cómoda. Tu último libro está en versión Kindle???? Siempre eres una inspiración y te lo agradezco de corazón.💞
Hello. I’m 71 and have just rediscovered sewing – and FABRICS! – since I began making facemasks to donate and give to friends and family. A long way round to say I rediscovered my long ago “want” to make a quilt. Figured I’d make the top and send it away for quilting. Doncha know, I now have an new machine on order to replace my old basic machine that didn’t even have zig-zag, but had made everthing from baby clothes, pinafores, curtains, etc. decades ago. And nothing since. Then your Doodles article showed up in my Google news feeds and here I am. Glad to meet you!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Glad to meet You! And welcome!
I read WAY ahead to the chapter on Thread because I am curious and curious minds want to know…. so, I spent a good amount of time going through thread and getting it organized better. I made a LOT of quilt sandwiches, and then looked around my sewing room…. and decided to get MORE organized. Spent the whole day in my sewing room rearranging and put my cutting table on risers – which I am going to LOVE. I also made more space, vacuumed the carpet, and did my first ‘rambling’ quilting of an entire fat quarter sandwich…. it is ok, but I am excited to know, after this class, it will be REALLY much better. Looking forward to having fun learning to do this and do it well!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
LOVE your enthusiasm!!!!!
Sue Schwabauer
Lori, I am very excited to do this quilt along. I did pre-order the book and it was sent, but currently it seems to be lost in the mail. My husband is trying to track it. The last info we had it was in Des Moines and we are in MIchigan. Anyhow, I have no doubt that once I get it, I will love it!!! You make machine quilting look so easy. I currently do a loopy wandering type of free motion. I am looking forward to doing actual designs other than just hearts and stars. Thank you for doing this quilt along.
Excited to get started! Do you prewash fabric for free motion quilting? I personally prewash all fabrics, but want to follow your lead. 😊
Sherry L Moore
I just put my Straight stitch juki 2010 on a grace qzone frame. Will i be able to follow the lessons on it or should i just stick with free motion on my other machine? With the juki i can quilt about 5″ by about 40″ across.
Is there some other way to get your book? I live in Canada and shipping is expensive!
Janette, it’s available in Kindle format. And no waiting for shipping!Jo
Linda Martin
Hi Lori, Thank you so much for offering this class on line. I am on Maui, staying home most of the time to avoid the Corona Virus and this gives me something fun to do. Robert is busy adding stamps to his albums and I quilt. Question, Is it ok to do this work on my long arm so I can practice using it? I picture putting on a couple yards of fabric and dividing it up for each day’s lesson. Hope you are well. Still waiting for my book but your directions here are great.
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Aloha Linda! Glad to hear you and Robert are well! My sisters and I loved our visit to Maui, your guild, and of course, stamp collecting with Robert! Yes! Use the techniques and projects on your long arm! Almost all the information and all of the projects are adaptable!
So sorry Lori, I was too excited to get started and jumped ahead to do some free motion and not only that but then I posted a pic! Boy is my face red😬
WordPress.com Support
Never apologize for enthusiasm! I love it and glad you jumped in and started quilting!
Hi Lori, I received the book and your lovely FMQ of the Closed Umbrella. I tacked it up on the wall in front of my sewing machine – It makes me feel warm and fuzzy everytime I look at it. Your were very sweet to make them for us!!! I love your website everything about it is inspiring!!!
I’d love bobbin work too.
Sharon Moore
How do I order the book?
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Any chance you’d consider making the group private? Love seeing and sharing within the group but not keen on sharing to the public.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Hi Edy! Thank you for letting me know…I have corrected it. The settings take three days to switch from Public to Private!
Thank you!!!
Am I right in thinking that press basting would simply be pressing the layers together?
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Yes! Pressing does double duty in this case. It removes creases from the layers AND it bastes the layers together!
Connie Boulay
Got the book the other day, finishing up piecing a quilt top, should be done this week, and then I was planning on diving into quilting some of my tops done during this shelter-in-place, so the timing is perfect for this quilting adventure 🙂 I organized my quilting books, and found 180 Doodle Quilting Designs, didn’t have to look far for your Free Motion Quilting books (they are front and center when I am planning quilting motifs!). So I am raring to go. I have even been reviewing your Craftsy classes. Thank you so much for doing this. It is the incentive so many of us (like me) need.
Andresa Strahm
I believe it was 2002 when I discovered quilting. Roughly a decade later I decided that I wanted to learn how to FMQ on my home sewing machine. But life kept interrupting my plans to ‘finally figure it out’. Life got so in the way that I haven’t even touched the sewing machine for 2-3 years. Fortunately, my DH and I are buying a house and I’ll have a dedicated sewing room. I hope to begin your QAL later this summer. As sewing & quilting things get moved and put away, I plan to organize it so that I can begin your ‘lessons’. Even if that means taking a ‘break’ from putting things away to make a quilt sandwich or two.
As a long arm owner with a computerized Gammill, I will be participating in FMQ in order to strengthen my free motion skills. There are times when I have needed to free hand motifs and I realize how rusty I am. Thanks for the great opportunity!
I also have a Bernina 770 and wondering about the BSR stitch regulator for this course.
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I have mixed emotions about the BSR. I would prefer that you tried the class without it. I will discuss the pros and cons later this week.
I have a Bernina 770. For this project should I be using the BSR or the free motion foot? Also, what is meant by press basting?Thanks.
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Free motion foot!
Ok, I’m ready! I’m zigzagging some leftover batting to use in my sandwiches today–fabric is already cut, so they just need filling! And thinking of ordering a darning foot so I can also FMQ on my Featherweight….
And you should post before and after post-covid haircut photos….since we’re all in the same boat with you. : )
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Not happening-LOL!
Ellen, I’ve been thinking about using my Featherweight also. I did a quilt along with Lori a few years ago using my Janome. I was hooked! Let’s both try our Featherweights, so we can encourage each other and share tips!
What do you think?
I think that sounds great! I will start on my other machine til the foot arrives.
Always looking to improve and am really looking forward to this! BTW, I have a long arm and the quilt on my frame today is getting your square flowers in the blocks.
Excited to get started. I plan to participate on my longarm as I bought it a year ago and have been afraid to step away from pantographs. Instead of quilt sandwiches should I load up a few yards on my frame and just draw or stitch lines to section into fat quarter sized areas?
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Yes! That sounds like a great idea!
I am really excited for this class. I am not far from Lori. This is very exciting! I want to really improve my quilting! I am a bit confused is this daily or weekly? I want to do well & get to know the other ladies.
Sally Broste
As I’m over the magic age for being out and about in Whitefish, Montana, I’m joining my cousin in Egan Minnesota to do this quilt along. Got my book on Friday and excited to start today.
Thank you Lori! I have recently retired and this is just what I need. I’ve always been afraid to “ruin” my quilts by quilting them myself. Bless you. From Hastings.
Hi, Lori! Just received my book this minute! Can’t wait to get started. Thank you for the cute sample in my favorite color, purple! Going to take the book & get it bound this afternoon.
Barbara Keefer
Thank you, Lori. I’ll start organizing TODAY! And thank you for the nudge. I’m looking forward to becoming a better FM quilter in many ways. 🙂
Terri J
Lori, do you have a time line for shipping orders? I understand you are swamped at the moment.
I ordered my book last Wednesday, and have not received an order confirmation as of today?
If it’s stil a week or so out, that’s fine, just wanted to know when to be concerned.
Thank you!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
All orders will be shipped no later than Thursday of this week. We are shipping daily! You will see it soon–I promise!
Terri J
Thank you!!
Carol Poplaski
question.. in the LESSON, ITVSAYS 25 WEEKS not days.. does this really take 6+ months?
Lori Kennedy Quilts
The book is 25 Days. We will work through one lesson per week here on the blog, so we can get the most out of all the lessons. Of course, I recommend that everyone work at their own pace.
Hi, Lori!! Your friends in Ladies of the Lake guild, WBL have added a guild “small group” to support & encourage one another on your Quilt Along!! We’re so excited for this opportunity! You’re a great teacher, we know!!❤️
WordPress.com Support
Woohoo! Some of my favorite quilters! We sure had fun!
Vicki W
I’ve sent the above to the printer so I can get a better start. Next outside chores and then, maybe a quilt sandwich or two. My book is still on order. I had placed an order with our LQS and they are waiting for its arrival.
Kimberly Anne Brandt
Thread the bobbin? Please explain.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thread the bobbin just like you normally do. I will have more information about each of the steps later this week.
Are you going to talk about “bobbin work” at all? I’d love to hear about it. Thanks for doing this, Lori.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Bobbin work is a special technique and I would be happy to cover it, but we have a way to go…
I am looking forward to this quilt along.
I got my book with the wishes and sample. Love it!!!
The moment the book I started reading it and it is by far the best book I have seen on machine quilting. Thank you for putting this together!!
Now I have to get my sandwiches ready, (not lunch)! LOL
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Wow! Thank you, Kay! Please consider writing a review on Amazon (even if you didn’t buy it there!)
Gloria Olson
unable to find class could you send link….it’s a little confusing where to go
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Hi Gloria,
This post is the beginning of many weeks of written articles (posts) that you will find right here at Lori Kennedy Quilts! The “Class” or “Quilt-a-long” will be right here. Read the post for information, ideas, inspiration and links. Occasionally, I will add video links and we will try a few “Live” events and you will receive information about that here. Stay tuned!
Hi Lori
Flower Power is one of my favorites. Also love the variations a person can do with this motif!
Arvilla Trag
RE topstitch needles: I have never had satisfactory results using a topstitch needle. I give them another try at least once a year, but the results are still unsatisfactory, no matter how I adjust the machine. With the same settings such as tension, etc., I get better results with a quilting needle. Am I doing something wrong?
(All this may be a moot point now – I am getting a new APQS George, to be delivered this Thursday. My sewing machine is a Brother VQ3000; it sews fabulously and usually does free-motion pretty well, but some days it simply will NOT do a decent job of free-motion quilting – skipping stitches and fraying thread when I move the quilt counterclockwise, no matter what size needle I use. After 3 years of fighting with it I decided to get the George. [I have 3 queen-sized quilts to get done before Christmas, and I want more throat space and better stitch results.])
Also, thanks for the tip about not using batiks as backing – that had never occurred to me.
Happy Monday!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Happy Monday, Arvilla! One of the tricks to machine quilting is finding out what works for you and your machine. I always say, “if you don’t have a favorite quilting needle, start with my favorite, the Topstitch needle.” I acknowledge that everyone is different and your machine might “prefer” something else.
Exciting to get a new machine this week!
Comments are closed.