Welcome to the Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.(Find all of the previous Lessons HERE. Sign up for emails of the class HERE.)
Today’s Topic: Quilting Horizontal Motifs
Good Morning, Quilters!
For the past three weeks we have focused on getting organized, machine set-up and doodling. Starting this week, the quilt-a-long will focus on stitching. While some of you have started to quilt already, this week everyone should begin stitching!
Going forward, every lesson includes doodling and we will circle back to organization and machine set-up within the context of a quilted project.
Lesson Four: Quilting Horizontal Motifs
Let’s start with the easiest type of motif to quilt-horizontal motifs.
Our objectives this week:
- Begin stitching if you haven’t already.
- Stitch within the confines of horizontal lines.
- Create a sampler of motifs based on loops, scallops and letters.
- Stitch from left to right and from right to left.
- Doodle and stitch simple motifs upside down.
- Begin quilt design using the horizontal composition.

Doodle First
Begin every quilt project with doodling! Use lined paper to practice Loops, Scallops and Handwriting motifs. Take your time with this exercise. Simple motifs create gorgeous patterns when they are combined!
For more inspiration check out previous posts:
See how many variations you can create. Combine loops, scallops and handwriting with upside down loops scallops and handwriting.

Prepare and Mark a Quick Quilt Sandwich
Prepare a quick quilt sandwich by pressing it carefully. Smooth out the layers as you press. It is important to begin each project with a carefully pressed quilt sandwich. Wrinkles are more difficult to remove after quilting and well-pressed fabric shows off the quilting best.
Using chalk or your favorite marking tool (more on marking tools in a later lesson), mark a two inch border around the quilt sandwich. Because we cannot grip the outer edges of the quilt, leave this border unquilted. (Chalk markers shown: Chalk Cartridge–white only! and Clover Chaco Liner)
Mark horizontal lines, one inch apart.

Machine Set-up
Set up your machine for free motion quilting. (See the Twelve Steps Machine Quilting Set-up HERE)
Use heavy weight thread in the top (40, 30 or 28wt) if available and your normal bobbin thread–whatever YOU use for piecing.
Thread color–white or high contrast with the fabric on top. In the bobbin, try to closely match color to top thread.

Starting on the left side (any row) stitch a row of loops from left to right.
Without knotting off, stitch a row of upside down loops from right to left.
That was fun!

Go right back to doodling and choose another design.
Stitch the new design from left to right.
Without knotting off, stitch the design upside down fro right to left.
Continue–Add YOUR Signature
Continue filling the rows with stitching.
Take your time–this may take several days, but don’t quit if you’re having fun! Make more than one.
Don’t forget to add your signature and date.
Wow! Look how many border motifs you have in your quilt motif work basket!
Happy Quilting
From One Awesome Quilter to Another!
PS…This tutorial contains affiliate links. If you purchase-at no additional cost to you–I may receive a little “pin-money”. Thank you for supporting LKQ in this way!
PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of LoriKennedyQuilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thanks!You might also enjoy my motif books: Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 and More Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3

1 comment
Fun,but unfortunately I can draw the motifs but I can’t sewthem! Not giving up!!!
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