• Elizabeth O

    Embroidery Library have some Audubon designs for machine embroidery. Stunning pictures.

  • Elaine

    He is Stunning….!
    I would love to Collage Him.

  • Claire Watts

    I’ve enjoyed John Audubon’s bird paintings and discovered that some of them have been digitized for the embroidery machine. I’ve stitched out the swan, the seagulls, two species of herons and an egret and made them into pillows. These designs are beautifully digitized by excellent artists and available at Embroidery Library. Enjoy!
    Claire Watts

  • Patty Adams

    Ah, the pelican, the pelican, his bill can hold more than his belly can! What a beautiful painting. All of his paintings were amazing!

  • Cynthia M. Holten

    What an elegant, regal pose he strikes. Stunning are his curves, textures, and colors. He looks as though he is dressed for an elaborate event that he is about to officiate. He is the perfect model for an amazing thread painted art piece. Thank you, Lori, for sharing this.

  • cyndy parry

    He’s looking pretty grand and dignified here. šŸ™‚

  • Laura Carlson

    Love the birds…pritns as well as quilted!

  • Cathy Wilson

    Beautiful. We have a large number of grey pelican’s here along the Gulf Coast. They look scruffy compared the the white superior one in this photo.

  • Elizabeth

    Very cool! Lori, have you done a pelican motif?

  • Janet

    You’ve got to love it!

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