Inattentive Quilting: A Cautionary Tale

November 8, 2013
Xray Sewing Machine Needle in Index Finger


Xray Sewing Machine Needle in Index Finger

I like to say that quilting is in my blood–(My grandmother, mother and sisters are all quilters.)–but now I can say ย quilting is in my bones as well!

On Monday, in a rushed, unfocused nano-second, I stitched right through the middle of my nail. ย I launched out of my chair and ripped the broken needle out of the pad of my finger. ย I quickly wrapped my finger and sat and sulked for a while.

By Wednesday, my finger still throbbing, I decided to see a doctor and get an antibiotic. ย The doctor ย ordered an x-ray and imagine my surprise when this is what it revealed!

Xray Sewing Machine Needle in Index Finger

Several hours later, I was carted off to the operating room. ย  The surgeon said the needle went into my bone and shattered. ย He found the thread and removed it along with most of the metal shards from the needle, but he was forced to leave a small metal shard embedded in my index finger.

So… six x-rays… thirty minutes of surgery… one small bottle of pain meds… one large bottle of antibiotics…and one tetanus shot later…This is my cautionary tale!

Below –my favorite image-taken during surgery-reveals the thread still attached to the needle!

Xray Sewing Machine Needle in Index Finger

The good news: ย Doctors orders: ย No dishes for six to nine months!?

My new motto: ย Make haste slowly!




  • Jean Jasinski

    No needle in the finger but I have had stitches twice for rotary cutter mishaps and also shaved the edge of my left index finger (could not be stitched). You think I would learn to be more careful with the rotary cutter by now!

  • Quilted Gardner

    My mother had the same experience including surgery & 3 days in the hospital. Thanks for warning people.

  • Helen Lee

    I had a similar experience because of going barefoot in my sewing room. I of course knew I had stepped on a pin but did not know it had broken off in my toe. I ended up with cellulitis, antibiotic, surgery. I was a diabetes educator and always cautioned my patients not to go barefoot. Had I had diabetes, I probably would have lost that toe.

  • Teresa Ford

    I feel your pain… (or what you felt). I sewed my index finger on a 10 needle embroidery machine and after I finally went for x-rays found that the needle broke off and I have a titanium needle piece almost through the bone. ER dr’s couldn’t/wouldn’t remove it and was forwarded to an ortho surgeon. Did your dr say the needle HAD to be removed? Because I have NO health insurance, no surgeon will see me. It’s been 3 weeks, a tetanus shot and a round of anti-biotics. And no plans of having it removed. I have been googling for days and finally found something relevant in your post. TYIA for any insight.

    • A

      OH NO, Teresa! I am so sorry! I can not offer you any medical advice, of course. I do know that once I got into surgery, the doctor said the thread that was still attached to the needle would have been a big problem later-chance for infection, etc. The surgeon was unable to retrieve all of the small shards and left a few small pieces. You must be in a lot of pain! My finger, even with surgery took months before it felt betterโ€ฆYou are in our thoughts and prayers! Please keep us updated.

  • Laura

    Hi thanks for sharing. I too have been there and done that in fact my xray was very similar. I was the one day wonder of the ER everyone came to take a picture of the needle broken off in my finger with the thread attached Laura. Yes it was only a brief inattentive moment that caused this!

  • My needle tip broke between my toes when ironing my wedding dress. Lumped down the aisle. Hurt on Honeymoon. Went to ER found the tip between toes. Made an incision to remove. The surgeon couldn’t find the tip. It had been sucked up in a tube removing blood. I heard it rattling in the suction tube. Dr was order portable X-ray machine. Pain the entire Honeymoon. Bob Hope at Indiana State Fair. Time trial at Indy and squirrel hunting…Joanne

  • lej619

    As a retired X-ray tech …. This is pretty cool!!!! on the other hand OUCH!!!

  • Victoria

    Gosh! I have that X-ray too! Fresh from the doc’s office now! Uggg. Hope yours feels better fast!!

  • Kathy

    You both have taught me a good I WILL ALWAYS turn off my machines to change needles…which I’ve never done before!

  • JosieD

    Lori, After reading your post I told my sister about it. You would think that I would have learned from your mistake. I was on my longarm and went to replace a needle. I thought I had hit the button to turn the machine off. Before I could get the needle out the stitch regulator kicked and and stitched the needle through my thumb. All I could do after the shock was think what happened to you. My sister remembering my telling her about your incident rushed over my house in worry. Basically I feel pretty stupid about now. Just thought I’d share and commiserate.

  • Oh my. I have an xray of my husband’s foot. He stepped on a hand-sewing needle and we thought it was just a pin and that it had fallen out. No. The needle was completely embedded and hidden. After a few days I insisted he go to the doctor. The needle is clearly visible – went in eye first – and he had to have surgery to remove it. So much guilt!!! I try to be super careful with dropped pins now and my husband always wears slippers in the sewing room. Hope your hand heals up quickly!!

  • Susan Garrett

    Don’t forget to keep an eye out for rotary cutters too. I’ve been bit twice by one of those. Get well soon!

    • A

      I almost hate to say it, but I’ve been lucky in that department. I am more careful about everything these days!

  • Carol

    I did that when I was in high school many, many years ago. I sewed my finger making a skirt for a class project. I kept sewing the needle into my finger three times before I broke it off by pulling it. I was so shocked that I forgot to take my foot off the pedal.
    Blood was everywhere as I ran screaming down the stairs. The one piece that stayed in my finger missed the bone completely. I was able to finish the project after having it removed in the doctor’s office.

    • A

      Nothing like the drama of a high school girl! I found myself laughing at your story–which of course is not at all funny!

      • Carol

        Go ahead and laugh! I can laugh at now but then, it was embarrassing.

  • Oh boy, I am so sorry this happened to you! Heal quickly and sew slowly?

  • Ouch……feel for you! I sewed through the side of my finger while rushing to finish 30 spotty Mickey and Minnie party bags. I was more upset that Id snapped my needle and couldn’t find a spare! On examining the bit of snapped needle, my friend and I couldn’t find the point…….After the kids party (I finished all bags…friend went for more needles! ) my friend insisted I go to hospital where they x-rayed only to find the point still in my finger embedded at the side if the bone! They had to dig it out…..!!
    It was a while before I got back behind the machine and even now I sometimes think ‘eeek, fingers a bit close!’
    Hope you’re not too sore and back sewing quickly….be careful! x x

    • A

      It’s hard to believe that something as sweet as “Mickey and Minnie” can turn out so painful! I am back to stitching, but I now use tweezers whenever I reach anywhere near the needle! It will be some time before I can practice what I preach about “relaxing” while free motion quilting!

  • Been there, done that. The tetanus shot hurt worse than anything!

    • A

      The tetanus shot was bad–and since I was there, I got my flu shot, too. My arm really hurt—whine, whine!

  • Vicky Fram

    Bless your heart! I know that must have been terribly painful. If it’s any consolation someone else has kitchen duty for a while. Hope you heal quickly! God bless!

  • When I was 12 years old I was making my niece a little sun dress and got my finger in the way…the needle broke off in the tip of my right index finger leaving just the tip of the sharp end of the needle sticking out… We had to get wire cutters to bite into the slick tapered point to get it out… All went well with no infection. Then many years later working on a quilt my cat Jessica Fletcher (nosy) was sitting on the machine cabinet watching me sew and got interested in the needle going up and down so fast… Next thing i know her paw was being sewed along with the fabric! Panic insued as she was howling and jerking her foot trying to get loose…I had to run the needle back out of her foot!!! Thankfully it only went between her toes in that web of skin… She didn’t even bleed! Needless to say her curiosity was over with the sewing machine. She never got near it again! One other thing. My mother sewed through her index finger nail and could get the needles stopped before it made a few 2 stitches…she had to pick them out!!! her nail was a mess…but it healed up just fine… Oh, I also hopped an add a quarter ruler with a rotary cutter and cut 1/3 of the way through my left index finger…they decided to glue it back together??!! was an ugly mess for a while…
    I guess with 60 yrs sewing experience things like this is bound to happen… So glad you healed up fine. But it worries me that the point of the needle is still in your finger. Will it work it’s way out eventually?

    • A

      YIKES! As sad as all the stories are–the story about your poor cat is awful! It must have been pandemonium!

      I did have to have surgery to remove the needle. There is a very very small shard left in the bone that the surgeon couldn’t retrieve without more damage than it was worth. My stitches are out and I am “on the mend”…

      Thanks for sharing your stories!

  • Judith Gale


  • Oh My Word!! I hope you heal soon! That is a good motto indeed: Make Haste Slowly!

  • Ouch! I enjoyed all the x-rays but I question that the thread would show up in an x-ray since it isn’t metallic.. or was it? If not, it’s probably a fragment of the needle. I loved how you could see the eye of the needle though. As a dentist and weekend crafter, I empathize. Now to go and finish my curtains I’m sewing… carefully! Hope you’re all better now!

  • Tammy

    My first summer job at 16 years old was in a sewing factory, joining crotches of military pants on an assembly line. My goal was to double production, and then some. While furiously sewing, someone called my name. I looked up but kept sewing right intoy finger. The mechanic uses pliers to pull it out! 36 years later I still have a small black dot where it went in!

  • I sewed through my finger when I was a teenager (about 13-15, somewhere in there!). The needle broke and came out both sides. Years later, in my early twenties, I had a small metal fleck surface under my finger nail. I was able to get it out and realized it was from the needle.

    • A

      Amazing that the needle finally worked itself out. I knew a man who had been shot several times during the war and he had a small bullet work itself out of his ankle.

  • Peggy

    There seems to be quite an army of us. ER staff must be saying “Another one?”. I ran the needle in at the base of the nail. It happens so quick. Like lightning I pulled the visible piece out and headed for the er. The X-ray showed no stray pieces, thank goodness. It ran under the nail and parallel to the bone and broke clean. One piece of the needle in the machine and the part I extricated. The worst was being semi hysterical and driving myself to the hospital. Boo, I got to do dishes afterwards. Are you going to have problems with airport security now?

    • A

      I am so surprised by how many of us there are! Good thing you weren’t in an accident driving to the ER, but I can understand the panic feeling. Truth be known…I invented the dishwashing ban myself…Don’t know how long I can get away with it!

  • Tavia

    That makes me shiver!! I have an entire sewing needle in my knee! When I was a kid I jumped on the couch my Mom was using as a pin cushion. It hurt like hell & I couldn’t walk right for a long time but we didn’t know it was even in there. I got in a car accident in my 20’s and the Dr. came in flabbergasted with my xray. I never leave needles poked into things….

    • A

      That story beats all! I walked around for two days not knowing the needle tip was in my finger, but years with a full needle in your knee! Did he take it out? Did your knee ever hurt? Can you tell a difference with it out? Fascinating story!

  • Yikes! I did that in a much less impressive fashion. Mine went through the nail, bypassed the bone and ended up sticking out of the pad of my finger like a cats claw!

    • A

      How gruesome! I’d say that is impressive–the only thing you didn’t have is the xray to show it!

  • brrrrr you’re living the nightmare of every seamstress … hope it heals soon! I was actually talking to the Apothecary this morning about making sure that I have full attention each time I climb behind my sewing machine, that makes two warnings and me being extra extra extra carefull today. Thank you for the waring Lori.
    Though makes a fabulous battle scar ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • A

      Heed the warning–we don’t want another victim among us!

      • I just read in your other article, that you made 3 new rules when you are sewing, I will live by them as well from now on, I promice! .

        Listened to the warning, not going anywhere near my machine today ๐Ÿ˜‰ Prepared a little vest with hood for my nephew, and if I where to sew, it would be with polar fleece .. a new one for me and not doing it with all these warning signs today around.

        Do hope your finger feels better, curious to the next project ๐Ÿ™‚
        Hugs from the Netherlands,

  • Oh boy! This reminds me of hand sewing and trying to push a needle through a tough spot and no thimble. The eye end of the needle went into my thumb and out the other side except my thumbnail stopped it. Was I lucky? Yes! I just inhaled and grabbed it and quickly pulled it out. No real blood even. Ha! Toughened up from years of appliquรฉ!

  • laura

    I did this too but from sewing machine needle end lol. had stiched and all in my thumb. I still sew!!!

  • Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! You poor thing! The x-rays are so neat though!

  • Jeana

    Yikes, I feel for you! Seriously, I do because I am currently healing from the very same thing, except my broken needle stayed in one piece! I had mine removed in the er because the X-ray looked like it wasn’t in the bone. When he finally got to it, it was stuck. I really think the bone is hurting worse then my nail bed. It looks so ugly :(. Have you tried to sew yet? I’ve been to chicken ๐Ÿ™

  • Janice

    Ouch!!! I once lopped off part of my left index finger with a rotary cutter. That was painful but I think a needle imbedded has to be even more so!!! Take care of yourself.

  • Mary Ann

    Owwww that hurt, done it too but was lucky enough that the needle missed the bone and QI was able to pull it out in one piece. But this X-Ray reminds me to be a lot more careful. Hope you are back to sewing carefully soon! Lovely photo of the river btw!

    • A

      You were lucky in your bad luck–the other part of the treatment was antibiotics and a Tetanus shot–you might consider that if you are ever unlucky again…The header photo is the Stillwater bridge over the St. Croix River and I’m glad you like it!

  • Julie S.

    Ouch!!! That looks so painful. I’ve sewed through my finger once, through the part of my nail that extends past my finger and through my quilting glove just missing my finger. I was lucky twice. Your tale reminds me to be careful. Hope you are back sewing quickly.

    • A

      I was back sewing the next day–but it is best to be relaxed when doing FMQ and I have not been completely relaxed since my injury!

  • So sorry! (but not about the dishes!). I just did this this week, but fortunately not through the bone! And I accounted for all of the needle when I pulled it out. Take care.

  • Yikes! It was painful just to read about your ordeal. The last time I stuck the needle through my finger it was my thumb and through the nail as well. It was stuck and I had to manually move the needle up and down a few times it release my thumb (all the while silently screaming inside)! Luckily, the needle came out intact. I believe I have sewn through a finger 3 or 4 times–but in 50 years of sewing, that’s not too bad! It’s never fun, though. It happens when I am going too fast and not paying attention. I can say that I have yet to do it on my long arm. The hopping foot has saved me a couple of times when I have come close.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

    • A

      Thanks, Pamela. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to have to move the needle up and down to get it out! You are a brave woman!

  • Aren’t xrays amazing? I’ve seen many fascinating ones in my 28 years of healthcare!
    Accidents always seem to happen when distraction of one sort or another occurs. I hope by now you are feeling less pain and recovery is going smoothly. So sorry about your cautionary tale!

    • A

      What is your role in healthcare? I am a physical therapist…

      • Great x-rays! I am a pediatric PT!

      • For the past 18 years, I have worked as a Women’s Health and Family Nurse Practitioner in an OB/GYN office. Before that … Labor and Delivery, OB/GYN ER, GYN Onc.
        I refer to PT all the time!! Not only for Women’s Health problems, but all the other problems my patients come to me on pain meds from their PCT and have never been referred to PT. I don’t get it!

  • Rhonda Rannow

    Lori, Lori, Lori !!!!! I first heard about this from your sister Pat when she came to the retreat Saturday to pick up her quilt! We had to borrow someone’s Ipad to pull it up and of course, share it with the whole group ๐Ÿ™‚ — you had all our sympathies! And of course, we all shared our own experiences… you’d think we’d all learn, huh? lots of love — Rhonda

    • A

      Thanks, Rhonda…not my brightest moment…I was truly amazed to hear how many of us have done it—small consolation!

  • Marilyn E

    Ouch! Reminder to self: it can get worse. Wishing you the best recovery possible, I so enjoy your FMQ tutes.

  • Oh Dear, I am so sorry to hear……… hope it is healing okay….. it is hard to function with out the use of your index finger.

  • Whoah! THAT sure is scary! I’m so glad you went to the doctor right away; if that needle had festered in there and gotten all infected, it probably would have been much worse. Glad you’ll be okay, and glad your doctor only banned DISHES and not QUILTING! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • And fingers are really hard to bandage. I cut the tip on mine when cutting a tomato and couldn’t get a bandage to right sit on it. I ended up buying some gauze that came in a tube and using that to wrap it.

    However, the cool thing is that they make little rubber things for your fingers called finger cots. Think a cross between the fingers in a rubber glove and (I had to say this) a condom. They roll down over the finger you are trying to keep dry (I used them mostly to keep the dressings dry when I was taking a shower.)

    This may not work for your initial bandages, but when your dressings are not as bulky, this may help you cope with wet things. Some people even use them to help them machine quilt!

    • A

      Thanks for the finger cots tip. The bulky bandage comes off tomorrow–I’m a bit nervous!

    • Roxanna

      what a great piece of information!! I’m glad you shared.

  • Marcia R

    Ouch! God bless you, Lori! It could happen to any of us. Fortunately I work for an orthopedic surgeon!

  • No dishes for 6 to 9 months???? Dude. . . I find myself staring at my machine needle…. ;D Just kidding. What a pain! When I was young, I sewed through my nail two different times – no bone-sticking for me (at least not where it didn’t pull back out), but it was painful enough. Can’t imagine what yours felt like! And that thread… to funny. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • A

      I’m glad YOU were amused by the thread…I was amused by you trying to get out of dishes…HILARIOUS!

  • Jean G

    Oh I’m so sorry! That had to be really painful! But in the end you are a “quilting warrior” with a wound and a post-quilting injury! You’ve earned your metal… i mean medal – LOL!

  • Oh goodness. I’m beginning to think one’s not a real quilter until something dramatic has happened. *shudders* I liked the post because of the photos (med student here), in particular the one with the thread. Hope it heals quickly!

  • ahhhhh !!! Horrible !!!

  • I’d get a second opinion on that. Surely, since there is a bit still in there you should never do dishes again, . . . .

  • OM Goodness! A horror story that’s been told but it was always “to someone”. Now that I see the xray and count you as my internet friend, I can say: “It happened to a friend and it was not fun!!!”

  • Oh, wow! That sounds so painful! X-rays are wonderful things when we really need them, right?! So glad you are on the mend and have a great excuse for not doing dishes ๐Ÿ™‚

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