If You Want to Change the World, Make Your Bed (with a quilt?)

October 16, 2014
Log Cabin Hand dyed fabrics


LogCabin.HandDye.LKennedy002I think you will really enjoy this commencement speech by Naval Admiral William McRaven.  It was given this spring to graduates of the University of Texas at Austin.

Admiral McRaven offers ten life lessons beginning with:  If you want to change the world, make your bed.   (With a quilt was added by yours truly…)

The idea is that small daily disciplines lead to larger things…

Log Cabin Quilt, Hand dyed fabrics

The speech went viral on YouTube

or you can read the Transcript HERE

Something to think about while you are quietly quilting!


PS…All images, information and tutorials are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thank you!

Hand Dye, Log Cabin Quilt



  • Dianne Lambert

    Beautiful colors and design works with the colors used

  • Lesley

    Love the quilt, the colours and design and quilting lines.

  • Beautiful–speech and quilt.

  • Barb E

    Ever since I heard that speech I have always thought differently each morning as I make my bed. Thanks for bringing it back.

  • Lavonne

    Wonderful speech. I am having a terrible series of events in my life right now and I can’t tell you how much that speech helped. I bookmarked it and I am going to listen to it each morning. thank you.

  • Barbara Williams

    I loved it! I do make my bed every morning…but now I can feel better about it!

  • rosemarazzle

    yes. good habits.
    Start them early.
    Women are pretty good at this. Men, ….. well, they need to be reminded hahaha
    This is a great speech indeedie

  • Chris Reeske

    I saw the speech on TV and my favorite part was where the Admiral said, ‘No matter how hard your day was you’ll come home to a made bed’. It’s happened to me a few times and he is right!
    Love the quilt, the colors are great and Log Cabin is one of my favorites.

  • Brenda

    Haven’t checked out the address yet, but just want to say that I’d love to be sleeping under the gorgeous quilt you show. Such a quilt would make making beds easier — the desire to see the beauty of the whole spread out across the surface. You provide such great inspiration!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Thanks a million Brenda. We had to repaint the room when it was finished because it made the wall color look so dull! It is a cheery quilt!

      • Kathlyn

        Lori, found your blog recently and have to say you have encouraged me to press on with free motion quilting. I used your waves in a beach quilt for my DIL recently – it’s not perfect but better to gift an imperfect quilt than none at all! I love the log cabin quilt, have you blogged about it before? It looks like watercolors – is it batik?

        • A

          Hi Kathlyn, I can’t remember if I have blogged about it before. It is made with all hand dyed fabrics–that’s what gives it the particularly intense colors.

  • thanks for sharing this, Lori — I had not heard it!! Very good words to live by!

  • Carolyn Hock

    I love this speech! (My Mom taught me this principle when I was very young, and I have remembered it everyday since. It jumpstarts my day with intentionality!) Always enjoy your blog! Gorgeous quilt!!

  • Sandra Szanto

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It is truly inspiring. I will be sharing this with all my family members, the teenagers in particular; it will encourage them to always do their best and never, ever ring the bell.

  • Karen

    Thanks Lori! I started my morning off by reading the transcript of this speech! Have to say I was inspired! Hope everyone takes the time to read it and….make your bed! 🙂

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