Good Afternoon, Quilters!
Today, we will learn how to quilt an airplane motif –a fabulous, high-flying pattern that looks great on any quilt!
Whether you’re a world-traveler, a pilot, or looking for a motif for a child’s quilt, this airplane will add a touch of fun!
Before we start our flight, you might enjoy a short cruise…
Check out BERNINA’s We All Sew blog for my Sailboat tutorial, complete with video! (BTW-this video has gone viral on Facebook with over 120,000 views!!)
Step-by-Step Quilt an Airplane
Begin by stitching a figure 8.

Next, stitch a curved line and a triangle shape.

Stitch a short horizontal line and add a half circle.

Next, add an oval to create the wing.

Closely echo stitch the top of the wing and add a horizontal line stopping at the figure 8.

Closely echo stitch the top of the plane, then add another “wing” on top of the plane.

Stitch into the body of the plane and add three square windows, the stitch out of the plane and add a scallops to create a cloud.
Stitch a curly line to complete the airplane or to begin another plane for a border.

Doodle First!
I know I say this a lot, but doodle first. Work through the steps on paper, then your quilting will be much smoother. I often doodle a motif one hundred times before I stitch it. This takes just a few minutes. It’s amazing the difference you will see when you quilt! Pausing to think– for even a fraction of a second–will lead to glitches in the sewing line. (When you do need to pause to think or rearrange the quilt, make sure the needle is down and you stop sewing.)
Next Week
Next week, we will stitch another plane motif–the biplane!
What about YOU?
Where will YOU stitch the Airplane Motif?
Any travels in YOUR future?
May your quilting reach all new altitudes,
YOUR quilting co-pilot,
Ame-Lori Earhart
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to Lori Kennedy Quilts. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thanks!
PPS…For more motifs, skillbuilding exercises and tips, check out my machine quilting books available on Etsy!

Dear Lori, There are not enough words to express my thanks for teaching me to draw! Not only am I learning to quilt cute and quirky designs on fabric, I can also draw on other mediums…I was of the ‘I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler’ set. Wow!
Sandy Walther
I can’t wait to try this motif! I am a pilot, so this should be in my wheelhouse, or flight path! Sandy at sewhigh.blogspot.com
Michele R
My oldest son is a pilot, so my grandson’s airplane quilt will have this pattern in the borders. Thanks so much for giving me the confidence to free motion!
Maggie Drafts
Lori, my son is a pilot in Afghanistan, and even though he is not a “child” anymore, this is going to be PERFECT for his quilt! I enjoy you soooo much, just keep on keeping on! Thank you.
Everything you do is delightful and this motif is particularly cute. It would make a great border on a baby quilt!
Forgive me for repeating what others have said but I’m receiving four copies. I don’t mind at all – really! I have a handy delete key. Just more fodder for the techies who are working on the problem. I feel sorry for them. Intermittent problems are a b***h.
Cute! A recent subscriber and look forward to many more. Thanks
Becky White
I’m sorry to tell you, but I got this 3 times.
Airplanes, sailboats, and is there a train engine? I love these for little boys! Thank you so much, Lori!!! Your Tuesday instructional posts make my day, and yes, by your advice I have learned to DOODLE first!
Today, for the first time, I also received a duplicate post. This must be frustrating to your staff/ providers, also.
oi! voce faz em quilt livre?
tonia conner
This is precious. Thank you
Brenda Perry
Cute motif! I enjoy reading your blog and getting your instructions!
I double-checked my subscriptions and I am only subscribed to your blog once, yet I am still getting 2 notices each time. A while back you said you were working on this problem and I would have hoped it would be resolved by now. I have been quietly deleting the extra notification, but thought I should let you know the problem is persisting…..
I love the motif and your blog. I, too, am geting two copies. The emails have the same date and time stamp so my system combines into one emssage for me.
Gail Mansfield
I also got 2 copies plus Microsoft Outlook asked me if this was spam, so that made a 3rd copy… I told them NO. It’s not a big deal, I just delete the extra one, but I wanted you to know it’s still happening 🙂
Betty Anne
I am also getting two copies once again. This had stopped for a while, but has started up again. I do love your blog! Have learned so much and have gotten up the courage to try FMQ on several quilts. I need MUCH more practice but am making progress. Thank so much Lori!
I am also getting two copies each time.
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