How to Quilt a Guitar Motif

January 16, 2018
Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

Today’s tutorial, How to Quilt a Guitar Motif, is one YOU requested. I am working on creating continuous line designs for motif requests from readers.  Please let me know if there is a motif YOU would like to see.  No promises, but I will try.

Today we are stitching a Guitar. In this pattern, we are striving for a hand-drawn look.  If your motifs aren’t perfect–(mine are not either!)–don’t worry!

If you stitch the essence of a guitar, everyone will read it as a guitar!

Let’s get strumming…


Begin by stitching a bean shape.
Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

Near the center, stitch a clockwise circle.Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy


Stitch around the “sound hole” twice, ending on the right side of the guitar.Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

Close the base of the guitar and closely echo stitch the left side, stopping below the level of the sound hole.

Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

Stitch a horizontal line and echo stitch back-to create the bridge of the guitar.  Then stitch a long vertical line with a rectangle on top.

Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy  

To create the strings, stitch several closely spaced lines from the head of the guitar (the rectangle) to the bridge.

Stop several stitches above the body of the guitar.

Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

Echo stitch the body of the guitar.  Stitch a wide margin on one side to give the guitar dimension…and a narrow echo stitch on the other.  Closely echo stitch the neck and head of the guitar.
Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

To use the motif as a fill, echo stitch to any place along the guitar to begin another instrument.

Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

Machine Quilter Guitar Motif, Lori Kennedy

This motif is not a “quick and easy” motif-however, with a little doodling it is a great way to add personality to your quilt. A little goes a long way. You don’t need to fill an entire quilt with a guitar motif.  Use this motif to fill a central square or a corner block where it will get the most visibility.

What about YOU?

Are YOU musical?

Do YOU play the guitar or any other instrument?

Do YOU have a motif you would like to learn?

We’d LOVE to hear!

Tomorrow–BIG CHANGES in my Sewing Studio!!!

May YOUR stitches be musical,

Lori Yamaha

PS…If you like these motifs and tips, be sure to check out my book, Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 or any of my Craftsy Videos!

PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!









  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    You are a genius! Very cool!

  • Norma

    The guitar is really amazing. My husband is a pianist. I would love to surprise him with a piano motif in a quilt. He has a grand and an upright so either or both would be lovely. Thank you for asking for suggestions. He also plays the banjo, but I think that I can adapt the guitar to a banjo. Thank you, you amaze me with your creativity and generosity.

  • jamala

    Thank you. Fantastic design.

  • Martha

    Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU! I’m working on a guitar-themed quilt, so this tutorial is just ideal!

  • Sharon

    I am a harpist. Would you please do a harp?

  • D. Joy Summers

    As for using your voice only in church remember that is says to make a joyful Noise. I can do that for I too do not sound such that I get request. As for playing an instrument only the ones that play CD or records. Yes, I still can play the vinyls and I sing with them sometimes too. LOL (no ones around though)

  • Brilliant! Who would have thunk it! Love it! Keep up the wonderful work!!

  • Suzanne G.

    Dang! You are such a clever girl. I have only one instrument, my voice, which I only use at church because it’s really not that good. But at church I don’t mind, ’cause nobody else minds either!

    • Support

      I’m sure your voice is lovely!

  • Marion Voorhees

    I love this! I have two guitar players in my family. I would like to know if you do a tractor motif?

    • Support

      I will try to work on a tractor!

      • Marion Voorhees

        Thanks! I was going to try to figure it out by the truck tutorial but I would love to see yours!

  • Susan

    I play the violin, viola, handbells and handchimes. Would love to see any musical motif.

  • Kathy

    INSPIRATION! My nephew is in a luthier training course to build custom guitars.
    I feel a quilt coming on. Thanks, Lori.

    • Support

      How cool! You better get stitching!

  • Ann Lindquist

    I marvel at your creativity and generosity every week. Thank you for continuing to share your talents with all of us. For future motifs, maybe paw prints. I am working on a kitty and puppy quilt now for our soon to arrive grandson. There are lots of animal lovers out there as well and an overall paw print design would be appreciated.

  • Thank you, thank you! I am working (slowly) on a guitar quilt for my husband. He jokes that he has GAS – Guitar Acquisition Syndrome – because he has 6 or more. Anyway, this motif is awesome and will come in handy when it comes time to add some personal touches to the quilting.

  • I love this motif! I can’t wait to try it. My favorite is it doesn’t require lines. I like the squiggly feel of it, the repetition around the outside.

  • Tammy Hutchinson

    Fun! I’m in Nashville this week to see the country star Dwight Yoakam with my DH, and will give this motif a try when I get home!

  • You make it look so darn easy. Thank you

  • Lori Hope

    How fun!

    Every year I make a quilt for my community choir’s auction, and this will undoubtedly make an appearance on one of those quilts some day…

    Can’t wait to see your studio changes tomorrow!!

  • My husband plays guitar, and he and some friends entertain at nursing homes in our area. They play music from many era’s and enjoy seeing the residents singing along, tapping their toes, and even conducting!

    • Support

      How lovely! What a great way to share his talent!

  • Thanks, Lori. That looks cute.

  • Donna Belisle

    Another winner. You never cease to amaze!

  • Aileen Kline

    Wow Lori, Fantastic!!

  • Kerry

    How cool is that! Great design!

  • Patti Godwin

    So cute!

    • Tessa

      Very creative Lori! I have a Yamaha….5’7″ Grand…..your guitar, along with a few other instruments (sax, keyboard, musical notes) would look nice on a cover for my music book. Thanks for all your wonderful tutorials.

  • Toni Leggate

    10 minutes before I opened your post MDH bought himself a guitar on ebay! Reaching back to his teenage years (in his 70’s now!) and he will need a quilted bag for it!! So from him and me – thank you!

    • Support

      Timing is everything! Lol

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