Home Sweet Home-A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

September 1, 2015
LKennedy.FMQ, Home Sweet Home

LKennedy.FMQ, Home Sweet Home

Good Morning, Quilters, Homemakers and Doodlers!

Are you frequently drawn to certain motifs?  Some people like butterflies (I do not…) or horses, or cats or dogs…

I love flowers–I bet you guessed already…

And sewing notions--who doesn’t?…

I also love any fabric or design that contains lettering.

Another motif that I always find appealing is houses–and I’ve done a few tutorials of houses:

We have the Row Houses tutorial and the Town House tutorial.  We even have a Birdhouse free motion quilt tutorial.


Today’s Home Sweet Home free motion quilt tutorial is the EASIEST–and (for now) it’s my favorite.

So let’s move right in!


Begin by drawing parallel lines.  Draw the bottom line, then a line 1-1/4 inches above that line and another 1 inch above the second line.

Begin stitch along the bottom line.  Stitch straight up to the middle line, then stitch four or five stitches to the left.  Stop here.

Next stitch at an angle to the top line.

Home,FMQ, LKennedyStich down at an angle to the middle line.

Stitch on the middle line stopping one stitch short of the previous line of stitching then closely echo stitch back…stop four-five stitches before the right point of the triangle… (NOTE–in the photo below I stitched a tad too far.)

LKennedy.FMQ, Home Sweet HomeStitch straight down to create the right wall of the house.

LKennedy.FMQ, Home Sweet HomeStitch along the bottom line several stitches.  Stitch up and over and down to create the door.

Stitch directly under the door and the right side of the house and continue along the bottom line to begin the next house on the street.

LKennedy.FMQ, Home Sweet HomeOR…add a few simple trees or a flower…

Home,FMQ, LKennedy

Just like that you’ve built a house!

This would be a sweet motif on a child’s quilt or for any quilt that has a house theme.  Home Sweet Home could be used as a border or to fill a single square.

Once you have the basic pattern, refer to your doodles in Change One Thing….and create Better Quilting through Doodling!


Be sure to tune in tomorrow to see “My Little Village”…an irresistible little quilt!


Happy House Warming!


NOTE-This tutorial was stitched on my BERNINA 770 QE using Sulky Rayon 40 wt thread on top and Aurifil cotton 50 wt in the bobbin.

PS…All images, tutorials and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!




  • Diana

    Hi. Love the little house. Do you have a tutorial on making airplanes? Thanks so much!

  • rascassepoule

    I like it ,thanks!

  • Rosemaryflower

    this is cute. Home sweet home.
    Oh my, how about grass hoppers and bees?
    Okay that seems crazy. How about other cute animals, bunnies
    You have a great collection for ideas now!

  • Lori love the little house and trees! I love bottles too and have a secret collection of old perfume bottles I just couldn’t throw out and have a few others I’m not sure what they held I rescued from old dumps. Found an old rootbeer bottle from under a old log cabin.
    Besides the house I’ll need to add a barn, I love barns and I love old pickup trucks and tractors! 🙂 Pine trees…love! And cowboy boots sitting in a row…my mind it doodling as fast as it can go…lol!

    • A

      So many ideas…so little time! No wonder you get so much done–your brain never rests!

  • Mornin’ I bet you loved the etch-a-sketch as a kid…. This reminds of one!!!

    • A

      That’s funny! All continuous line designs could be done on an etch-a sketch–and yes I loved mine. But…Circles were not easy–that was an advanced Etch-a-Sketch skill!

  • Feathers!!!!! Any and all!!!!! LOL!!!!

    • A

      Classic! I love them too…but I like them best when they are combined with other motifs!

  • Perfume bottle shapes. Have been looking for this motif on fabric for years. Will try using your machine quilting technique to create my own perfume bottles.

    • A

      I like bottle shapes too! I’ve been thinking about a tutorial for one–now I’ll do it!

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