
September 14, 2013

Dinosaur and running boy


What made you LOL this week?

Note:  I was unable to find the source for this clever photo found on Pinterest.    I would LOVE to meet the person who created it!

Hope you have an amusing weekend!




  • Cheryl

    Yesterday at a wedding reception my 3 yr old granddaughter comes up to her mom and said ” I went polly (potty) in my pants”. Her mom said no, you didn’t did you. She said yes I did and pulled up her dress so mom could see.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Now that is funny! I’m sure it will become part of the “family lore” from here on out!

  • Hmmm. I’m sure something made me laugh, sadly I can’t think of what it was. Guess I need to up my funny!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Just check in here regularly and we’ll do our best to bring a smile to your face!

  • Karen

    Now that is funny!

  • Now see, it’s a good thing I don’t have Photoshop, because if I did, we’d have a Christmas card photo of my kids getting chased down by dinosaurs. My grandmother would have a heart attack! 😉

  • Becky

    The ladies at my quilting retreat telling about getting stuck in revolving glass doors at Paducah …..

    • A

      That is funny! Sounds like a Three Stooges skit. I imagine they were carrying huge bags of fabric that just added to the hilarity!

  • This made me LOL! Thanks for the laugh.

  • My 6 year old daughter who decided to have a ” garge sale” ,at the end of our driveway yesterday. She packed up her little red wagon with her old shoes,toys, etc.and took her little chair and sat there……She made $2.00 !! LOL

    • A

      That is very funny, Ann. I love an enterprising child–especially if it helps to de-clutter!

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