Henry’s Trucks-A Machine Quilting Tutorial

January 19, 2016
Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

BRRR!!!  (’nuff said!)

Now that I have a grandson…(don’t you love his Olympic 2016 outfit?)

My quilting has taken a masculine detour.Henry.4months, Lori Kennedy

I have an idea for a quilt with roads and trucks.

Every idea starts with SAMPLES!–(I know, I know…we all want to dive right in–but SAMPLES can make the difference between a good quilt and a great quilt!)

So today, let’s play with Henry’s Trucks.
Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Begin by drawing a rectangle.  In the sample below, the rectangle is 3-1/2″ x 4 “.

Begin stitching above the bottom line.  Stitch a circle (one and one half revolutions) then stitch a “dash”.

Stitch another circle and a dash.  (See Dots and Dashes tutorial HERE).

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Stitch up several stitches, then stitch from right to left, dropping down between the wheels.

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Stitch a rounded hood, then stitch a straight line up,and begin the top of the cab…

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Stitch straight down and around to create a window and then stitch down toward the bottom of the truck.

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Stitch one stitch over and stitch a large square or rectangle to make the trailer.

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Echo stitch the entire truck.and add a little exhaust from the tail pipe if you like…

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Or…Stitch a logo or message in the trailer’s box.

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Once you have the basic truck formula, add a little variety by changing the tires, the size and shape of the trailer or by adding messages…

Free Motion Quilted Trucks, Lori Kennedy

Have fun with this motif…

When you have fun while you are quilting, your quilt will BE FUN!

Happy, Happy Stitching!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • I am so happy the name Henry is coming back, this is 4th newborn I know named Henry and my husband is Henry too. YOur grandson is adorable and so is this quilt…..makes me want to make a quilt just like yours! Please tell us how you layer your fabrics and keep them secure for this type of quilting. I would be afraid of shifting bunching and pleating. Thanks for your fun tutorials and Craftsy classes I have learned so much from you :0) Happy Sewing

  • O Henry… very funny

  • Janet

    This is such an adorable design idea! Great tutorial.

  • Judi Creed

    Henry is adorable! I have a George Grandson! Love their “old” names! I liked the truck too!

  • Whiskers

    Nah, nah, nah…. Henry is going to be a “train” man. Hint, hint, hint…

    • WordPress.com Support

      Ha ha. I do have a train on my drawing board. I’ll have to
      Move it on up! Toot! Toot!

  • Tammie

    Your work is simply amazing!

  • Marta, south Georgia

    Precious, precious, precious! #1. Precious : Henry!!!!! you and your family, Lori, are so blessed. #2. Precious: His truck you have sewn. #3 Precious: The things you will make for him and the TIME you will spend with him. Our Thom is 7 1/2 now.. It has flown by. I have sewn clothes, rag quilt, regular log cabin flannel bed quilt, mendings, etc… A year ago he brought a batch of stuffed animals to me for repair. There turned out to be 27 before they were all healed. Later I heard him show one to his friend and say, “She will sew anything I give her!” Yes, precious… my most precious compliment ever. Listen closely, Lori, you will hear treasures.

  • So many possibilities with this one and he is THE cutest!!!!!!

  • Kathie L

    I have a 2 year old Henry grandson. Trucks are his love!!

  • Henry is so cute! You have such an imagination for creating new shapes. Were you an engineer in a previous life? Honestly, Lori, your FMQ tutorials are the absolute best.

  • Agreed Henry is adorable and I can understand how he would inspire this cute quilting pattern. If he is anything like my little grandsons you will need to come up with train ideas, as was suggested, too.

  • Karen

    Adorable, take time to enjoy him. Appreciate the truck, already have a spot for it! Thanks a million!

  • Amy Roth

    What a beautiful little boy! My son is Henry, but goes by Hank. What a cute motif for a little boy’s quilt!

  • sillyandrea

    OH my lord, that FACE! I could just smush his cheeks! 😀

  • Too adorable — where were you when my 8 grandsons were born? They’re all through high school now, but I’m hoping for a third generation to start quilting for in the next few years. Love your blog.

  • Fatima

    That’s not fair… he’s too far away to hug and kiss all over… sooooooo adorable… I know he’s not short on attention… but he needs a cyber hug… Thank you for all the inspiration… I haven’t had time to quilt in the past year… but your blog keeps me in the loop, so to speak, so that when I am able to get back into it, I have somewhere to turn to for ideas… I truly admire all your work and love your enthusiasm! THANK YOU Lori! 🙂

  • Cindy B.

    OMG My computer screen STOPPED on Henry. He is so adorable!!!!! I had to search every little detail of him. But, I want to just pick him up and hold him tight to my chest. Gosh, he is darling. You will find grand’s are SOOOO special. Nothing like them.

  • This is great! I get so many good ideas from you. And I just finished your Craftsy class so I’m feeling more confident about trying new things ( thank you!). How about a choo-choo train?

    • WordPress.com Support

      A train is already in the works!

      • Marta

        Yeee Ha! I’m in planning stage for a railroad quilt.. Looking forward to this! Better hold on to Henry as much as you can… it will go by so fast! He is precious.. Our grand baby boy just turned 8 and doesn’t really want to be hugged much any more. But he asked me to make a tent for his new bear ( stuffed).

  • I love the trucks and Henry is just adorable!

  • Oh, he is a doll. Thanks for including a picture of your motivation for masculine quilts. I hope to get to try that truck this week and I am looking forward to a more masculine touch for a while. I guess we will get a few more vehicles before spring gets here and I can already see a baseball theme coming!

    Thank you for sharing your designs!

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