Heart Leaf Border

January 31, 2017

Machine Quilting, Lori Kennedy, Heart Leaf

Good Morning, Quilters!

Was I in hibernation?  Where did January go???

We are on the heels of February already and we will continue our Flower of the Month free motion quilting.

(In case you slept through January, too…you can find The Carnation–the January flower HERE

The Carnation--A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

Our February flower (The Violet–coming mid-February) has a heart-shaped leaf and I thought you might want to incorporate this motif into your Valentine’s Day quilting.


Begin by drawing three parallel lines.  In the samples below, the lines are one inch apart.

Begin stitching on the middle line.  Stitch a small clockwise curl.

Reverse direction and stitch a tapered leaf.

Stitch the mirror image on the left side.

Stitch a small counter-clockwise curl.

Echo stitch the curl back to the center line.

Add a curvy line through the center of the leaf and begin the next leaf with a small cur.

After completing the entire row of Heart Leaves, echo stitch both sides of the leaf for more emphasis.

This motif stands alone–a very easy leaf–and it will look great when we combine it with the Wood Violet Flower later in February….

Hope your hibernation is over and YOU are ready to quilt!

Are YOU 1/12 of the way through YOUR New Year’s goals?

We’d LOVE to hear!


PS…Check out my Craftsy videos–50% OFF—Limited Time Only–Offer Expires April 15, 2017

(Click photo to link to special class prices–discount applied at checkout)

Doodle to Design, Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy Title Card

PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to reblog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • Lee Brinkley

    I just retired after 30 years with the state of NC!!!! So, beginning tomorrow, my new life of quilting begins!!! You have given me such inspiration of things to try!!! I’m so excited!!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Congratulations!!! I cant wait to see what you create!

  • Phyllis

    Thank you Lori. Great design!

  • Kristin

    This heart leaf will be perfect for a border on a quilt that I am almost finished with. My dear quilting group made me blocks when I moved away over three years ago. I finally am getting it completed! I have incorporated many hearts among the quilting to show the love I have for my quilting friends….

  • Lori, you are absolutely THE best quilting instructor online! There is no one better. These tutorials are extraordinary and give me the confidence to actually do FM quilting. Thank you for your dedication to all of us out here in Quiltville 🙂

    • WordPress.com Support

      Thank you Karen!! Im so glad you are FMQing!

  • I really AM getting a lot done all at once. So much was preparation, and now I have 7 tops ready to start the quilting. Oh joy!! 🙂 I usually finish them once they’re done, but life imposed. Yesterday, I completed a little mini quilt with the Extra Sweet Heart motif as the borders. It looks really cute. Thanks for more flower and heart motifs. I love using them, and they still look great even if they’re not perfect.

  • Bonnie Reed

    Good morning Lori! It looks like you and I are the only ones up to and in here this morning. I’m watching the snow, again. I love the leaf motif. Doing well with New Year’s resolutions which is eating much healthier. I love you designs and follow you all the time. Keep up the great work!

  • Marta

    This is cute, pretty and I have to try it today! Thanks…

  • Carol

    Love the heart leaf! I bought a sketch pad just for me (not the grandkids), and I am recording and practicing each new design. It is an easy way for me to look back over designs to get ideas for my next FMQ without pulling up a blog tutorial (although I am still saving them on my iPad). I only came across this blog two months ago and am so thankful for all the ideas. I am looking for a way to FMQ large triangles, such as those found in a pinwheel. Any help would be appreciated!

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