• I like your choice for a lamb (of God). Look at the mom, her mouth is so large.

  • My first thought when I looked at the picture was “How can anyone want to eat them?” They are adorable and give us wool to keep us warm. I am not a vegetarian, but just cannot bring myself to dine on these creatures. Could it have something to do with my Mom reading me William Blake’s poem “The Lamb” as a child? Perhaps. There are 3 meats that you will never find in my larder or on my table, mutton, lamb, and veal. You can read Blake’s poem here http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/172926

    Hope that my comment doesn’t offend anyone, it’s just my opinion. Hope that your Easter was joyous and gave your reasons to rejoice.

  • tavette

    Ahhhh….mom & her babies enjoying an Easter dinner, free of any worries, just as it should be.. In our living room we have a huge painting (done by my artist dad) of Jesus holding a baby lamb and several others at his feet so we pretty much celebrate Easter and its meaning every day. Good thing to do.

    Your Easter flowers with the lettering above it has me intrigued. Will have to study that at a more reasonable hour (looking at this at 1:45 a.m.).

    Hope you and your family had a wonderful, wonderful Easter!

    Tavette – . S. Fla.

  • Marta. south Georgia

    Blessings for us all exude from these greetings today..Lambs… my favorite…and especially the Lamb of our Father. Your photo is unique among photos of sheep that I have seen..What a lovely perspective you brought to us. Thank you Jesus for Lori, who shares her life’s talents with us.

    • Karen

      Happy Easter, Lori and Family. Thank you for always being willing to help. I always look forward to your morning the in box jaunt!!

  • loosecannon2

    Happy Easter Lori; may the Peace Christ promised fill the souls of you & your family.

  • Phyllis

    Happy Easter Lori. Serene picture.

  • jeandmaynard

    Happy Easter to a woman of many talents. Beautiful picture.

  • Terry Sheldon

    Happy Easter to you and your family, Lori!

  • Rosemarazzle

    He is risen indeed
    Happy Easter every one❤️

  • Roxanne

    Happy Easter

  • Alan Zook

    Jesus, the lamb that takes away the sin of the world.

  • Happy Easter to you too!!

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