Today’s Topic: Halloween Quilting
Welcome to Week Nineteen of The Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
Find all of the previous Lessons HERE.
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Good Morning, Quilters!
We are taking a short diversion from our 25 week QAL for a little Halloween trick or treating!
I LOVE Halloween! and I love Halloween quilts!
Check out the Sugar Skull quilt tutorial sponsored by BERNINA’s We All Sew blog!
The tutorial includes a short video–but don’t worry it’s not scary –no vampires, werewolfs or slashers!
The other Halloween motifs are found in my book, MORE Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3.

The Mini Quilts
I started with two practice pieces from the BERNINA tutorial….

and I added a row of motifs above including bats, ghosts and skulls.

I made two variations: One with orange background quilting and one without:
Which do YOU like better? With background fill or without?
And there was one small piece left for a postcard!

Halloween Doodles
Of course, every good quilting design starts with a good doodle!
Practice the motifs, then doodle a few compositions.
I had fun doodling on some old documents. If you are tired of lined notebook paper, look for old ledgers or documents. I found a few on ebay and at a local vintage store.
Old paper adds character to doodles-while providing straight lines and blocks.

Have FUN!
Halloween is a perfect time to practice the hand-drawn technique of free motion quilting. Don’t strive for perfection, shoot for character!
Shoot for the moon…
Who knows? You might snare a bat or a ghost…
Remember, if you have fun quilting and doodling, your quilts will be fun!
May you have bats in your quilts,
and NOT in your belfry!
Your Batty Quilter,
Loriella deVil

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books! They are ALL bestsellers!

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I have learned so much
Arvilla Trag
I especially love the bats!
You are so creative! Just loved all the ideas, has my wheels turning! Thanks so much!
Roxy Sherburne
Cute, Lori!
I’m sure you have heard this many times before but…You are soooo talented! Maybe one of these days my quilting will look half as good as yours does. Thank you for your generous nature in helping us go farther than we thought we ever could! Oh, and yes, the background quilting definitely looks good…I can see myself saying, EEK! if someone wanted more than just the figures…!
Maureen B. in B.C.
Ooooooo, totally creepy. Love them. Also love the dangly spiders in your artwork piece. So much better than physically walking through a faceful of web, as we’ve all done. Perhaps I need some placemats as well. Thanks Loriella DeVil
Mary G
Hat a fabulous idea, Lori. I haven’t time to quilt and get them off to the grands in Seattle this year, but definitely in 2021. Will make them soon tho, before I forget how cute this is. I think Papa and I need a pair as well.
Oh, I do like the background fill.
Bobbie Elder
I am so thankful for your tutorials online and in your books with the step-by-step guides!
Lori Hope
I love your Halloween motifs, and used them in the calendar quilt I finally completed last year–the month of October is filled with Halloween motifs from your books! 🙂
Squee! They are so cute. Especially the postcard. Maybe I can knock a couple out over the weekend for my great-nieces.
I prefer the larger piece with the orange background fill a little better. The subtle swirls seem to add a bit of pop to all the ghosts and bats.
Another vote for the background fill. Cute!!
I love the background fill. It seems to unify the motif. But then, I tend to over quilt anyway!
Susan Geldmeier
I love both of your Halloween “ placemats” , but I like the one with the orange background fill better.
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