Giveaway! I Love Home Block of the Month

November 6, 2017
Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, I Love Home, Jacquelynne Steves

Good Morning, Quilters!

It’s a busy week here at The Inbox Jaunt!  Tomorrow my new Craftsy video, Creating a Quilting Plan:  Approaches for Any Quilt is released!  Be sure to check in tomorrow for all the details!!!!

And today we have a giveaway!


Block 4 is available HERE  from Jacquelynne Steves  

Block Four is the final block.  Next month we add borders and finishing touches!

While you are stitching the blocks, it is helpful to start planning  how you will quilt different areas of the quilt.  Each area of the quilt  will need it’s own “quilting plan” including batting, thread and motifs.

Machine Quilting, Lori KennedyWHICH MOTIFS TO CHOOSE?!

There are so many possible motifs to quilt, we need to narrow the focus.   

One way to choose motifs is to stick to a theme.

For this quilt, I looked for motifs that fit our I Love Home theme like hearts and houses.

The Sweetheart Border and Row Houses are perfect for the borders.  Find the Sweetheart Border HERE and the Row of Houses HERE

Both motifs can also be found in my book, Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 HERE on Etsy  (Personalized, signed copies make great gifts!)

To test your motifs, use a vinyl sheet and a wet erase marker.

Read HERE for more tips on this method.
Machine Quilt Design Tips


This month’s prize is from Olfa– a cutting mat, rotary cutter, and package of Endurance blades.  Olfa mats come in a variety of sizes and I have used them for more than twenty years!  Thank you, Olfa for transforming quilting with rotary blades and mats and for this fabulous giveaway!

To enter, please tell us YOUR biggest quilting challenge.  Is it planning the quilting, choosing the motifs, picking the right thread…or is it something else?  Leave a note in the comment section by the end of the day on November 9th.

***Please note that this giveaway is open to US winners only this time, due to shipping costs.


There are seven other quilters participating in the I LOVE HOME project.  Be sure to see their blocks and enter their giveaways for more chances to win!

Good Luck!

Tomorrow:  Turn YOUR UFOs into completed heirloom quilts with —Creating A Quilting Plan:  Approaches for Any Quilt!

Happy Stitching,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!









  • Deb Pommier

    Planning the pattern for the quilting

  • Michele Stevenson

    My biggest problem is picking the fabric to complete the blocks.

  • marta

    My biggest challenge is which project to begin.there is so much inspiration your block choice..just free motion quilted…marta

  • Susan Varesio

    Planning the pattern and getting started—

  • Judi Duncan

    my biggest challenge is choosing fabrics…so so many wonderful choices

  • Joanne D.

    My biggest quilting challenge is FMQ

  • I have only been quilting 2 years and I struggle with doing the binding. I hate the hand work so have been trying to perfect a machine stitch binding. Mitered corners have their problems for sure!

  • sewncreations

    I have a hard time deciding on what fabrics to use.

  • Patricia GOSSETT

    Colors is a challenge for me – love the 4th block great quilting designs

  • Frances Clark

    My biggest challenge is the actual quilting. I don’t have the patience to do it by hand, a machine I can do it on myself, or the money to pay a professional. Have 2 quilts no that I am trying to figure out how to get them finished.

  • Sally Heilinger

    Since I’m new to machine quilting my biggest challenge is choosing a motif and then just quilting the quilt!

  • My biggest challenge in quilting is getting started! Finding those few precious moments to get going! After that it is much easier to keep going!m

  • Vicki Formby

    Free motion quilting is a very big challenge for me. Just can’t get the hang of it.

  • Picking the thread color for quilting on the longarm is my biggest challenge.

  • I really suffer from wanting to spend all my time sewing so I avoid starting until I have time to delve into it.

  • dwillmott2014

    Choosing the quilting design is my biggest challenge!

  • I love the way you chose to quilt your block. Thanks for all the tips on your method of marking too. My biggest quilting challenge is deciding “what” to quilt where. It eats up so much of my time trying to make up my mind. I’m also limited by what I can quilt nicely without having to draw everything. Thanks for a chance to win the fabulous Olfa prizes. I love all things Olfa.

  • Tamara Gassen

    I think the quilting. I am new at quilting & I practice a lot

  • My biggest challenge is which project to begin. I have so many kits, patterns and ideas to quilt that I need the time to make them all! But first I have to decide which one to start!

  • Linda Hulen

    My greatest challenge is the quilting itself. I am just not a very good free motion quilter!

  • Maryellen

    I love what you did. I think my biggest challenge is just time, and getting my space organized better, because I had to move.

  • Sylvia

    My freemotion quilting needs a lot of practice.

  • LaRue

    I love piecing, but my biggest challenge is the quilting. I just started doing some free motion quilting, but still pretty limited.

  • K Wright

    My biggest quilting challenge is finding simple, old fashioned quilt patterns. I like very traditional quilts, using fabrics from Family clothing items I’ve made & my Family has outgrown or leftover fabric from other well loved fabric projects. It can be a trick, but the traditional patterns are out there, from the earliest days of quilting, if you look. I love quilting as I was taught by my Grandmother.

  • Danielle Nunn-Weinberg

    I am a complete novice at quilting – still working on my first. I would say that my biggest challenge is accuracy.

  • Bev Gunn

    Trying to move the fabric smoothly and get nice lines on the quilting seems to be my biggest challenge. I know, I need to practice more!

  • Teresa Homer

    Ugh! It’s that 1/4 inch seam! Get it off by a bit and your entire block goes wonky! That is a challenge!

  • Ginny Carlson

    My biggest challenge is the binding…. but I’m getting better 🙂

  • Darrell

    My biggest challenge is getting that quarter inch seam.. tho it is getting better, I must keep a vigilance eye out .. dquilterguy48329 (at) prodigy (dot) net

  • Diannia McDonald

    Definitely choosing a quilting design! I am currently struggling with sewing bindings by machine. Have not yet found a method that I like and that is neat.

  • Ivonne Walters

    For sure the quilting. I draft several ideas before I decide on the one.

  • MJ OBrien

    That first free motion stitch is the biggest hurdle. After all the work put into planning, shopping, and piecing, I don’t want to mess it up with poor quilting.

  • Marilyn Rose

    Doing the quilting. Definitely.

  • Jane E Henderson

    My biggest challenge is getting the “sandwich” perfect for quilting. I’m getting better, but not perfect yet. I only machine quilt small quilts so far.

  • auntiepatch69

    My biggest challenge is planning the quilting. The quilt top is no problem for me; it’s the quilting!

  • Sue V.

    My biggest challenge is getting the top, batting and backing pinned and ready to machine quilt

  • Kathy Carr

    My biggest quilting challenge is trying to decide which quilt to work on next. I have 5 projects I’m working on now. Two are for Christmas and two are BOM’s that I want to stay up to date.That’s not counting the three that need bindings.

  • Sandy Ross

    My challenge is planning time to make all the things i can imagine!

  • Eileen

    My biggest challenge is putting aside the time to do my project and completing one before falling in love and starting with the next one!

  • Time to do all the quilts I want to do! And then free motion quilting just terrifieso me.

  • suegiachero

    Finding time – uninterrupted time is my biggest challenge.

  • Buffie lorah

    My biggest challenge is myself! I am my own worst critic, I need to just go with it and create my art.

  • My biggest challenge is finishing something I’ve started, before being enthralled by something new,

  • Debbie B.

    I enjoy piecing the quilt together but my biggest challenge is everything that comes after that!

  • Carol B

    My biggest challenge is how to quilt the top and feel I have the confidence to do it.

  • Sandy May

    My biggest challenge is finishing each project. Too many items in the pot, most of them 90% completed. What prevents me from tackling those final steps?

  • Ashley Warren

    My biggest sewing/quilting challenge so far has been the puff / bubble quilt, unbelievably hard but it turned out beautiful.

  • Kandi Crawford

    My biggest challenge is the actual quilting!

  • Frances Leslie

    Biggest challenge is finding the right quilting pattern, by hand or machine. I have several books & patterns but it is still difficult.

  • Ola Norman

    I have a hard time deciding what colors to use.

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