Giveaway! I Love Home Block of the Month

November 6, 2017
Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, I Love Home, Jacquelynne Steves

Good Morning, Quilters!

It’s a busy week here at The Inbox Jaunt!  Tomorrow my new Craftsy video, Creating a Quilting Plan:  Approaches for Any Quilt is released!  Be sure to check in tomorrow for all the details!!!!

And today we have a giveaway!


Block 4 is available HERE  from Jacquelynne Steves  

Block Four is the final block.  Next month we add borders and finishing touches!

While you are stitching the blocks, it is helpful to start planning  how you will quilt different areas of the quilt.  Each area of the quilt  will need it’s own “quilting plan” including batting, thread and motifs.

Machine Quilting, Lori KennedyWHICH MOTIFS TO CHOOSE?!

There are so many possible motifs to quilt, we need to narrow the focus.   

One way to choose motifs is to stick to a theme.

For this quilt, I looked for motifs that fit our I Love Home theme like hearts and houses.

The Sweetheart Border and Row Houses are perfect for the borders.  Find the Sweetheart Border HERE and the Row of Houses HERE

Both motifs can also be found in my book, Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 HERE on Etsy  (Personalized, signed copies make great gifts!)

To test your motifs, use a vinyl sheet and a wet erase marker.

Read HERE for more tips on this method.
Machine Quilt Design Tips


This month’s prize is from Olfa– a cutting mat, rotary cutter, and package of Endurance blades.  Olfa mats come in a variety of sizes and I have used them for more than twenty years!  Thank you, Olfa for transforming quilting with rotary blades and mats and for this fabulous giveaway!

To enter, please tell us YOUR biggest quilting challenge.  Is it planning the quilting, choosing the motifs, picking the right thread…or is it something else?  Leave a note in the comment section by the end of the day on November 9th.

***Please note that this giveaway is open to US winners only this time, due to shipping costs.


There are seven other quilters participating in the I LOVE HOME project.  Be sure to see their blocks and enter their giveaways for more chances to win!

Good Luck!

Tomorrow:  Turn YOUR UFOs into completed heirloom quilts with —Creating A Quilting Plan:  Approaches for Any Quilt!

Happy Stitching,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!









  • Glennis Salls

    The biggest challenge I face is reading patterns and the cutting of the patterns.

  • Choosing colors is always a challenge.

  • My biggest challenge is to find the time to quilt the tops I have completed. Just not enough time.

  • Annette Ackley

    My biggest challenge is deciding on which to do. Hand quilting or machine quilting. Most of the time I do hand quilting. I’m still in the learning stage of machine quilting. Been practicing.

  • amy fowler

    my back hurting

    • Support

      So sorry to hear that!

  • Jeanne Brown

    picking out the fabric

  • My biggest quilting challenge is always the quilting itself. I use a regular sewing machine, without a wide opening. So the problem I encounter is just the sheer bulk of larger quilts. I loll each side toward the center, and that helps a lot. But it is a heavy, tiring process, none-the-less.I love all of the earlier stages of quilt-making, but this one, I just endure. Luckily the final result always convinces me that the process was worth the result. ????

  • I have the hardest time quilting large quilts – because of the size.

  • Like many others, I am behind on this project. However, I cannot pick just one as my favorite. It;’s like choosing your favorite child among your own children!!!

  • My biggest challenge is doing curves!

  • Renata S

    My biggest challenge is stretching the quilt to baste. I DO NOT do floors, don’t have large tables or lots of free horizontal space (like counter tops). I have learned to approach basting similar to basting for large quilts in hand quilting.

  • Donna P.

    I find the sandwiching very tedious – my least favorite part of quilting.

  • Cecilia

    Planning the quilting is my biggest challenge. It takes time to decide on how I want to quilt each quilt.


    my biggest challenge is machine quilting as I am so anxious to finish that sometimes the stitch length isn’t even!

  • Laura Snith

    I find Choosing quilting designs to be the biggest challenge. Some quilts talk to me and tell me what they want, others make my mind go totally blank.

  • I have a problem picking my color scheme.

  • Kristin Pena

    Biggest challenge is finding enough time to quilt!

  • My biggest quilting challenge is the quilting itself. It seems like that takes the longest and that’s also where I’ll make the most mistakes.

  • Stacie

    My biggest challenge is getting motivated to quilt the completed top

  • Judy Perl

    My biggest challenge is how to quilt the quilt!

  • Donna Harrington

    I find it difficult to decide on what fabric to choose for a project. There are so many color combinations that can be used.

  • Sulyn Jones

    My biggest challenge is finishing the quilt. I’ll see something in a magazine and want to start it right away.

  • sandra

    Choosing my colors seems to be be my most difficult problem. Sometimes just to many to choose lol

  • Tanya

    The whole process is a major challenge to me. I seem to always cut something wrong, then piecing isn’t always perfect. Oh, and making the decisions about batting, backing and quilting is always so troubling. I think I overthink and would have more fun if I would just do and be happy with the final result!
    Thanks so much for sponsoring this great giveaway!!

  • Pam Dudeck

    Quilting on my regular machine if it is larger than twin size.

  • Katherine L Ross

    My biggest challenge is overcoming the fear of beginning the quilting phase.

  • Mary O.

    I finally completed a simple quilt!! I really need to practice my machine quilting. Also, I need to learn how to neatly finish a binding so that it looks good on both sides.

  • My biggest challenge is finding the time to sit and sew. I do really well once I can get started, but usually i collapse when I get home from work and that usually limits my sewing time to the weekend. Looking forward to retirement in a couple of years and I have a mountain of quilting to catch up on!

  • Donna LeBlanc

    My biggest challenge is ALWAYS, always getting it QUILTED !!! Starting the quilting is my bugaboo! Thanks for sharing with us!

  • Deciding the quilt motif is definitely my biggest struggle.

  • carol S

    My biggest challenge is choosing the fabric to put into the quilt…seems like I change my mind so many times…

  • I find doing the quilting it self is the hardest and designing the quilt too

  • Ann Bailey

    I find the quilting design choices to be the most challenging.

  • Quilting has been my biggest challenge as of late. I’ve got a Singer Quilter but I’m not quite certain the machine is sturdy and strong enough for such a simple task.

  • Stacy Lindblom

    My biggest challenge is finishing a project before starting a new one, LOL!

  • Gina M

    I enjoy piecing a quilt and even binding them…it’s the actual quilting that makes me crazy and is my least favorite part. I am trying to overcome my reluctance to do my own quilting by taking some classes…and practicing!

  • Annette Canonica

    My biggest challenge is planning the quilting! I’m new to quilting and afraid of messing up all my piecing.

  • Susan Griffith

    Choosing the right design is often the hardest part.

  • Sue Rasberry

    My biggest challenge is the quilt sandwich and either pin or spray basting. Especially larger quilts. It’s my least favorite part.

  • Rejena Moffitt

    Big quilts, small machine, equals giant headaches.

  • Choosing the design for quilting.

  • Caryn S

    My biggest challenge is quilting motifs, especially if there is a lot of negative space.

  • My biggest challenge is cutting strips and having them come out even.

  • I’m just learning to quilt so everything is a challenge! Thanks for the opportunity and I love that you used the quote from “The Wizard of Oz.” My favorite movie.

  • Helen Barnhart

    Thank you for your tutorials…my biggest challenge is choosing a motif to quilt if I cannot get an inspiration from the fabric or the blocks!

  • cckoester

    My biggest challenge is planning the quilting. I spend much time going over your designs as well as other quilters.

  • My biggest challenge is to do Free Motion I have been doing the straight line quilting – need to Face My Fears..

  • Kathy Cummings

    My biggest challenge is finding my new favorite pattern!!
    Thank you!

  • CarolK (cent'l NJ)

    My biggest challenge is doing all the projects I want to do. There just isn’t enough time in the day. That and having all the right equipment helps.

  • Kyra McQuary

    My biggest challenge is quilting it!

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