Giveaway! I Love Home Block of the Month

November 6, 2017
Lori Kennedy, Machine Quilting, I Love Home, Jacquelynne Steves

Good Morning, Quilters!

It’s a busy week here at The Inbox Jaunt!  Tomorrow my new Craftsy video, Creating a Quilting Plan:  Approaches for Any Quilt is released!  Be sure to check in tomorrow for all the details!!!!

And today we have a giveaway!


Block 4 is available HERE  from Jacquelynne Steves  

Block Four is the final block.  Next month we add borders and finishing touches!

While you are stitching the blocks, it is helpful to start planning  how you will quilt different areas of the quilt.  Each area of the quilt  will need it’s own “quilting plan” including batting, thread and motifs.

Machine Quilting, Lori KennedyWHICH MOTIFS TO CHOOSE?!

There are so many possible motifs to quilt, we need to narrow the focus.   

One way to choose motifs is to stick to a theme.

For this quilt, I looked for motifs that fit our I Love Home theme like hearts and houses.

The Sweetheart Border and Row Houses are perfect for the borders.  Find the Sweetheart Border HERE and the Row of Houses HERE

Both motifs can also be found in my book, Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 HERE on Etsy  (Personalized, signed copies make great gifts!)

To test your motifs, use a vinyl sheet and a wet erase marker.

Read HERE for more tips on this method.
Machine Quilt Design Tips


This month’s prize is from Olfa– a cutting mat, rotary cutter, and package of Endurance blades.  Olfa mats come in a variety of sizes and I have used them for more than twenty years!  Thank you, Olfa for transforming quilting with rotary blades and mats and for this fabulous giveaway!

To enter, please tell us YOUR biggest quilting challenge.  Is it planning the quilting, choosing the motifs, picking the right thread…or is it something else?  Leave a note in the comment section by the end of the day on November 9th.

***Please note that this giveaway is open to US winners only this time, due to shipping costs.


There are seven other quilters participating in the I LOVE HOME project.  Be sure to see their blocks and enter their giveaways for more chances to win!

Good Luck!

Tomorrow:  Turn YOUR UFOs into completed heirloom quilts with —Creating A Quilting Plan:  Approaches for Any Quilt!

Happy Stitching,


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!










    My biggest challenge is definitely figuring out what design to quilt.

  • Pamm Collins

    Love what you did! I am not creative enough to do things different than the pictures.

  • Teresa L McCloskey

    My biggest quilting challenge is time- I would like more time to quilt and create.

  • Maralee Patton

    My biggest challenge is choosing a quilting design and sometimes making the first cut.

  • Pamela

    My biggest challenge is deciding on a quilting plan. I love picking the fabrics and colors, choosing the pattern, and making the blocks. One the top is done, figuring out how I want to quilt it is a stopper for me. Your blog, books, and classes are a great help in this process. I would say that the second huge challenge for me is actually marking the quilt to quilt it. Knowing what to use for marking and when to do the marking (one block at a time or the whole thing…) are always a puzzle for me.

  • Joni Lawrence

    learning to machine quilt. enjoyed your site. thank you!!

  • Connie Button

    getting started is always the biggest challenge because I usually have other unfinished projects so I hesitate to start another one.

  • Julie S.

    I have trouble squaring up my quilt tops.

  • DeeDee

    Sigh….choosing the quilting pattern for the completed top, can’t seem to get it from my brain to the top ….

  • Elisabetta

    My challenge was a hand quilting for a baby born, lucky me it was a small one

  • Della

    My biggest challenge was trying to figure out how to measure how much material I would need to finish my quilt for sashing, borders, and backing. I love the BOM blocks for I love Home Quilt.

  • Pam Hotle

    My biggest challenge is finishing quilts. I love starting them but then I am thinking about which one will be next. I have so many UFO’s!

  • Amy P

    My biggest challenge after deciding on the fabric is laying everything out to make the quilt sandwich, because I don’t have a lot of open space in my home.

  • Amanda Slavata

    Nerves. Absolutely nerves. I just have such a hard time letting myself try. Oh, and time. I have no time.

  • Linda Cejnar

    My biggest challenge is to stay away from the computer and blogs and emails and go over to the sewing machine and actually sew. It is so frustrating to realize all of a sudden it is 4pm on a Saturday afternoon, and I haven’t sewn one stitch, but I’ve downloaded lots of free patterns! I think it is a hoarding disease! Can’t get enough of those free patterns…I am a subscriber to your blog and admire your free motion quilting skills! Someday I’ll try it! ljbisme at msn dot com

  • My biggest challenge is the quilting and finishing process. I love the piecing and applique part but struggle with the quilting, backing, and binding steps.

  • My biggest challenge is finishing the quilt. I am always so afraid I will ruin it in the quilting process!

  • MaryAnn192

    My biggest challenge is getting material to match. With so many amazing colors, textures and patterns, I really struggle! But, I am getting better!!! I love your tutorials and info above. Thanks

  • Marcie Higgins

    So far my biggest challenge is the (fmq) quilting. I’ve only been quilting for about a year and the throat on my machine is small so it’s tough to get a quilt in there. I’m still working on it.

  • Kathryn Barnhill

    I hit send before I completed typing my name

  • Kathryn ba

    My biggest challenge is simply deciding what to make out if all the ideas I have

  • Sandy

    My biggest quilting challenge is never having enough time to do all the quilts I want to do.

  • Susan Willison

    My biggest challenge is deciding what to do FIRST! My husband and I both just recently retired from 30 years in the corporate grind which didn’t leave a lot of time for hobbies. Now that I have time to do more than mending or hemming, it is going to be difficult deciding which project to tackle first. What a wonderful problem to have!

  • Sharon Reynolds

    My biggest challenge is deciding what to do next. I have so… many quilts that I want to do and there isn’t enough time to do everything I want to do. Also I’m never sure how to quilt the ones I have completed. I don’t feel that I am creative enough!

  • diane willard

    I love planning a quilt, juggling different colors. I am just learning free motion quilting. I was a hand quilter before. So the challenge is free motion.

  • Dawn F.

    My challenge begins when the pattern ends. I like following rules to piece it, but when it comes to choosing thread and quilting designs, I freeze up because I’m afraid I might ruin it. With practice, I am getting more confident, but it still seems to challenge me!

  • Gayle Mitchel

    When the top is completed, I spread it out and it hits me like a brick! What do I do with it now? I so admire those who can “see” larger patterns in a top. I seem to be stuck in the minutia and cannot grasp the larger picture. HELP!!

  • Lydia

    Probably planning, sometimes what is in my head doesn’t always come through on my hands.

  • Linda DiVall

    My challenge seems to be corners—making sure they are square and that they don’t go askew.

  • Cathy

    My challenge is the measurements. I do exactly as the instructions say, and my square is always smaller than what it should be, and then even smaller if I even it up.

  • Garnet

    My biggest challenge is deciding how to quilt (as so many others here have also confessed to ) Will need to spend some time exploring your site for inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing your talent.

  • Diane N

    My biggest challenge is deciding how to quilt it. I am always afraid I am going to ruin all my hard work with horrible quilting.

  • My biggest challenge is making sure I finish a quilt. There is always something new to move on to and it is easy to put one I am currently working on aside and move on to something new. I am trying to work on actually finishing my projects.

  • Carol M

    I am fairly new to quilting so my biggest challenge is in just getting started. I tend to spend too much time thinking, planning, re-thinking, etc. I am afraid I will make the wrong choice in deciding which fabric goes where and ruin my beautiful fabric. I have made kit baby quilts for the Linus Project to get some experience with good directions and most of the decisions made for me. Love your newsletters and instructions!

  • Jeanne Brown

    Mine is the quilting ,I have someone do it .

  • Jennifer O

    It is agonizing when I am trying to decide on a quilting design..

  • SHERRY Creech

    My biggest challenge is still sewing an accurate QTR seaml.

  • Beth A

    Deciding on what will enhance my quilt is difficult for me.

  • Cynthia Ketron

    My biggest challenge is choosing the right fabric.
    I have a hard time getting the fabrics to complement each other for the quilt pattern I have chosen.

    Thank you.

  • stichnnurse

    my challenge????
    just suck it up and go for free motion quilting!!!! i have so many tops waiting for quilting!!!!!!

  • Angelia L.

    My biggest challenge is choosing colors and fabric.

  • Shirley

    Sandwiching layers of quilts

  • My biggest challenge is the quilting,

  • Quilting is the challenging part- the designs, the time and the room since I always make the quilts at least queen size.

  • Patti Serenko

    Besides stealing the time to sew, my challenge is finding the pattern to fit the fabric. I probably spend too much time planning the project before the first cut.

  • dezertsuz

    Thanks for a chance to win that great prize. My biggest challenge is binding! I hate binding. I don’t mind the hand sewing side but I always have trouble with that final ending on the machine sewing side. I’ve watched all the videos, read all the tutorials, but my brain is missing something out of it all. So that’s my biggest challenge.

  • Dawn Jones

    The quilting is my issue. I’m still doing straight lines, but I would love to be able to do other quilting.

  • Mary Green

    No longer satisfied (?) with doing just in-the-ditch quilting, I’m experimenting with free-motion and using rulers to quilt. It is deciding the quilting motifs that is most challenging, and exciting!

  • This has been a fun BOM. I am behind but will catch up someday.

  • Kathleen Rutledge

    My biggest challenge (1 of many!) is learning to free motion quilt. I ordered the free motion quilting foot for my sewing machine and when I try to use it the bobbin thread goes crazy and ties itself all up. I haven’t given up but I’m very frustrated. I have been doing mostly straight line quilting for now.

    • Support

      What kind of machine do you have? Do you hold the tails?

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