Free Motion Quilting Quick Tip-The Job of Threads

May 17, 2017
Rose quilt, Aurifil thread

Rows of Roses, FMQ, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

To be seen or to not to be seen?

That is the question!

Rows of Roses, FMQ, Lori KennedyIf you want your thread to be seen

Use a heavy weight thread (40wt, 30wt, 28 wt–for example) in any fiber.

Choose a color thread with high contrast.

Rows of Roses, FMQ, Lori Kennedy

If you want the thread to fade into the backgroundf and create texture only…

Choose a lighter weight thread (50wt, 60wt, 80wt, 100wt) in any fiber–and match the color as closely as possible.

Both of these motifs–The Messy Spiral Rose and Grid Pop can be found in Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3.

Receive YOUR personalized copy from my Etsy shop HERE.

Copies are also available on Amazon HERE and at

YOUR local quilt store!

Create YOUR own whole cloth quilt with any two designs and two threads!

Happy Stitching!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • Counting the days til my book gets here! Love your tips and your blog. Thank you.

  • vivianbring

    Hi Lori – this is a great blog – when would I use 12 wt? In some of your blogs, you mentioned that are using 12wt. I also notice that with Craftsy and even Etsy, I have to buy a kit of colors. I’d like to be able to buy individually. Wonder where I can do that on line. My closet shop that sells it is 30 minutes away. Thanks, V-

  • dawk2012

    Hi Lori. I’d like to know where you purchase your different weight threads as well, particularly the new Aurifil you used in Tuesday’s blog. Also my month is May. Do you have a flower tutorial for us this month? Thank you for all you teach us.

    • Support

      Yes! We will have a May flower tutorial! I will create a list of my favorite thread sources.

  • Marta

    Just in time….On Thurs. I finished a wall hanging UFO. it has a 3 inch inner border that is solid color and it needs a FMQ design for sure! The middle is a crazy quilt block I used when teaching a class on crazy quilting a couple years ago. My 2017 resolve…finish a UFO when I come across it.. Now I realize because it is a crazy quilt example, I can use all kinds/colors of threads to FMQ. Thanks again, Lady Lori !!!

  • Kathy

    Where do you buy your thread? Where do you find all the different weights of thread? Do you buy multiple threads in multiple weights for every quilt? How do you keep them all organized?

  • Cheri

    I would need to agree with Jean! However when I practice I use high contrast thread and it’s really satisfying to see I’m not so bad after all

  • I think that threads that blend in are a good idea for me right now. Do you have favorite brands or types?

    • Support

      I will create a list.

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