Today’s Topic: Free Motion Quilt the Sailboat Sampler!
Welcome to Week 4 of our 2021 Quilt-a-Long, Even Better Machine Quilting
This FREE multi-week tutorial is based on my books available in my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop

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Good Morning, Quilters!
This week we are focusing on Chapter Four of 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting: Doodling and Stitching Horizontal Motifs.
If you are new to machine quilting, horizontal motifs are a great place to start. Stitching from left to right is natural to most quilters because we are used to writing from left to right. In addition, stitching on a horizontal plane allows the most open view of quilting. Whenever possible, orient your quilt to stitch from left to right. (We will discuss Directional Stitching more in a later lesson.)
Horizontal Motifs are Great Border Motifs!
The Sailboat Sampler is a fun way to learn and practice several border patterns. All of the motifs can be used in any quilt to fill borders or sashing. If you have a wide border to fill, combine several motifs to create a more complex design.

The Sailboat Sampler
To create your own Sailboat Sampler, begin by creating a quick quilt sandwich.
Mark several horizontal lines as shown in the diagrams above–but don’t worry too much if your rows are different than those above! It’s YOUR sampler!
NOTE-(Disregard the outside border)
All of the lines are one inch apart except Rows 2 and 10 are two inches apart and row 8 is four inches below 7.)

Doodle Stitch Doodle
Set up your machine for free motion quilting. with contrasting thread. If possible use 28, 30 or 40 wt thread. (More on thread weight coming soon.)
Before stitching each row, doodle!
Doodle loops and upside down loops (think of the cursive letter l).
Stitch rows one and fourteen. Knot off at the end of each row. (See the Curlicue knot here)
Doodle wavy lines, then stitch rows 3 and 12.
Add YOUR Favorite Motifs
Browse the motif page to fill in your sampler with border or horizontal designs. (YOUR sampler doesn’t have to be a “Sailboat Sampler” it could be a Leaf Sampler, for example.)
I’ve added a variety of motifs from my books: Free Motion 1-2-3 and More Free Motion 1-2-3 including:
- Sunrise/Sunset
- Sailboats
- Paperclips
- Snowflakes
- Fish
Even Better Machine Quilting
For beginner quilters, this project will take several hours. If you’d like more of a challenge:
Piece horizontal strips of fabric to create the rows before quilting.
Stitch the sampler much larger!
Pick your own theme–like animals, flowers, leaves and create your own sampler.
Whatever you do, have fun!
Quilting should always be fun!
Your Commodore of Quilting,
Leeward Lori

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books! They are ALL bestsellers!

Kimberly Anne Brandt
Thanks Lori, What about calling this years QAL” Lori’s lessons 2021″. Do you use your stitch regulator when you free motion? Thank you for these FREE lessons they go along with the book perfectly.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I love that title! I usually don’t use the BSR on my domestic sewing machine but I do use the built in stitch regulator on my Q20 quite a bit.
Gail Lockington
Hi Lori, Thanks so much for all your e-mails and lessons. I am not artistic in the same way that you are, but I have learned to doodle as you so often suggest. I have adopted some patterns into my repertoire and every so often I add a new one. When I look at my machine quilting, I am reminded of all that I have learned from you.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
That makes me smile—especially the part about adding a motif every once in awhile. That’s exactly what it takes—baby steps!
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