Today’s Topic: Four FMQ Fundamental Skills
Welcome to Week One of 2021 Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
Sign up for emails of the class HERE.
Join the private Quilting with LKQ Facebook Group HERE
Good Morning, Quilters!
Today is the second installment in our 2021 Quilt-A-Long to all become better machine quilters.

A Few Housekeeping Notes:
Because my family keeps me quite busy, I may not always have a post ready first thing in the morning, and sometimes not at all. However, I will try to post most weekdays-with Saturdays reserved for Art Appreciation and Sundays for Silent Sunday photography. Please be patient if my blog post schedule is erratic at times.
Our Quilt-a-long is FREE. To receive the daily lesson-in the form of an email blog post, sign up here.
You don’t need my books, but most quilters found the class more enjoyable to have all three books. 25 Days teaches you how to quilt, and Free Motion Machine Quilting and More Free Motion Machine Quilting give you ideas of what to quilt.
The 2021 Quilt-a-long and the 2020 quilt-a-long are accessible in the top bar of my website home page under “QAL”. I will keep both sets of lessons active until September, 2021. At that time, all of the lessons will be removed.
This is not a video-based class. I will post videos occasionally and will link to them from the email post.
Please respect my copyright policy. My copyright policy is considered generous by most standards, however almost every week I see my photos and my writing used without my permission–often with the copyright stamp removed from my photos!
That’s enough dusting for the day–lets’ get to quilting!!!

The Four Skills of Free Motion Quilting
Free motion quilting can be broken down into four skills:
- Machine Knowledge
- Understanding Materials
- Understanding Design Principles
- Skill–Mechanics of Quilting

The Fear of Quilting
Many quilters have a fear of free motion quilting based on a few unsuccessful attempts. They often think their early trials were a failure because (they fear) they don’t have the coordination to move the quilt under the needle.
Fear not!
More often than not, their frustrated efforts were as much due to a lack of knowledge as they were of lack of skill.
Again–this is good news!

This Course Takes Away Fear
This class (and my book, 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting) are designed to give you the knowledge required to avoid disappointing results. We will learn how to set up the machine to create beautiful and balanced quilting stitches. As we progress we will learn how batting, thread and motifs work together to create the quilting look we are trying to achieve. Finally, we will use motifs in a way to enhance quilt blocks using design principles.
At the same time, we will learn techniques to make the mechanical skill of quilting easier. The projects will give you ample opportunity to practice the skill.
By the end of this class, you will be a better quilter-both in knowledge and in skill. And most importantly–you will be ready to turn your quilt tops into quilted heirlooms!

Machine Set-up
This week, we started the process of understanding quilt materials while creating several quick, quilt sandwiches. For example, we learned to avoid painted backing fabrics, and the benefit of using cotton batting.
Today, read the 12-Step Machine Set up for Free Motion Quilting.and get your machine ready for free motion quilting. I recommend that you mark the relevant pages in your sewing machine manual for quick reference.
While 12 Steps seems like a lot–all of the steps are designed to make quilting easier or the stitches pretty. With a little practice and organization, you should be able to set up your machine in less than five minutes.

Slow and Steady!
I know you’d like to jump in and get quilting! Once you’ve created the quick quilt sandwich and reviewed the set-up, don’t wait for me!
Start quilting!
Whenever the inspiration strikes, quilt!
What about YOU?
Are YOU ready to quilt?
Is YOUR machine cleaned and oiled?
Which of the Four Fundamental Skills are the most challenging for YOU?
We’d LOVE to hear!
Your Fearless Quilter,
Lori the Lionhearted

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books! They are ALL bestsellers!

Crystal Fulcher
Dearest Lori, I just free motion quilted my first quilt! I couldn’t have done it without you. Your inspiration and expertise gave me the confidence I needed to “just do it”. I have become a doodler and while, on paper, my doodles don’t look all that great; I’ve gained muscle memory with the process. I relaxed and flowed along with the needle. I thoroughly enjoyed and surprised myself. Thank you so much!!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
That is music to my ears! So delighted to hear!!!! Yay!
I received your “25 Days…” book today and am very excited to start in. I’ll be doing lots of doodling for a while, though, until my schedule opens up so I can devote the time your class deserves. I’m happy to see that your classes seem to live online for a while. If I don’t get done in time this round, I’ll hope to catch you on the next. Thanks!
Shirley Jacobs
Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge, I am a long distance fan of yours, live in the Netherlands. And though I have experience in machine quilting (did it a few years on a longarm in a shop and now at home on my domestic Bernina QE) I love to learn more.
I never received the email to confirm the event, not in spam.
Wendy Sanborne
Just sign up above (under housekeeping, 2nd paragraph) for the daily lesson email.
Paula G
Thank you for offering this course again! Life was too crazy for me when you did the last one. I’m happy to have the chance to participate now!
I do miss the Inbox Jaunt ! Glad to see some familiar names from there. My sewing machine does not have the capacity to control how much pressure goes down onto the fabric. Therefore, my stitching lines are always full of puckers….so I quit ! The top fabric gets pushed up over the bottom one when lines come close to each other or over each other. Someday,,, maybe a new machine will hop in my sewing room !!
Rhonda R Goss
Thanks for doing this again. I learned several things last time and hope to learn more and be more consistent with my practice.
Rosemary B
Dear Lori
I am so happy I get your emails
I should join in. I am pretty busy all the time with my dad and the fam and hubbs, but I should
Arvilla Trag
Good morning, Lori. What advice can you give on doing very small-scale motifs such as micro stippling? I am fine with larger designs, but micro motifs always looks like the my cat did them – very jerky looking, with too may “corners”.
Rima trew
Hi Lori, I feel like this is meant to be. Learning FMQ is one of the challenges that I set myself for 2021 and I was getting set to pay for an online course. While doing my online research I came across your blog with all the info from last years QAL and thought “I can do this”. Imagine my delight when after joining the FB group I find that you restarted the course Monday I am so happy! I have ordered your book and can’t wait to improve my skills. Thanks you.
Thank you Lori for doing this again. I have your book and am ready to begin. I want to get better at FMQ on my 770 QE
Thank you for giving us a reason to get to the sewing machine and quilt! Most of us procrastinate as everything else seems easier when we are learning. You are making FMQ easier to just sit down and do with even the first lesson. Make sandwiches!
Brenda Bouchard
Thank you, Lori! I am delighted that you are generously offering these lessons again. I love second chances. My quilt sandwiches are still in the drawer I placed them in last June … good start, I’d say!
Thank you for hosting another sew along.
I’ve had the book for just over two weeks. I’m amazed at the progress I’ve made already…daily practice does make a difference.
Joanne P. Lattrell
Thank you so much for doing this again .I came to the party late the first time. What I need the most is help in selecting designs for my quilt tops and practice. So many quilt patterns leave you hanging at the end with these words Quilt as Desired. When your new to this it stops you in your tracks so you move on and make another quilt top.
I am “sew” excited to start your FMQ lessons. I have 2 of your books and plan to get the 3rd soon. I have gained some confidence following your last lessons but hope to develop more consistency and build skills. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talent!
Ellen Connors
Hi Lori,
I have a question regarding conflicting information that I have received on my Bernina Virtuosa 160.
In the manual, it states under Lubricating: “this machine is equipped with a LM (low mass) hook system which requires no lubrication. If however you do lubricate any parts, always run the machine immediately afterwards on scrap material to avoid soiling your work.”
However, an employee at the shop that I have used for machine maintenance told me I should lubricate every time I sew.
What are your thoughts? And if I should be lubricating, do you have a link or video that you can recommend that shows me where I should be lubricating?
thanks in advance, Ellen
Kathryn Diamond
I have the same machine and I clean with every bobbin change and put one drop of oil with every 3rd bobbin. Your manual has a picture in the back of where to put the oil. Just one drop and use special sewing machine oil.
Hi Lori, I started FMQ a little over two years ago. I have a Sweet16 and love it. I’m looking forward to learning from you and taking my skills to a higher level!
susan ulrich
I am pretty erratic myself…..life! Thank you so much for all of your help in quilting, I love your style! I have all of your books, they are so helpful.
Love you Lori! You’re so very sweet and generous! Thank you for all your hard work, kindness. You’re my hero! You gave me courage to start trying, and I’m no longer afraid! Anita Hahn
Kathe Simons
I’m so excited to be starting your class, Lori! I think that Understanding Design Principles will be most helpful for me but I’m sure I’m going to learn tons throughout all the lessons. I’ve ordered your book and am eagerly awaiting its arrival. Thanks for your generosity.
Kathe in Montana
Mary Northway
Hi Lori, A thousand thanks for doing this again! I learned so much during the last session.
My goal this time is to become more proficient with continued practice. You are a very generous soul and I am grateful. You have changed my quilting life!
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