Four Easy Quilting Motifs Every Quilter Should Learn

May 15, 2019
Easy Quilting Motifs, Lori Kennedy Quilts


Four Easy Quilting Motifs
Good Morning, Quilters!

Today, our goal is to keep machine quilting fun with four easy quilting motifs! Quilting does not need to be difficult! Many motifs add character AND are easy!

I’ve chosen four motifs that are my favorites (today)—I may need to add to this list in the future.

OOPS! The Rose and Dot Block!

Before we get started…I have been informed that the FREE Rose and Dot block from the Splendid Sampler 2 is no longer available on Pat Sloan’s website. Apparently it was a limited-time offering!  I’m sorry. This was my mistake!  However…

COMING MONDAY, JUNE 20th–OLFA is celebrating their 40th Anniversary. They will be offering a variation of the Rose and Dot block that I designed for their celebration quilt.  I will link to the pattern on Monday as part of their blog hop.

Four Easy Quilting Motifs

Flower Power

This is one of my all-time favorite motifs! It is much easier than stippling and it fills a block or quilt just as easily!

The Flower Power Quilting Motif

Beginner Loops

Just like our early cursive handwriting lesson, Beginner Loops stand alone, or combine them to create complex designs!

Beginner Loops Machine Quilting motif, Lori Kennedy

Messy Spirals

Spirals are one of my favorite motifs, but they can be challenging to stitch. Instead, try Messy Spirals! Don’t worry about the spacing between the rows, but rather, concentrate on making the shape a circle. Even if the rows cross over each other, the result will be beautiful!

Messy Spiral, FMQ, Lori Kennedy

The Twist

The Twist is also one of the mainstays of my quilting.  This easy quilting motif has rhythm. In other words, once you get started, you won’t want to stop! Another nice feature-the Twist can be squeezed or stretched to fill almost any shape!

The Twist Quilting Motif
Family News!

My daughter, Claire gave birth to a healthy baby boy last week!  We now have five grandsons!  Amazing! Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.

YOUR Favorites

Are YOU looking for the Airplane Motif?  Unfortunately, the photos for this tutorial got lost when we transitioned to LKQ.  I will have to re-create the tutorial by stitching and photographing it again. I hope to have it ready in June.  If you get American Quilter Magazine, the tutorial was in the magazine in 2018.

On the motif page, we have a section called Fan Favorites.  I would love to update it with YOUR favorite motifs.  Please leave a comment about the motifs you like and the ones YOU have used most frequently on YOUR quilts!

What about YOU?

Do YOU have a favorite EASY motif?

If I were to write a post entitled, Four MORE Easy Motifs, what motifs would YOU include?

What is the last motif from LKQ that YOU used?

We’d LOVE to hear!

May you always create #quiltswithcharacter!


PS…I have three classes on Bluprint–and this is a great deal!
Get Started With Bluprint at

PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!







  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    Congrats! Love all your motifs!

  • Kathie Banks

    Congratulations Grama!!! Enjoy those baby giggles while they last. My youngest grand is 13 now. My favorite motif from you is Nora’s Rose. I’ve done it on several quilts that I gifted, and it’s a crowd pleaser. My favorite easy motif is a good ol’ swirl. I tried your messy swirls. It is quite dense when done in a large area. I used it to make it’s piecing neighbor stand out. I love the way “twist” looks on a narrow border. I call it Lollypops. I make them a little fatter because I like my candy 😉 For your next four pack, toss in a pile of leaves. I love adding leaves to my flowers. I love vines in borders and I love to drop a crazy leaf in the middle of all over swirls.

  • Congratulations on the birth of your new grandson. What a treat 5 grandsons. I have 3 grandsons but one of my daughters was unable to have children so she has adopted 1 boy and 3 girls and my other daughter married a man with a daughter. I now have 4 grandsons and 4 granddaughters. They come to you in many different ways but they are all a blessing.

  • Suzanne

    Congratulations Lori!!!! New babies are always a blessing.
    Have they named him yet?


    Congrats! One of my favorite motif’s is what you call the “twist” I call “L’s” for Laurie or Lori.

  • Verna A.

    Congratulations! I have two brothers, three sons and two nephews, so I am hoping for a granddaughter some day

    Flower Power is my go-to motif!

  • Marsha

    Congratulations on grandson number five! I had three brothers, followed by three sons and two grandsons before we ever had a granddaughter!

  • Rosemaryflower

    Oh the grand babies are our gifts. We are so blessed. Congratulations to you for all of those grand fellas. Hubbs and I have been blessed with 4 grand daughters, We have two daughters and they each have two little girls each.
    I absolutely adore the “messy spirals” I am going to make some of those today, Lori. Happy Wednesday to you!

  • Kathy Nyquist

    Congrats on your 5th grandson! Grandchildren are life’s best reward.
    I love all of your designs and have used some in every quilt over the past 2 years since retiring (another one of life’s rewards!).
    Just yesterday I used a big Daisy Chain on the outer border of a t-shirt quilt. It has minky on the back so I didn’t echo it; I just made the daisies nice and big to fill the space.

  • Betty

    I have used the Square Flower many times and love it.

  • HI,
    I keep practicing Flower Power and variations of the Twist on paper. . . . I need to practice with my machine! >;-)
    Will you be doing any classes at the Quilt Expo in Madison, in September?

  • Congrats on your new grandson! Thanks for the great info on the Rose & Dot block!

  • Helenanne Judisch

    Thank you for the update about the Rose and Dot block. I had been looking for it to try out while traveling next weekend and was guessing that it was only available for a limited time as I’d had no luck after several attempts at hunting for it. I’ll be watching for the updated anniversary release.
    I appreciate the rest of this post as I’m in the planning process for my next table runner and the spirals, the loops and the twist are all possibilities.

  • Cheri

    It’s really difficult to choose a favorite motif. I like the “water” motif ans do use it rather than stippling, however the flower power is also super easy so I love that fill too!

    Congratulations on that little grand baby! I have 4 grandsons and 3 granddaughters! I know the joy!

  • Connie Enevold

    Just took one of your Craftsy classes and love the square flower and Nora’s rose. They are now added to my favs! Guess I’m into flowers!

  • Judy Buzby

    Congratulations on those 5 grand boys… I have 9 grand boys and 5 grand girls… and I hope that’s all for now! I have been following you for many years and have all your books and classes and you are my free motion guru!! Love all your designs and use the twist and spirals often.

  • Karen

    Five Grandsons…. congrats ( My total is at 5 grandsons and two granddolly’s) My only duaghter is working on another surprise. She due in three weeks. Thanks for the great ideas this morning as I was needing some new patterns to use on my aqua and yellow sheepie and bunny quilt to use in my five ” blocks. xoxo

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