I’ve been in the garden a lot lately…though not as much as I should be…the weeds…the weeds!
While there are flowers like Poppies and Red Roses stealing the show, I’m always impressed by the effort that some of the smaller posies put forth to grab a little of the Sun’s glow.
Even the weeds have pretty little flowers when you look really close. So today’s post is dedicated to the “back row” flowers–all the Forget-Me-Not flowers that offer their abundance so graciously.
We admire you, too little posy!
This motif begins like many others with a short spiral. The difference here is you re-trace the spiral-stitch right ON the previous line of stitching–stopping just outside the curl.
Then stitch four or five scallops around the curl.
And spiral off to begin the next flower…Simple!
The key to this motif is the double stitching of the center. This creates a desirable focal point.
NOTE-Always be careful when double stitching is recommended on other motifs. If the area that is double stitched is not a focal point, it can look messy.
A pretty little embellishment–
Wouldn’t two or three Forget-Me-Nots look pretty on the cuff of a sleeve-near the buttons–unexpected and therefore delightful…just like in the garden. (Waxing poetic…)Hope your day is filled with unexpected pleasures!
PS…EXCITING NEWS to report later this week…and I think YOU will be excited, too!
PPS…This tutorial was stitched on my BERNINA 770 QE with fabulous tension adjustability using Sulky Rayon 30wt (did YOU know Sulky comes in a 30 wt?) with Aurifil 50 wt in the bobbin (better stitch formation when I use cotton in the bobbin) on Kona cotton with Warm and Natural cotton batting.
YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: The Dandelion Free Motion Quilt Tutorial and The Dandelion Quilt
PPPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, share or pin with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt. For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com. Thanks!
LorrIne Doyno Evans
Sometimes it seems like the petals are sewn toward the spiral and sometimes away from the spiral. Do you follow a pattern? I tried doodling it and mine did not flow as nicely.
WordPress.com Support
The spiral is first and sometimes it goes to the right and sometimes to the left then the petals go around. Just keep doodling. Then give it a try!
I love it!
LorrIne Doyno Evans
So cute and easy.
love it love it…very pretty and I know exactly what I can try it on…
very pretty!
Carol Hughes
Simple, moving, pretty. Love this!
Pine Valley Quilts
A very cute filler ! I love my Bernina 710 too great to know what threads you use.
This is darling! Can I say that??? I do like it n looks fast to fill in a section. Thanks!!
C Wilson
Sew Simple and Sew Beautiful. Thank you
Marcia R
I love the simplicity of this one.
Love love love!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry Sheldon
So Lori, why aren’t you calling this “traveling?” Never really heard it called double stitched before…
Terry Sheldon
This motif is just what I’ve been waiting for to quilt my latest Huggy Pillow. If I could figure out how to post a photo, I would…
Extra-adorable. Thanks, Lori! I have to try this…
I guess, this will be my next backgrounfiller for Lady number three.
Thank you so much for this very nice tutorial.
Carolyn Wainscott
I like this a lot, thank you for sharing
So sweet!!! Your hint on “travel stitching” is a good one. That’s why 50 wt (or finer) thread works so well for me when doing motifs that require so much of that (feathers, for example).
Terry Sheldon
Treadlemusic, off-topic I know, but how did you get your own photo here rather than a quilt block? BTW, I agree about using 50 wt when there’s a lot of traveling.
I like this too…and it came at just the right time! I’m working on a pink and grey baby quilt and this will look delightful! Another day oh no weeding…sigh!
This is beautiful and with lots of practice i might even be able to do it. Thanks for remembering the little ones in the garden, they can not be forgotten.
This is a great filler Lori. Thank you for sharing. I’m so happy to have something that is easy and different from the spirals I seem to be stuck on lately. I’ll be doodling this all day! Thanks.
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