Focal Points–Machine Quilting Quick Tips

October 2, 2018

Fish Quilt, Whole cloth quilt,

Good Morning, Quilters!

Do YOU remember those old bumper stickers… “I’d rather be fishing, or swimming, or skydiving or…

of course, quilting!

In my stash, I found a fat quarter sandwich with the step-outs for The Fish tutorial.  

One “housecleaning morning” I filled it with more fish and other designs.  (Because I’d rather do anything than dusting!)


It’s a little messy, but it works because there are focal points where your eye can rest.

There are heavily quilted areas and less densely quilted or “open” shapes.   The areas that are more “open” like the fish and the star become focal points.

The pebbles and handwriting are also focal points,  because they are double stitched.  Always be careful of double stitching for that reason–it creates a focal point–wanted or unwanted!

What about YOU?

What are you doing today?  (What would YOU rather be doing?)

We’d LOVE to hear!

Hope YOUR day is filled with “rathers”!


Ladyfish Lori

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • Shona

    I came across this post when I was searching for ideas to FMQ a table runner I designed and made out of scraps that had been on their way to the garbage. This cute nautical piece was the inspiration for the quilting I did on mine. My FMQ journey is just beginning and I’m doing a lot of learning the hard way, but I’m having a great time. After I found your blog, I checked out your Craftsy classes, and I think they are wonderful!

  • Janet

    I made a bag with ‘I’d rather be quilting’ to take to a conference I’d happily have skipped. Pieced, embroidered and quilted, of course.

  • Marta

    Made pear preserves yesterday and cooked lots of food the day before and is in frig. I will be making my sandwich and handquilting ALL day today. Spouseman has choices in the frig ! Bye… sewing is calling !

    • Arvilla Trag

      Marta, you know how to live! My spouse has leftovers to eat tonight – I have a birthday cake to make, and am paying for some minor construction work with baked goods, so I have to get busy making cinnamon roll cakes. But once those are done, it is quilting for this chick!

      • Marta

        I can almost smell those cinnamon roll cakes from the oven !! Maybe I should get into minor construction work as a side line!! Go for it, Avilla!

        • Arvilla Trag

          The recipe is on my Pinterest board “Recipes”. This is the most decadent thing I have made and eaten ages. It is kind of like a one-block-wonder quilt you can eat.

  • Carol Martin

    Hello, new at this but thought might be interesting n nice way to share! I just FINISHED a king size quilt ,took a wee bit longer than usual,just think of the anticipation of the recipient !!

  • I’m a little late for today’s jaunt. As I’ve been packing all things quilting for my quilting retreat tomorrow. I’d rather been quilting, but that was a close second. Glad you are back.

  • Cheri

    Visited my sister that has Alzheimer’s. She was huddled in with a quilt her great granddaughter made her.

  • Margaret Greenwald

    Hi Lori, After your daughter’s wedding, I won the duckie sample for my ‘love honor and negotiate ‘.
    Never heard back from you. Thanks
    Marge Greenwald
    8771 Dorsett Drive
    Huntington Beach CA 92646

  • Bette

    I neglected the yard work that really needs to get done and cut all the pieces for a baby quilt for my nephew and his wife’s little girl, due in February, 2019. Going to my quilt guild meeting tonight. Perfect day!

  • Granny G.

    I made breakfast and sent sweet hubby off golfing, cleaned litter boxes, threw a load of wash into the machine and made the bed. I probably should take the “Moose” (very sweet large dog) for a walk but he’s been running around the back yard for the past half-hour chasing whatever he sees, or thinks he sees, so he’s happily curled up on his bed outside my sewing room. I have a snowball and patchwork quilt that’s calling to me to finish the FMQ paisley pattern in the snowballs, so that’s where I’m going next! The breakfast dishes can wait ’til after dinner – there’s only two of us anyway.
    I just learned how to do a houndstooth check pattern and would LOVE to start a new quilt with that, but (sigh!) there are at least three UFO’s waiting. Then there are the two cute cross-body bags I’m making my nieces for Christmas, the t-shirt quilt I’m making for my daughter, the slipcovers I’m making for my side chairs, the new roman shades I’m making for my sewing room, the quilt I want to make for myself,……….and the fun goes on!!

  • Jeannie Vannest

    I am currently working on the 1910 Vortex quilt which is red and white. So into in, I do not want to do anything until I finish.

  • Mary B

    I finished running errands this morning. And, this afternoon I’m trying to work on a fall quilt. Somewhere along the way, I’ve lost the inspiration to finish this thing, and would just love to stash it away somewhere. But, I know if I do that I’ll never finish it. So, I’m plugging along to get it done. The goofy thing is, that once it’s done I’ll probably love it and wonder why I didn’t want to complete it. Ah, such is life!!

  • Jean M.M.

    I’m fm quilting a holly pattern on a Christmas series quilt that i have agonized over for 4 years. Finally got the courage to do it, after many trial samples. 1 side done! Getting tea to fortify myself for the next side.

  • Hi Lori, I never get tired of your quilting designs. I have to work today, but wish I was home quilting.

  • cyndy

    I’m stuck at home today as I have HVAC service repairs happening. SOOO I made a pumpkin pie already, finished my book for book club tomorrow (Yellow Crocus) while the pie was baking, and am catching up on FB, EMail, bills, prepping a new talk due in two weeks, polishing an old talk for presentation this weekend, scheduling trip details (hotels, cars) and fed the feather-faced ‘kids’. Think I’ll make a chicken and rice dish of some sort for din tonight. Keeping out of trouble since I can’t go anywhere HA!

  • I am cleaning up for the cleaning crew. They don’t get to enter my sewing room so I will clean that while they do the rest of the house.

  • Arvilla Trag

    I am working, including a very boring conference call that happens every Tuesday at 1. I would rather be: quilting, cleaning my bathroom (it is getting desperate), reading, quilting, working on my massive redecorating project, quilting, putting very old photos in the new album I just bought, quilting, packing up the kitchen in advance of the upcoming remodel. Or quilting.

    • I loved how you put “quilting” in between all those. hehehe – thanks for making me laugh. (Oh, I’m working too – so glad to hear I’m not the only one.)

  • Rosemarie

    Well, today I’m working on my grocery list, so will obviously get groceries, run some errands, finish some bookkeeping and correspondence, iron clothes, and alter some new hunting clothes for my dear husband. After that, make dinner, fall asleep for a bit (I’m sure!), and maybe get in a little reading. If there is still time in the afternoon, I’d like to cut down some perennials, but dear hubby usually beats me to things like this! I’m a lucky lady!

  • Karen

    Trying to pay some bills, straighten the house, get dinner thawed, and keep a 3 1/2 month old puppy calm while she’s recouperating from surgery. Quilting always waits till after dinner.

  • Maxine Reece

    Lunch with a wonderful group of quilters to celebrate a birthday and just get together and then finish a prayer quilt for our church. Seven of us get together once a month to sew and for everyone’s birthday. It’s a beautiful group of very caring ladies. When I had knee replacement surgery, they each brought a meal every other night to my husband’s delight.

  • Rosemaryflower

    I adore these motifs, Lori. They just make me happy, what treasures too

    Today I am going to be a whirl wind of activity (haha) I am going to clean the bathrooms, make two doctor appointments (yawn, retina doc for me, sleep doc for dad) then make a package of hexies to sew over at daddy’s place. I have never done that but it is too hot outside today, very humid and I do not like dad getting tired from that,

    Obviously, I would rather be sewing and oh my do I have a long list.

    Yes, I do need to clean up around here too. Looks like a house quake occurred — I will wait, maybe the after shocks will put everything in the right place

    Happy Tuesday Lori

  • Helen

    I bought the “I’d rather be quilting ” T shirt at a quilt show and soon realized there were few places I could wear it without insulting somebody. The first time I put it on I was dressing for Bible class. OOPS. I’ve decided maybe my dentist would understand if I wore it to my appointment with him.

    • Evelyn B

      Helen, that’s funny! Maybe you could wear it while you’re shopping at the grocery store. BUT not if you’re working at the grocery store.

  • Debbie Horton

    Today is bathroom cleaning and end of the year garden picking. And I have finally caught up on my Splendid Sampler 2 blocks – then it’s on to beginning FMQ of two pieced tops. Yay!!

  • Rita S

    Waiting for delivery of your two books,Quilting and More Quilting 1,2,3, for my quilting buddy and myself. Today is the day.

  • Lori, I was on vacation when you returned. I’m so sorry about your Mom. I’ve missed you. Hope all is well with you 🙂

  • Deb Mac

    Today is laundry day. I just spent 4 days with a friend who came to visit us in our new house. So I am a bit blue and would rather be driving around with my friend visiting the quilt shops we haven’t got to yet.

  • Janette

    Making chicken soup for super. Take the dog for a walk, then lunch with a dear friend.
    Later out to the horses to groom. It’s a rainy day here, so the soup will fill the belly later with warm. Another walk for the dog, then l get to quilt! ….Lol!
    So Thankful!

  • Jacqui VMS

    I’m procrastinating on finishing mopping my floor LOL! It was such a disaster and I had to clean the sewing room for a group of young people that my husband and I are teaching, so it looked so nice and tidy. I thought perhaps I should vacuum and wet mop while the floor can be seen! 2/3 of the way done and sat down with a glass of water and saw your post. I’m going to finish my floor, but that free motion quilting is calling me! Hope to set the machine up again and get at it…I have a dozen table runners ready to quilt!

    P.S. I didn’t dust the room yet…it can wait for another day…I’m going to quilt with permission from Lori!

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