Five Fact Friday–Quilter’s Edition

August 10, 2012
5. I have more than 20 works in progress...

1. I doodle on fabric.

2. I took up quilting while on bedrest when I was expecting twins.

3. My mother and two of my sisters are also enthusiastic quilters.

4. I have three Bernina sewing machines.

5. I have more than 20 works in progress…



  • Lori I quit making clothes when I started quilting. and my wardrobe suffered. All money spent on fabric. I wish I had kept my first 830 Bernina, but sold it and got a 1230. Actually had one on loan from Bernina too because I had written a book and traveled and taught (back in the early 90’s. When I started Photoshoping quilting took a back seat. Nearly moved the machine to the basement. (OMG, how dare I?)

    • Sounds like heresy to me–the Bernina downgraded to the basement. I do agree, however-both quilting and photoshop are jealous mistresses-demanding a great deal of time and attention!

  • Ambitious! Like nancyjean, I love the pincushion photo! I started sewing when I was pregnant when the fit in the shoulders was the main focus…then it just grew from there…and so did the fabric stash!

    Denise in Akron, Ohio from BTS and BL

  • I love your header … so colourful!! What a beautiful 5 facts … stunning work, nicely done! Thanks for sharing. I love quilting too … but photography takes up my creative bursts and my fabric cupboard sits waiting to … hmm, be photographed!!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  • nancyjeann

    oh i just love your quilts! Your pincushion photo is just so delicious! 3 Berninas…one lucky girl!

  • wow…love your quilts! i just love your photo of your pincushion is just delicious!! 3 bernina machines…lucky girl!

  • oh my… the photos… and how i envy you…. always wished I could sew… even bought a ‘good’ machine thinking that would help… the most of done is fun stitches on paper, that I turned into photoshop brushes. 🙂 lol

    lovely… thanks for joining 5 facts…. xo

    • What a cool idea-photoshop brushes—are you interested in joining forces–I will sew a few designs–you make brushes?

  • What beautiful work! You are very talented. I just love your pincushions! 🙂

  • I love the idea of doodling with stitches!! Very cool! Thanks for sharing your list!!

  • Between the 3 sewing machines and 20 works in progress, I hope you have a sewing room!

  • Wow you are one busy quilter…beautiful work!

  • These are great facts, and you are a lovely quilter. But Three Berninas?

  • Beautiful post and lovely fabrics and work thanks for sharing….

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