February Flower of the Month–Violets

February 20, 2017
The Carnation--A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial


Good Morning, Quilters!

First a note about my recent blogging difficulties…all of the issues were caused by changes made at Bluehost…beyond my control.  For the past several mornings, I have been on the phone technical support…and we all know how that goes….

First you are on hold…then the stressful scramble to come up with the right password…then wait some more, then it’s fixed…only to find it “down” again the next morning.

I’d rather be quilting!

Hopefully, this is all behind us!  Thank you for being patient!


Several of you commented on the Silent Sunday photo yesterday.  I wrote a two part post about the amazing and mysterious Milwaukee artist,  Mary Nohl  HERE. and HERE. She was known as the Witch of Fox Point and we loved going to her house!  Rumor had it that Mary killed her husband and buried him under the sculptures–but the truth –she did a VERY NICE thing for the residents of Wisconsin!

Mary Nohl Sculpture


If YOUR birthday is in February–Happy Birthday!  You are lucky to have The Violet as YOUR birthday flower.

If YOU live in New Jersey, Rhode Island, Wisconsin or Illinois–the Violet is YOUR state flower!


(I grew up in Illinois and lived in Wisconsin for 15 years–so I claim Violets as one of MY flowers…)


The Violet represents love, humility, modesty and faithfulness.  This pretty woodland flower blooms in the shade surrounded by heart-shaped leaves.




This week we will be stitching violets!

To go along with the lovely, January flower of the month, The Carnation HERE

The Carnation--A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

May YOUR day be filled with flowers and stitching…

(not computers and technical support problems!)


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!

PS…Check out my Craftsy videos–50% OFF—Limited Time Only–Offer Expires April 15, 2017

(Click photo to link to special class prices–discount applied at checkout)

Doodle to Design, Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy Title Card

PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to reblog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!





  • mazlarkin

    Great to see you back on line, I can only imagine your frustration, when professionals are ignored and let down by other ‘so called’ professionals, it is a source of great angst. Glad you found the violets, my youngest was born when they were in bloom, and I was given a number of posies, their fragrance always brings happy memories.

    • WordPress.com Support

      They are such a happy flower!

  • It’s great to have you back on line. You were missed!

  • Barb Czarniecki

    thank you- the violet was my Mom’s favorite, also- I always remember her when I see them. Now I can quilt them! Thank you again for all your wonderful tutorials.

  • Whew…you’ve been busy!!! Computers are an enigma.

    Violets are so sweet, coming from a former New Jersey lady. Even my mother in law was named Viola. I love the flower. Wish I could fmq better.
    Interesting story about Mary Noble. Thank you for sharing and welcome back.

  • Linda Brewer

    Love the art history of the witch. Thanks for sharing something I would likely never have seen or heard about. My husband is a sculptor who is filling our 2 1/2 acres with ceramic sculpture, but he has a lonnnnnng way to go compared the “The Witch”.

  • I had a similar problem with my blog a month ago and spent two mornings on the phone with my host (GoDaddy) only to find out I needed a third party to fix the problem. The mysteries of the interweb can be so frustrating! I look forward to stitching some violets soon!

  • Loved reading about Mary Nohl and her gift to the people of Milwaukee. Thanks for sharing the story and photos.
    Best of all, glad to hear that your computer issues are behind you.

  • Yes thanks, I thought it was me, too! Glad you’re back..

  • Marta

    Thank you for coming back! appreciate you working on it til done.. Missed ya! On Feb 8th, my mom would have been age 95 if she were still here instead of in Heaven. Violets were her favorite.We have some that are poking their heads out from under the white lattice around lower sides of the deck. I read that they were invasive some time ago… but they are easy to transplant and I made a whole row! RE Beauty – the more the merrier ! I am thrilled to learn to do violets!

  • loosecannon2

    Thank You Lori: first for being back–as others, I simply waited for your return, secondly, for the Violets. To share an aside, growing up in Southwest Va. on our farm Violets after Trailing Arbutus were our first vintages of spring & as a child I was filed with wonder.
    When we moved to SC from VA Beach, Va (military family) our neighbor introduced herself as a Master Gardener & offered to help with any gardening questions. One morning as I was taking our Golden’s for a walk there she was in our yard, a pail & trowel in hand frantically jerking something from our yard. I walked over to see & she was eradicating Beautiful WILD, VIOLETS. I yelled, “STOP THAT!” She leaned back on her heels to explain that they were noxious weeds, & the discussion continued to her final realization that we Loved then Noxious Weed & she could, take them from her yard but to stay the hell out of ours. She explained that in TX they were hated–I could go on but needless to say our friendship never “blossomed” but the WILD VIOLETS, Oh My they were in mass & lovely.

  • Monique P

    Been following you forever, did NOT know you were a fellow Milwaukee girl…! Are you still there?

  • I love this series! Thanks so much!

  • Gay Wehrman

    I’m glad you’re back!

  • Caren Vollrath

    Thanks for all the information about violets. I didn’t know they were the Illinois state flower & I live in Illinois! I look forward to stitching up a bunch. Thanks for spending time to fix Blue Host. I wasn’t worried-knew you’d be all over them.

  • I think that Mary had a hand in your problems, poor soul. PS, love the violets and your thread in a cup sings to me.

  • dragee

    It’s great to be back on your blog with that cute and perfumed violets. As they were my mother’s favorite flowers, since my childwood I cherish them.

  • Bev Hastings

    Thanks for the explanation of your computer problem. I thought it was my computer as I was having other e mail problems! Also like the idea of using an old cup to hold chosen spool colours. I stand mine beside my machine and I’m constantly knocking them off onto the floor where they roll, usually under hard to get at places.

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