It’s been a busy, busy few months but I’m happy to be getting back to The Inbox Jaunt!
Over the last few months, I visited my sister and her family in St. Louis, attended the Madison Quilt Expo (more on that next week!), tried some new restaurants in Minneapolis, started a watercolor course at Minneapolis College of Art & Design, and I became an aunt for the fourth time over —- just to name a few highlights!
St. Louis
In St. Louis, I was able to play with my nephew, Louis, and go to a local festival with him.
Somehow Louis and my sisters conspired to get me on a ride….
Back in Minneapolis
My boyfriend and I have also been checking out new restaurants in Minneapolis and going to concerts as they pop up. Two of our favorite artists are Leon Bridges and Nathaniel Rateliff happened to be in town, so we jumped on the tickets!
Nathaniel Rateliffe’s style is folk rock. You might like: I’d Be Waiting
If you haven’t heard of Leon Bridges– he plays soul/R&B which some people liken to 1960s Rhythm & Blues! I highly recommend!
Here’s one of my favorites: Leon Bridges: Coming Home

Staying Creative
I’ve been trying to make time to dive into creative outlets whenever I can.
I picked up some hand embroidery (Nora taught me!) which I’ve learned is both fun and easy to travel with.
I’ve even learned I can embroider while comfortably snuggled in my bed after a long day at the office – ha!
Have you ever wanted to create something, but been too tired to sit up???
Continuing Education
One of my favorite diversions lately has been a watercolor course my mom and I are taking at the local art school.
Last week, we painted a live model…
My initial thoughts were, “I’m not sure I’m skilled enough for this…” which turned quickly to, “I’m not sure I’m mature enough for this….!”
As it turned out, I did better than I expected!
And for those of you wondering….the model was fully clothed – phew!
The watercolor class meets for three hours every Tuesday night – and some weeks it’s the only time I have to paint, but I love having the block of time on my calendar!
What about YOU?
How do YOU stay creative when work and life take up most of your time?
Have YOU ever tried sewing while laying down??
Have YOU ever painted or sketched a live model?!
Do YOU ever block out time in your calendar for creative pursuits?
We’d love to hear!
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt. For all other purposes, please contact me at Thanks!
Susan J.
I just recently blocked time in my day to sew because I have good intentions & let other things get in the way. When I say just recently, I mean like just yesterday. It seemed to work pretty well. I just need to keep scheduling the time. Enjoyed reading your blog entry!
Angie T
Faye, were you at the Sts Joachim and Ann Picnic?! That’s my church, I live 1 1/2 blocks from there! I may have seen you there and didn’t know it, lol
Janet Licari
Hi Faye…quilting is not my only creative outlet. I love embroidery and crazy quilting is the best of both. I have not tried any crafting in bed. I also knit, crochet, cross stitch, make greeting cards for myself to send out and I have painted some. I enjoy quilting classes at my local quilt shop and have a longarm machine as well as a domestic. I have been learning a lot about free motion quilting and love this blog. I think I should block out time…maybe I would get more done, what I love to do. So much to do and so little time. Great job on your painting…I mostly have done decorative types with acrylics and some on the card making. Make time to do what you love…time has a way of going by fast. Seems I was young with plenty of time ahead and now time is running out 😉 Life happens. Enjoy it!
I think your watercolor pieces are lovely. Keep going! As for your questions, I definitely block out time to create – Monday is non-negotiable; it is my day from 10 a.m. until I drop … very, very late! I have never tried sewing lying down – I don’t even read in bed; I’d fall asleep. Not my goal. Goal is to read the book! 🙂 The only live model I’ve drawn was in H.S. – a fellow student in art class. It was okay but not my cup o’ tea. I try to do something during my week that is art related – not necessarily fiber specific. I often go to galleries/museums/exhibits even while out of town. A couple weeks ago while in Wisconsin, I visited the Leigh Yawkey gallery which had the Birds in Art exhibit and always the fabulous statuary walk on grounds. This weekend I’ll see a gallery, do my own quilt presentation, and an arrranged flower exhibit. In daily life, I try to remember to appreciate the color and texture around me; I have a large flower garden and our city is full of interesting statuary and fountains.
Dear Faye,
Thank you for your post. It was fun to read.
I was a model for a college art department as well, but I was the one for the advanced figure drawing class, so I got to wear pretty costumes! I enjoyed reading the previous comment on the nude model, with her stretch marks and wrinkles. She sounds delightful. Im not that brave.
I’ve always wanted to take a watercolor class.
I’ve sewed in bed as well, but never lying down. I’ve brought projects for the hospital many times. I can’t just sit still with nothing in my hands. I always bring sewing, knitting and crochet projects on every road trip. Thank goodness I don’t get carsick.
It looks like you are enjoying your journey!
I had to laugh while reading your addition to the Inbox Jaunt because I am a “Nude Model” for a university art department. I suppose it was having lived in Europe for so long that I have no inhibitions & “my old, wrinkled body” can give these youngsters a new perspective. This class is focusing on different colored chalks, they select their favourite colour & continue with the sequences throughout the process. A student has gifted me his large piece of work & it is glorious—all rusts with the color wheel that graces it.
Stretch marks are new to most of them & they love the history of marks, scars, & arthritic fingers. I’ve seen such change in the art students & their approach to the human body–yep, we might not have the taut & supple skin we once did but man, do we have experiences!
Enjoy your journey, those who choose to model for you, nude or not, & the process of new dimensions & greater appreciation for the human body.
Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed your adventures. I do sew binding down while sitting in bed…don’t know if I could do it laying down. I try to sew something every day.
Anne from the Island
Hi Faye, I too enjoy Nathaniel, learned of him through my daughter. Now I will check out Leon. Have painting…sew many things to do and learn.
Hi Faye, I started my creative path with embroidery and did a fairly large piece in bed at a hospital waaaay back! I still have this piece, framed and hung. Still really like it obviously! Gave all the others away. So yes, I’ve done hand work in bed! However my daughter treated me to an art session where none of us knew how to paint a picture, not a live model, but it was very interesting, shading, background, etc. As a group we try to schedule time away, a weekend, a day, a few hours, whatever works!
Love the concept of art projects to go, but they don’t seem to get done that way. The embroidery is lovely. Do you know it has multiple meanings? It can be a nice expression of sympathy, or in the South it can also mean “you are dumb or totally impaired, but don’t even know it.” Bless your heart.
LOL! That Southern expression is so funny.
Hello Faye, I love your name, it was my oldest sister Dorothy’s middle name.
Anyway, Ah the single fun life, I mean the young peppy life.
I do recall those days
I love the musical artists you shared. They are wonderful. Thanks for this
Your water color painting is very good. I do not know if I am that good. Drawing humans and animals is tricky, and takes major skills
I do a lot of caregiving these days. My dad is 94 and loves attention. He reminds me of his mother (Diverdina Boonstra DeLeeuw) that I loved so so much
I am also keeping the house running. and I have 4 grand babies.
I like sewing and surfing the net. I have just for the first time, taken up english paper piecing. It is kind of addictive, I did not know that was going to happen, I thought it would just be a quick dip and out.
I hope you are enjoying Fall.
I love your choice of art gallery fabrics. I love their fabrics so much, mostly Katerina Roccella’s designs
Detra Braymen
Wonderful watercolor sketches!! Faye I am so glad you had wonderful summer adventures!!
I think you did very well on your painting! I love watercolor but I haven’t made time for it in years . Need to get that stuff out again. It’s really hard to find time right now but winter is coming … I crochet in bed… It’s hard to put down sometimes. I’m making little carseat/stroller blankies for my grandsons. The cool yarns out there these days forced me to pick crochet and knitting back up. I also scroll through quilt patterns, fabric, and fmq designs on the iPad in bed .. Fabric etsy shops… Um… Dangerous! $! I’ve learned to sleep on it before I buy! Lol!
Mary Robertson
Hi Faye! Loved your contribution to the Inbox Jaunt. I’m definitely going to try sewing in bed! What a great idea! I also am interested in learning watercolor – partly due to seeing things posted by your mom. I need to check out a local class!
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