Exercise or Quilt? Open Line Friday

April 29, 2016
Running Shoes

Walking, PhotographyGood Morning, Quilters!

For several months, I’ve been thinking of writing about this weighty topic…the dilemma we all face every time we have a few spare minutes…Exercise or Quilt?  Quilt or Exercise?

So a few weeks ago, when several of you had a conversation about health and exercise in the comment section, my percolating plan came to a full boil.

For nearly twenty years, I worked as a physical therapist and saw first hand the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

While there’s a lot of evidence that quilters (and others with hobbies) are generally happier...

We want to live long enough and be healthy enough to finish all of our UFOs!

The best way to do that is to push away from our computers and our sewing machines and Move More!

My Sewing Room, Lori Kennedy

Next week, we’ll start an initiative to help each other maintain a reasonable quilt/exercise balance.  There will be challenges, contests (with prizes-of course) and more.

For now, I would love to hear your thoughts…

Do YOU spend too much time sitting (quilting, blogging, photo-processing, like me?)

Are YOU up for a new challenge?

Are YOU ready to move more?

And of course, every social media campaign needs a “hashtag”.  Let’s brainstorm ideas…I’d LOVE more suggestions!

#theinboxjaunts  #stepandstitch  #quiltfit

Walking, PhotographyOne more thing…over the weekend, think about YOUR personal fitness goals and how you could move just a little more

I’m really excited and I hope YOU will join me!



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!





  • This sounds like a great idea. I am currently injured (with no diagnosis) but this may help me do what I can instead of giving up on all of it.

    • KJ, I don’t want you to give up,,hang in the whole way. 🙂

  • I needed this post today. I set the largest part of my day and then set in front of my machine in the evening. I have moved my ironing board so that I have to get up and walk across the room to use it, but at least it forces me to stand up every little bit. I look forward to your ideas to get moving and not feel like I’m neglecting what I love to do. I think we all do need to love ourselves more and take care of ourselves.

  • Theresa

    Last year I tripped and broke my hip. I had a half hip replacement. Six months later a big dog playing bumped me in the knees and I buckled. I tried to save my hip and broke my wrist. A plate and twelve screws later I am still walking my two miles a day. My goal is to die without ever taking blood pressure pills.

    • Carol nelson

      My dog and a friend of hers bumped into me on a walk last year, Friday, the 13th of March. I had surgery, plates and screws in my right wrist. I sewed the whole time while bandaged up and later in my brace. (My husband learned to cut for me and I have gotten quite good with my left hand).After much physical therapy I went to the doctor the following December and he decided to remove the plate – best thing ever! I have more flexibility and much less pain. I’ve even been gardening the last week for the first time in a long while.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Amazing! You are my kinda girl! Never give up!

  • Ann Lamy

    Cannot believe the timing of this! JUST got finished doing my first full round of floor exercises at home . . . only to jump online and read this not 5 minutes later!!! I’m 62 years young this April and have been sedentary for 14 years. Like Lori has pointed out ~ not good! I want to share what system I’m doing and excited about because it’s practically free and takes only 15 minutes a day. Body Flex. It was a rage back in the 80’s and the peeps who did it are still praising Greer Childers. I bought a book on Amazon for a whole $1.00 (plus shipping of course), found her videos on Youtube and am thrilled. Hoping this might be a program someone else can sink their exercise teeth into. BTW….I totally LOL’d at Ness’s #losethosefatquarters!! Too cute. And THANKS Lori for caring so much about yourself and us dedicated followers. ***smiles***

    • WordPress.com Support

      Thank you!! Great ideas!

  • #losethosefatquarters !!

    • WordPress.com Support

      You are a genius!!!! That’s it!!

  • I know I should move a lot more than I do. For some reason, it happens very seldom. But I know every little bit helps, so I don’t beat myself up on those days I don’t. I just look towards the next time that I do. Some prompting is bound to make a difference.

  • Janet Anna

    I know I should exercise and the dog needs a walk, but I will always choose to sew or craft or paint or play piano or read a book or…..instead. Here’s an argument for exercise though that might work — a little ‘brain boredom’ (i.e., exercise) can actually stimulate creativity by giving your brain some ‘free’ time. Kind of like when you wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea or the solution to a problem.

    • WordPress.com Support

      I have definitely observed that without realizing it!! We need to talk about that more!

  • Laurie Reissler

    The picture of your sewing room has motivated me to complete my poppy. It’s been cut out for years even to the point of losing some of the pieces. The green background makes the colors pop. I’m looking forward to increasing exercise time with you. Thanks

    • WordPress.com Support

      Let’s get going girlfriend!!

  • #losethosefatquarters!!

  • Jeanne

    Bring it on!!! I need to MOVE a little more so I can quilt a LOT more!!

  • Wonderful! ust started a diet and exercise routine two weeks ago with 3 friends. Only two of us have lost weight and inches! Very telling! I am down 7 lbs in 2 weeks

    • WordPress.com Support

      Fabulous!! Congratulations!

  • What a great idea Lori! I’ve got my fitbit and am ready for the challenge. Thanks for the motivation 🙂 Jane

  • Tawny

    Yeah! I’m in. Since retiring I miss the walking I did in my job. I recently got a Fitbit and am trying to walk before going into my sewing room. Of course when I’m working on my long arm I DO get a lot more movement and exercise. #quiltfit #stepandstitch

  • I am a retired physiotherapist and think your plan is wonderful . So many quilters are advancing in years and accumulating those hard to lose pounds. Your leadership and enthusiasm will definitely help us to respond to your challenge. Kudos.

  • Cynthia Gorman

    My dilemma is finding the extra time to quilt AND exercise. I’m finding that I need to sneak a day off work to fit in finishing up my projects (usually a Friday or a Monday for the long weekend effect!). I use a FitBit to monitor my activity and find that it’s really helpful. If I don’t get in my 10K steps for the day, I walk/jog in place somewhere in my home to make up for it– and I squeeze the quilting in when I can! 🙂 I would love a challenge to get me moving and quilting regularly!

  • Linda

    A good day is a day spent quilting! But my body doesn’t feel so great without some exercise. Great idea Lori!

  • I really need this!! My mind set has to be No More Excuses or I won’t go out ! This time of year in WY is depressing… It’s so much easier (mentally) “to move” outside! But the snow and cold wet continues as does this red mud… 35 miles to a gym.. That isn’t going to happen… See what I mean. So new plan for this 50 something… New age friendly workout dvds… Nothing rediculous! I’ve had them for a month… Apparently you have to do more than watch them lol… JK! I haven’t done that either… Life has been in the way but this is the push I needed. No more excuses! Just as soon as I finish this cuppa coffee. ?????

  • Pat S

    This is very timely for me. I’ve just finished 4 months of chemo and am weak as a kitten. I’m facing surgery once I’ve recovered from the chemo (probably late June) but I’m completely without muscle tone. I’ve always known that exercise first is best for me and I’ve started doing a weight program via DVD but sciatica rules out my favorite form of overall exercise … walking. It’s painful to walk or even just stand so I’m looking for ideas for aerobics.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Any movement helps. Do arm exercise with soup cans as weights. Just get started!!

  • Jacqui VMS

    Bring on the challenge! Need all the help I can get LOL….I keep my ironing board well away from my sewing machine so I HAVE to get up and iron! I also have been working on going up and down my stairs for exercise…it’s quick and I don’t have to find shoes, jackets, battle ice, blah, blah, blah. But, I keep digressing! Looking forward to hearing what you have to challenge us!!

  • Now this is a topic we need to do more of! The spreading rears from sitting at the sewing machine is affecting my clothing, and I don’t have time to shop for more pants! I try to”reward” myself w sewing time for the activity I do. Mostly I try to do it in the AM and get it DONE

  • Jeanne Lobsinger

    I have a Fitbit that alerts me to get up and move every hour. I would sew for hours without realizing I had not even moved. I am in on your plan!

  • Ingrid

    Great timing and I hope I can…ankle issue in PT at moment.

  • Sharon

    No question I need to move more. Looking forward to this.
    #fittoquilt or maybe right now, #notfittoquilt

    • WordPress.com Support

      Love that! #fittoquilt!

  • Thank you Lori, this is an important topic for all of us. I also have job in front of computer all day and sedentary hobbies (quilting and knitting). I was at the Wisconsin Wool Festival and they had a contest relay race that was won by the team that could knit the most stitches while walking – a novel idea to me but it can be done. I would love to do it while I walk in the neighborhood but am afraid of the label I will get from anyone seeing me—-. I have also tryed knitting while on my stationary bike at home – that was okay but I couldn’t do either activity as fast but maybe that is still better if I do it for a longer time. Neither of those seem applicable to sewing though. I have seen people at their computers with those “chairs” that are balls and are supposed to work your core. That might work at the sewing machine. Does anyone have any experience with those?
    Happy Friday- I will be out walking this weekend!

  • Julie Zeigler

    Excellent idea! And perfect timing!

  • Romney

    I love to say, “I’m the only quilter who runs, and the only runner who quilts!” I need a hobby that takes me off my feet, because my body literally needs the rest. I am 41 and live in Wisconsin. This means many miles are run at the gym during the long winter months. While I’m pounding away the miles, the ladies are walking next to me with their kindles. And, we love to chat about quilting! We pull out our phones, and show each other our latest projects. Talk about fabrics. And, I get to ask lots of questions! I never seem in short supply of those! I’ve learned a lot from these women! Quilting is our common thread 😉

    I’m not sure the ladies really know how much I treasure our talks, but I really do! And, all thanks to quilting!

  • Helen Kehoe

    I am very much looking forward to this discussion since the quilt/exercise dilemma is one I constantly face. Thank you.

  • Bravo! This is a very, very good topic! I am sitting at the computer looking at blogs, about to head downstairs to sew for a while BUT I have my exercise clothes on. At some point I will take a sewing break and go for a long walk. This will be so much fun to follow! #quiltsteps #trimmingnotquilting #sewrewarding #strengthtosew

    • WordPress.com Support

      Love your hashtags!

  • Karin

    Good idea! I have a personal goal of 4 workouts a week (3 runs, 1 strength) and it’s definitely easier to hit when the weather is nice and I want to be outside. My biggest struggle is the 2 hours I have free on Friday mornings when all my kids are in school at once – exercise or sew uninterrupted.

    • WordPress.com Support

      That is really hard!!

  • Mary Duhon

    Wow- your comment really drew some response. And as I sit here on my day off drinking coffee thinking ” take a walk or quilt?” your post hit me right in the gut. I wear a fitbit and try to keep it happy. I do love to garden so spring, summer, fall usually ok but winter is more cozy sewing, less moving. Hence the extra 6 # I need to shed. I am a nurse practitioner and work in an endocrine/diabetes practice and I preach healthy eating /exercise all day but on my day off I want to SEW -ha!
    I would love a challenge with like minded quilters. And I will get up and go walk before I touch my machine today – thank you for the push!

    • WordPress.com Support

      As a nurse practitioner–in the diabetes clinic–I’m sure you see first hand the importance of exercise!!

  • Connie B of AZ

    You have just reminded us all that we need to move, create, move create repeat
    Great topic

  • Kris P

    I know I need to move more. I sleep better when I’ve spent an hour walking or a half hour running. Unfortunately, Minnesota winters are the pits, and I’m such freeze-baby, I rarely get enough exercise in the winter. With spring upon us, I need to get back in the routine of getting out and stretching out the kinks every morning. Even if it’s too hot to run, a nice long walk sure is a great way to start the day.

  • Rosemaryflower

    Good idea. i have been perky and exercised naturally all my life, as I am one of those wiry hyper people with long monkey arms doing two things at the same time.

    I run up stairs, jump down stairs and walk very quickly. It is just my own weirdness.
    Well, since taking care of my parents, I have not been taking such good care of me.
    I got my first DEXA exam and it showed I have a bit of osteoporosis!!!!!!!!!
    So, now I must be careful, no more tricks on the stairs, no jumping off of countertops after petting kitties that are on top of the cabinets next to the heat vent over the fridge,, eat more calcium, and do 100 jumping jacks every day in addition to walking 3 miles (which I do on my treadmill we bought two years ago when the gym people started getting on our nerves) I put a plank of wood across the rails and I have a nice desk. I walk 3.8 – 4 mph and walk 3 miles. More is bonus.
    I answer emails, read blogs, listen to music, watch tv. I am trying to put more care into my movement. If I break a bone, I will be excessively cranky.
    Have a wonderful Friday everyone.
    Be perky. Oh, and why don’t Oreo cookies make a cookie packed with calcuim?
    I do not like kale.

  • I’m in PT right now. So … this sounds interesting.

  • Susan

    I always tell my 14 year old that schoolwork must be done first and then it is time for hobbies and fun activities after the work is done. For most of us quilting is a hobby not a job. On the other hand we should view exercise as a job. It can be fun but it is essential to our lives. I like to exercise first thing in the morning For some this may not work, but your work should be done before you begin your hobbies. Use quilting as your reward. I wear a Fitbit and its helps keep me motivated. Even urges you to move at least 250 steps every hour. It is amazing how few steps you accumulate during the day if you are stationary. I don’t begin quilting until I am at least halfway to my 10,000 step goal. I have a busy schedule today that will not involve quilting unfortunately but I am off for my walk, rain slicker and all

  • I try to park as far away from stores as I can go add a few more steps each day. Iron is away from the machine. Worry that I don’t get my heart rate up as high/often as I should. I am looking forward to to hearing what others say. Thanks for starting this thread!

  • Becki

    I try not to read fiction until I have read my Bible, and I try not to quilt until I have exercised. I find I have more energy, more time, and a better attitude when I keep my priorities in the right order!

  • Sue biondich

    Because I know that I spend many hours quilting I do things like putting my iron as far away from my sewing machine as possible and so I have to hop up and go across the room every time I want to use it and believe me I’m an ironer. I sew above a 3 1/2 car garage and that’s a lot of moving. I also put my cutting mat away from my sewing machine and also stand to use my long arm. I do a few yoga poses when I start feeling funky to get the Zen going again.

  • What hits home most for me is the Legends series on The Quilt Show with Ricky and Alex. They interviewed Libby Lehman. They were impressed with the amount of beautiful quilts she produced. She showed them a clipboard organization system with 12 mounted to the wall in her sewing suite. Ricky asked, “That top clipboard, what does it say?” Libby’s response ” Exercise. LOL, I’ll get to that one day!” Then her devastating stroke happened and robbed her of her quilting creativity and time. That was confirmation for me in the middle of making huge lifestyle changes that started in July 2010. I’m on a good path and even keep it up during sewing retreats. I make my own meals with organic whole food. Limit the sugar consumed (body can only handle 2 tablespoons per DAY!), stretching, Pilates done at home with a DVD, set up my sewing space ergnomically and enjoy daily walks with my husband on the hike and bike trail next to our home. Just completed my annual blood work and all is well except Vitamin D levels. I’m working with my chiropractor, whom I visit weekly, to get those levels up with D3, Vitamin F, and K2. Cancer can not manifest in a body with proper vitamin D levels. That is one of my biggest “whys” for doing what others do not want to do. I have more control over my health, peace about longevity and the fear of a disease is gone from me. Big sigh of relief! Each meal and deciding to move is a decision in my favor. Count me in! Allison in Plano, Texas USA

  • Ellie

    Just in time. I recently fell and fractured my pelvis. Now thanks to a Physical Therapist and a few others I am able to walk a bit with my walker. Sure do need to exercise to be more limber. Can’t sew as all my “stuff” is upstairs and my poor husband has enough to do other than search out fabrics etc. Running up the stairs is not enough exercise! Thanks for all your help–sewing and all.

  • I have two jobs. One sitting behind a computer and one sitting behind a sewing machine and teaching at a quilt shop. I will be retiring from the school in a few weeks and keeping my other job. Everyday i think I need to get up and move more and tell my self I’ll do it when i retire from my school job. Your post made me really stop and think. I can get up and walk around my neighborhood, we moved into last year, for that hour I spend in front of the TV. Why do I have to wait until I retire?

  • Claire Anderson

    Great idea, guilty as sin.

  • Deborah Hewitt

    I’m a firm believe that you “pay yourself first!” That means I exercise first thing in the morning before others are awake and can derail my time. It’s been my practice for over 20 years.

  • I have been thinking about this very thing. I am retiring in January 2017 and very excited about being able to be creative and quilt, quilt, quilt and then cook a little! My concern is that I will not be getting enough exercise!! My plan is to start my morning off with a walk (weather permitting) or stationary bike ride before I even go into my quilting room!!! That way the exercise part can be checked off the TO DO List!!! Momma always made us have our chores complete before play so this is the same principle!! Thanks for helping us all be healthier!!

  • You read my mind. One thing I learned from Weight Watchers years ago (and put out of my mind, alas!) is that moving is moving, and standing is not sitting. So I try to do as many craft tasks as I can standing up, often at the ironing board.

  • Darlene Price

    I workout everyday before quilting and sewing. I also stand to cut out fabric. and I stand up and press every seam. Up, down, Up, down, Up, down. Good exercise.

  • I’ve been stepping it up lately but I have noticed that it cuts into my sewing time. I like your hashtag

  • Rebecca Shaffer

    Sounds good! I go to the gym three mornings a week and have been taking a weekly yoga class since 2000. I also used to walk most days, but I broke my foot in the fall and in favoring that foot I ended up hurting my knee, so I’ve had to back off on that. I get my exercise early in the morning and I worry about being sedentary for the rest of the day. I also have my ironing board across the room from my sewing machine so that I have to move. I’ll be interested to see what your plan is.

  • quiltbabe

    I have a desk job, and hobbies (quilting and reading) that are pretty sedentary… count me in!

    • Meghan Redder

      Agreed! Between my desk job and 40 min each way commute, I do so much forced sitting in a single day. When I do have time to relax, the last thing I feel like doing is going for a walk or moving since I finally have time to do my quilting, yarn work, or reading. It’s sad. Some exterior motivation to take the time for go for that walk would be great!

  • Barb M

    Hooray for you! Let’s move!

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