Exercise or Quilt? Open Line Friday

April 29, 2016
Running Shoes

Walking, PhotographyGood Morning, Quilters!

For several months, I’ve been thinking of writing about this weighty topic…the dilemma we all face every time we have a few spare minutes…Exercise or Quilt?  Quilt or Exercise?

So a few weeks ago, when several of you had a conversation about health and exercise in the comment section, my percolating plan came to a full boil.

For nearly twenty years, I worked as a physical therapist and saw first hand the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

While there’s a lot of evidence that quilters (and others with hobbies) are generally happier...

We want to live long enough and be healthy enough to finish all of our UFOs!

The best way to do that is to push away from our computers and our sewing machines and Move More!

My Sewing Room, Lori Kennedy

Next week, we’ll start an initiative to help each other maintain a reasonable quilt/exercise balance.  There will be challenges, contests (with prizes-of course) and more.

For now, I would love to hear your thoughts…

Do YOU spend too much time sitting (quilting, blogging, photo-processing, like me?)

Are YOU up for a new challenge?

Are YOU ready to move more?

And of course, every social media campaign needs a “hashtag”.  Let’s brainstorm ideas…I’d LOVE more suggestions!

#theinboxjaunts  #stepandstitch  #quiltfit

Walking, PhotographyOne more thing…over the weekend, think about YOUR personal fitness goals and how you could move just a little more

I’m really excited and I hope YOU will join me!



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!





  • Marta

    For Dorothy Matheson… Hang in, As you know this too shall pass..Patience is the hardest part. Now is great time for dreaming new projects. My husband and I have had some of the problems you mention. He loves to say this is not what he envisioned for retirement. LOL..prayers….

  • Sherry

    I am in. I need to move more!

  • Lisa Simon

    This sounds like a great idea! I struggle ALL THE TIME with the decision: quilting vs exercise vs cleaning vs gardening vs etc. My studio has the strongest pull ?

  • As I have an in-home childcare business getting out during the day to workout is not an option.. I get up 4 mornings a week at 430am and swim with the u.s.masters swimming and do a spinning class.. my quilting time happens during nap time! Working out in the morning gives me energy to face my day!

  • This is a great idea! I have been focusing on exercise this year and have a fairly good routine going. It is best if I do it early in the morning before anything else crowds it out. One thing I do when I am quilting is to arrange my fabrics, ironing and piecing so that I am moving from one part of the apartment to another. It’s not the most efficient approach, but it keeps me moving!

  • Bernice

    Love the #losethosefatquarters!
    I am so glad that this topic has been raised. I, too, sit all day at work, and then come home to sit with my first-love, quilting! I’m not a morning person, so that doesn’t work, and after a stressful day at work, quilting lowers the stress levels. But, I have started exercising more as I’m 4 months post-total hip replacement. Physio has been going great and I’ve joined the ‘Y’, so I’ve moved my body more in the past 4 months than probably the previous year! Now I need to find a way to avoid the vacuum that sucks me into my sewing room as I walk by, and just keep on walking! Seriously though, I’m looking forward to the inspiration/ideas that will be shared here–thanks, Lori. I hope that there will be some hand/arm stretches for those of us who do a lot of hand work, too.

  • Denise

    It is easy to lose track of time while I am quilting. I use a kitchen timer set for 30 minutes. When the timer goes off I get up and move, 5 laps around the living room and stretches for my shoulders, back, and legs. It keeps my metabolize up.

  • helenmarie

    Now that the days are longer and the sun is up earlier, the first thing I do most mornings is 3 laps around the neighborhood with my dog…. about 4.5 miles. If I don’t do it then.. before I get into customer work or my own quilting project… I find I don’t do it. With the sun staying out longer at night, I *might* sneak in another lap or two if it isn’t too hot late in the day

    • WordPress.com Support

      Best to get it done early!

  • I’m in. Great discussion!

  • Jan Horton

    I’m in! inspiration for creativity, wellness and longevity!

  • I sooooo get this. In fact, I belong to one quilting group that meets on Wednesday mornings and, because I go to my other guild nearly every Tuesday, I feel guilty about missing another exercise class. My solution has been to attend an earlier Wednesday class at the Y once or twice a month so I can go to my quilting group a bit later.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Quilt -exercise balance! Perfect!

  • AnnaMarie

    Good for you! I worry about too many of my quilting friends who don’t take time to move.

  • I have been talking myself into moving more and eating better for the last two months. I definitely there with you!!

  • Dorothy Matheson

    Goodness a timely post. I started with sciatica pain in December. Had an MRI on NYE and found lots of problems with my back and also a tumor on my kidney. Started the round of things. Pain management Dr for the steroid into the spine and kidney Dr for the problem there. I had surgery on the kidney problem which turned out to be a cyst. I told every one all along that it was not a problem long term. Also found the right back neurosurgeon (second opinions are good) and just had surgery on my back 9 days ago. So not allowed to exercise as of yet. As a retired nurse I am itching to be able to move and just walk again. In fact I am not even allowed to sit at a sewing machine for two weeks.
    I will have PT started at 6 weeks after surgery.
    This being older is not fun at all. Had a knee replacement a couple of years ago too.
    I love to garden and to sew quilts for the great grand children.
    Hope to get back to the garden and the walking this summer.

    • WordPress.com Support

      You will! Where there’s a will there’s a way!!

  • Diana C

    What a great topic! I’m in! Yesterday I decided that’s it, time to lose 15 lbs. I sit at a computer all day at work and am mentally wiped out when I get home and just sit. Last night I dragged myself onto the treadmill for 2.5 miles. It’s a start. I need motivation though. A challenge is just what I need.

  • Donna Johnson

    Good morning, I just started following your blog and I think it was in God’s timing that I did. I am a marathoner who has gotten out of the rhythm since retirement. Your post regarding moving is just what I need. So I am making this short and hitting the streets!!

  • LaNan

    Great idea! I too, know I need to move more but if I start sewing first, I tend to forget to move later! I have increased my water drinking when I’m seeing which causes me to move more!

  • Wow – what a fabulous idea and great conversations about it. I feel motivated already reading what others have to write – and a little guilty I must say, as I did intend to do a little yoga/Pilates before I start quilting each day but the draw of my new long arm quilter is too strong for any exercise DVD… And my exercise area is just outside the door of my quilting space so no real excuse other than how much I love to work with fabric… Let’s see how it goes next week and I will try to do at least 10 minutes of physical activity (which doesn’t involve walking to the kitchen) before I get into quilting. Lori, you are such a thoughtful person and it is a pleasure to follow your blog. Best wishes. Judith

  • Cynthia Holten

    This is a GGGGRRRRRREAT idea! When I was younger, I’d spend endless hours in front of my sewing machine or sitting doing another craft. But now this old body MUST move or I’ll simply atrophy to the chair. So I set a timer for one hour. When that goes off, I MUST drop everything and for 15 mins. I walk up and down the stairs, around the house, do some stretch exercises AND refill my 32 oz. jug with water. So it’s “Circulate (walk) and Percolate (water in, water out) for me! LOL

    • WordPress.com Support

      Love the motto circulate and percolate!!

  • Ellen Rittenhouse

    This is a timely topic for me as well as many of you. As I read I was reminded of some advice I read recently about keeping a list of what I didn’t eat instead of what I did eat. There must be a way to modify that related to exercise! Instead of how many steps I take perhaps keeping a list of how many minutes I didn’t just sit! When I think about it I make it a point to get up and move but it is much easier to sit at my age (74) with back problems. I’ll make efforts each day to be more active and may even find a few more pounds of those “fat quarters” will disappear!

  • Marjorie

    I also really appreciate you bringing this up. I read all the comments and they are all inspiring me to take better care of my self. Best wishes to all of us!

  • Peggy Jebavy

    I love to do both! I have been trying to get 11,000 steps a day but when I quilt more or the weather is bad, I need more incentive! Count me in.

  • Sue Farrell

    Sooo easy to sit at my machine rather than walking/exercising but I feel great after I’ve finished. Maybe your motivation will help many of us. Love love live the Poppy.

  • when I encounter a problem with a project that I can’t immediately solve, I like to MOVE my body! That helps relieve my frustration stress, plus it clears my head and I usually find that by the time I get back to the project, I’ve solved the problem!

  • i will definitely work along with you. Over the last couple of years all I have done
    was sit & stitch. I need to move & not just to the ironing board!!!!

  • I’ve just returned from a fattening vacation, and am 8 lbs heavier than last years medical…. So back to counting points from WW, when I lost 65 lbs 10 years ago, and have kept most of it off, till this past winter.
    The group motivation is great, just like the mystery quilt, we are hooked and connected. It’s all about finding your personal motivation.
    I garden a lot… Several hours per day, but that’s not exercising in my opinion… Need a little cardio, and some resistance. Muscle burns more calories. I have a spinner for my road bike and use it when the temperature is too cold.
    Love the Quiltercize… Sometimes I do embroidery on my machine, then I work with a kettle bell, waiting for the colour to finish.
    Spring is the time for a new habit!

  • MargeP

    Due to a spontaneous fracture of my left femur in 2013 followed by two surgeries which have both failed, I am having to use a walker. I have a long arm and I can quilt on the front side of it but there isn’t enough room on the back for me and the walker. Very frustrating! I have my ironing board set up on the opposite end of the room from my domestic machine so I do get up and down frequently. I really do try and do as much moving as I can as I know it is important. Checking in on all you gals will be an extra plus for me to keep moving. My goal now is to get better at the MQ on my Janome 6600 and that is why I love this site. Haven’t made a whole bunch of progress but I am trying. Love your blog – you are a treasure to all of us quilters.

  • Janette

    Great idea losethosefatquarters! Have a dog, we walk over 2 hours everyday. Will have to check to see how many miles we walk..Also have a very active job cleaning, then l spend time mucking stalls. I am in to whatever you have in mind for more exercise, bring it on!

  • I have relied on walking to maintain my fitness. Having 2 beautiful greyhounds who love their beach around the corner from home was a daily motivator to get me out of the door (plus having a marine sanctuary on one’s doorstep seemed too good a resource to ignore). Unfortunately my youngest greyhound (only 5!) after limping intermittently, has just been diagnosed with arthritis in her hind hock and I need to scale back her exercise. Her best friend, Billie, is still going strong despite being older – BUT…is co-dependant and gets anxious if I try to walk her without Pirate. Over the past week my morning ritual has been decimated and your post is very timely!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Oh my! What loyal dogs! You do have a dilemma!

  • I have moved my ironing board away from my sewing machine, so at the very least, I have to get up to press seems, etc.

  • Amy Roth

    Definitely! I’ve seen the difference between being active and not. And I, unfortunately, are often too inactive. I’ll appreciate the motivation I might from a like-minded group of ladies to get me up and moving more!

  • Karla

    Re Diana’s reply. Yoga—I can’t wait to add that to my days once I retire.

  • Patty

    I try and do water aroebics from 4 to 2 times a week. Depends on my bee meetings, and workshops. The class at a nearby workout club (my silver sneaker membership is prevised by supplement) are morning so leaves the most of day for other things.

  • I exercise first thing in the morning. As I have struggled with my weight all my life and have rheumatoid and osteo arthritis exercise is imperative for me. I do put exercise and moving above quilting unless I am up against a deadline.

  • Brenda Perry

    Wonderful, timely idea! Since retiring last year, there are too many days when I am in my PJs all day long quilting. I love that I have the time to quilt, but need more motivation to get out the door and get some exercise. I would love to participate! Keep us posted!! Lori you are such a wonderful teacher and now, looks like you will be a great health motivator as well. Thank you!!

  • Kathie

    I’M SO IN! I’ve walked for exercise for roughly 35 years. As I aging and arthritis is setting in, walking has become even more important because God gives me natural pain relief in those endorphines. I love Ness’s suggested hashtag, ”#losethosefatquarters!!”

  • Excellent post. Yes, we all need to remember to push away from our sewing machine and get up and out for some exercise. Love your hashtags. I’m heading out for some exercise right now.


  • Diana

    A fellow quilter and friend introduced me to her once a week yoga (1 and 1/2 hrs) session. It was a great way to get me back in the exercise routine. I feel so much better. A couple of easy routines are the Sun Salutation and the Five Rituals. Just a few minutes and it makes one feel great. BTW we are both 66 yrs old. I also would like to give my thumbs up to the #lose those fat quarters name. The number of responses you received here tell me that it was a good idea. Love your site and your new Craftsy Class.

  • Karla

    It’s the moving that keeps me from quilting! I teach first graders, have an hour of critter chores to do every day, walk 2.5 miles every day possible, and do push ups on stalls in the barn, along with planks on other days. I’m 6 lbs higher than when I married 31 years ago. Yup–it’s great, but it all keeps me from quilting. I need to know how to stay in shape in less time so I have more time to play with fabric!

    • WordPress.com Support

      You are an inspiration!

  • Julie

    I exercise regularly; I consider it to be the “work” I need to do in retirement so that I can do the “playing” part without pain or injury.

  • Pam Hotle

    I had a garmin fitness tracker that would let me know to get up and move after an hour of inactivity. Unfortunately, I lost it and my motivation to get in my steps and keep moving every hour. Time for a new one!

  • Donna Hixon

    First of all, I love this site and your Craftsy Classes. Just out of curiosity I would like to know why my problem with the pictures being small was solved. They are back to full size. Thank goodness.

  • Carolyn Dell

    I do exercise every week day! I’m 78 yrs old and have COPD and need to keep my muscle strength strong as I’m not ready for oxygen yet! I do a “boot camp” workout 3 times a week and the rest on a stationery bike. As I’m retired, I work out early morning and quilt in the afternoon. Must remember to get up & move every hour you are quilting!! I so love your blog and have used quite a few of your motifs in my quilts!!

    • Rosemaryflower

      Excellent Carolyn. I hope to make it to 78. God Bless you

    • WordPress.com Support

      Great job! Great advice!

  • For some reason, in the winter, when it’s coooold here (MT), I can get on the elliptical and/or cross-country ski. But in the spring and summer, it’s harder – there’s always outside work to do. At our last quilt guild meeting, there was a physical therapist who spoke to us about doing exercises (stretching) and getting up and away from the sewing machine more frequently. I took it to heart and am determined to do more stretching. Good luck to all – I used to be very active until about 12 years ago when we moved to MT! (Will be 75 this summer and want to live to be 100!)

  • Ellen

    I’ve been challenged to lose 50lbs in a year and so far I’m doing OK. But I would love to hear you’re ideas for mixing a love of quilting with living better. Can’t wait so see what the future holds. Of my 50 to loose I’m down 20lbs since Christmas.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Wow! That’s fabulous! Congratulations!

    • Congratulations and great work!

  • JaniceCarole

    i have a friend who pulls me out the door to walk. I would rather quilt than do anything else. I am hoping your challenge will include a “how to” stretch while at the sewing machine or cutting table. Thank you for caring about our health. Winter has been too long for me. It is still dreary where I live. Heat can’t come soon enough for me.

    • I need to use the stretch stitch on my machine way more often too! Bahahaha! Can’t believe how fast I get stoved up anymore!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Great idea about stretching exercise! I will do that!

  • Let’s “quiltercise”! As you’re exercising you can be planning your next project in your head while strengthening the muscles and body to carry it out.

    • Yes, it is possible to quilt and exercise at the same time! Although exercising is not on my top 10 list of favorite things, I have planned quilts and solved design dilemmas while walking the track at the gym with my husband 3 mornings a week. And when I’m in the sewing room, I’m on my feet quite a bit when at my work table or ironing board. Every little bit helps! Keep on moving and keep on quilting, everyone!!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Love it!! I bet you have a tune in your head too!!

  • Evie H

    How timely! I started walking last week because of arthritis in my hips — use it or lose it, as they say. I’m an early riser, so it’s the first thing I do in the morning. I’m only up to a mile a day but aiming for at least three miles. Thanks for the push!

  • Did you work with folks with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome? In 1989 all I could manage out of bed was walking the hall to the bathroom. I got Dx’d and was sent to an out patient arthritis program at the hospital. It took 6 months but I became functional and active again. I had stayed active ever since until the past couple years. My problem now at age 74 is “feast and famine” exercise, tending to overdo
    and then be too tired for few days. I stand at my big high table when I cut fabric and sew with my machine at one end of the table. I sit when I am drawing, planning on my graph paper, going thru quilting books/mags, and hand sewing bindings around quilts. We live on a red clay road in rural area. Its too dusty and bumpy for safe walking there. I need to learn to be more consistent in exercise. Thank you for this opportunity. BTW ,my Spouseman just broke fibula bone in his ankle and is in cast and wheelchair. I am exhausted from 2 weeks of caregiving! Appreciate any spare prayers! 🙂 We have many moons to go. Not needing pity, just sharing need for better strength and fitness for this “new job”.LOL

    • WordPress.com Support

      You are in our prayers!! Care taking is hard work! Seek out all the help you can get with things like delivered meals and someone to help with the housecleaning.

      • Thanks for prayers.. doc said this may be 3 month process. Our daughter and SIL are in and out of town for their work but will be helping when they get back. Getting the house set up for wheelchair and walker, etc. was initial problem.. Folks, evaluate your houses now..LOL Most of my sewing is in cottage out back. So I am doing some handsewing indoors for now.. You have helped me not feel so guilty for wondering when I can have couple days off duty. It has been (only) 3 weeks now. Thank you Lori and MargeP. and others for prayer.

      • MargeP

        Bless you and will send prayers your way. Anyone who thinks aging is easy hasn’t been there yet. Hang in there and yes, definitely get as much help as you can. Living rural does have its own challenges as we are definitely in a rural area. Try and take some time for yourself to re-group. Hopefully your Spouseman will have a speedy recovery.

  • Sandy S

    Okay this just confirmed my decision. I will join you. I work full time at a desk job AND work at home doing longarm. I will join you one this journey…my middle needs to disappear!

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