Envelope Doodles

February 4, 2016
Doodle Envelopes, Zentangle, Lori Kennedy

Doodle Envelopes, Zentangle, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters, Doodlers, and Letter-Writers (snail mail, that is!)

When is the last time YOU received a hand-written letter?

Perhaps a better question to ask…When is the last time YOU wrote a hand written letter?

Doodle Envelopes, Zentangle, Lori Kennedy

The art of letter writing is on the decline (along with cursive…)

It’s too bad because it is such a gracious gift to give and to receive.

(BTW-I have a relative whose 365 challenge for 2016 is to write a letter every day!)

Doodle Envelopes, Zentangle, Lori Kennedy

Perhaps we would be more interested in writing letters if we remembered it can be a creative endeavor.

Doodle Envelopes, Zentangle, Lori Kennedy

So pull out your envelopes and a red pen or marker.

Doodle Nora’s Rose (above)  or Faye’s Flower (below)  or any of YOUR doodles.

Doodle Envelopes, Zentangle, Lori Kennedy…and send your Mom, Dad, sister, brother, cousin, friend….a hand written letter in a decorated envelope.

Who do YOU know that needs a little pick-me-up?

Send them the gracious gift of your time.

For advice on letter writing, you might like:  How to Write Letters:  A Vintage Guide to the Lost Art of Epistolatory Etiquette from 1876  ( I especially like #4-Blots and Interlineations.)Doodle Envelopes, Zentangle, Lori Kennedy

May ALL your endeavors reflect YOUR creativity!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!


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