Easy Doodles-For Those Who Think They Can’t Doodle

February 1, 2018
Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Grid Doodles, Lori KennedyGood Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

Do YOU find doodling challenging?  Do YOU have difficulty thinking of what to doodle?

The solution:  Start with a grid!


Start with a grid and repeat any simple design to create very complex looking designs.

For this exercise, I used a ruler to draw a one-inch grid.  (If you have a grid template-now is the time to use it!)

Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy

First, choose a simple design…and doodle a single row, alternating the orientation of the design.

Next, fill the grid with the simple design to create a basketweave effect.


Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Create a new design by changing the density of alternating grid squares.

Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy


Then alternate two simple designs…

Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy


Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy


Wasn’t that easy?  The possibilities are endless!

Now try two new motifs…

And quilt a sample…

Then try it with two different threads….

See where we are going here???  Those complex looking quilt backgrounds are often grids!


Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy


Grid Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Happy Quoodling!

Loodle Lori

PS…All toodletorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com!  Thanks!







  • Deb Capron

    Hi Lori…….love your blog with lots of inspiration. I’m not a doodler …….goes back to elementary school and the only acceptable marks on paper was your NEAT class Work! I’m scarred for life. The grid doodle sounds like fun…..I’ll give it a try. Thanks

  • Chip Styles

    Gray doodles….thanks

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    Cute cute cute. I particularly like the one with the whirlie-twirlies in it. It’s time to get out the doodle book.
    P.S. Lori, this week, four weeks post hip surgery, I was finally able to do some sewing … my dear hubby brought up some of my sewing stuff from downstairs. WOOHOO … can’t keep a good quilter down for long!!!!!!!!!! ???????????? Happy dance!!

    • A

      Best wishes on your recovery! I’d love to see what a happy dance by a post-surgical hip patient looks like–LOL!

      • Maureen B. in B.C.

        Some lurching, some creaking, a lot of spinning on the good foot inside the walker, and a lot of arm movements like a Hawaiian Hula. ????

  • Linda Williams

    Such a cute post Lori. Oodles of Doodles!! I haven’t doodled in a while – but I’m going to take the time today. Thanks for the reminder

  • Wonderful. I love these doodles!

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    I used to doodle excessively in highschool along my notebook margins when I was bored in school…similiar to what Carlee now does with quilting but rougher with boxes and triangles. Wish I had those notebooks back as it has now left me and I am nowhere as good at it anymore.

    • A

      It’s a practice easily revived! Soon you will have notebooks full!

      • Marta

        Try turning on a boring political TV show where they drone on and on… mimic a boring class… The doodle might come back to you…Works for me when SpouseMan is watching and listening.. LOL

  • Arvilla Trag

    This is so cool! When I was a kid in school (around the first Crusade) doodling on notebooks or anything was only slightly less than a capital offense. My best friend is an expert at Zentangle, and I can barely doodle at all. This grid idea will fix that!

    Last year I made a cute little HST quilt for a colleagues new granddaughter. I couldn’t think how to quilt it, so I just started signing my name and making stars in between. It came out pretty nice. Fortunately, my handwriting – be it on paper or on a quilt – is so bad that the quilting does not even look narcissistic.

    • A

      Arvilla, you always make me laugh! “Narcissistic Quilting” could become “a thing”!

  • bbquiltmaker

    Love this, brilliant!

  • Elizabeth

    Thank you for the encouragement to doodle. I find it relaxing and I am seeing improvement in fluidity in just a few sessions. THANKS.

  • Shelor

    Thank you sooooo much for the blog. I have a hard time doodling, (so mostly I don’t do it) but using the grid idea is great! I’ll have to get at it!

  • Thanks for the wonderful inspiration x

  • Kerry

    Great way to use old calendars too! Thanks for the tip!

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