Downton Abbey Fabric Giveaway! Win!!

March 7, 2016
Downton Abbey Fabric, Andover Fabrics, Lori Kennedy

Downton Abbey Fabric, Andover Fabrics, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

As the Downton Abbey series comes to a close, let’s celebrate the hours of fabulous TV it offered with a GIVEAWAY!

The show had its ups and downs to be sure, but the costumes alone were worth watching for…

The beautiful clothes, jewelry, furnishings….

Downton Abbey Fabric, Andover Fabrics, Lori Kennedy


At the Craftsy Instructor Summit in January, I was the WINNER of 5 bolts of Downton Abbey fabric from Andover Fabrics!

I would like to share the bounty with THREE LUCKY WINNERS-

Each will receive 5 yards of beautiful cotton fabric-for quilting or dressmaking!

Downton Abbey Fabric, Andover Fabrics, Lori Kennedy


In the comment section, leave YOUR favorite Downton Abbey quote–there were so many!

Google them if necessary…

If you really can’t come up with a Downton Abbey quote, share any favorite sewing or inspirational quote!

Downton Abbey Fabric, Andover Fabrics, Lori Kennedy

The contest will run  until 8 pm CST on Thursday, March 10th.

Winners will be announced Friday, March 11!

(Due to shipping costs, this contest is limited to US and Canada only–thanks!)

Thank you, Andover Fabrics!

Thank you, Craftsy!

Lady Lori Crawley (my real maiden name!)

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!

Win Downton Abbey Fabric!



  • Vulgarity is no substitute for wit

  • Rita W

    The quilter who dies with the most fabric isn’t quilting fast enough.

    • Support

      Or is shopping too fast!

  • Darlene W.

    What is a weekend?

  • To sew is human to finish is divine

  • Mrs. Hughes: You’re such an old curmudgeon.
    Mr. Carson: Don’t say you’re going off me.
    Mrs. Hughes: No. Because you’re MY curmudgeon and that makes all the difference.

  • Alberta Chappell

    Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.

  • Amy Horsfall

    “Vulgarity is no substitute for wit” (wish I was more witty) So kind of you to share!

  • Myra Beasley

    Mrs Crawley: I take that as a compliment.
    Dowanger Countess; I must have said it wrong.

  • Virginia Basham

    I didn’t get to watch the show, so I have to go with something my dad always told me you can be made at your spouse all day but when you’re ready to go to bed always kiss good night and say I love you and keep the bedroom neutral territory. I have done just that and been happily married for 20 years.

  • Connie Nipp

    Dowager Countess “What’s a week-end”
    DA My new all time favorite series!

  • Ramona Thomas

    Lady Grantham: “What’s a weekend?” (I just retired!)

  • D Sawtelle

    Will I’ll see about that!
    I think I use it when it comes to my kids.

  • Sharon Dallman

    :Golly” was usually said by Lady Mary. I say that a lot too!

  • sharon

    Does it ever get cold on the moral high ground?

  • Loronda Schuler

    “To sew or not to sew – that is NEVER the question.” Sorry I didn’t watch Down Town Abby.

  • Mary Helen in OR

    “Every mountain is “unclimbable” until someone climbs it. So every ship is “unsinkable” until it sinks.”

  • Cathy Wilson

    I finally watched the last episode yesterday. it was extremely bittersweet- so sad to say goodbye to this series! I’m going to miss the countess and Mrs Pattmore the most. I couldn’t pick a favorite from all their wonderful lines!

  • Loved the series, sad that it is over. Make yourself happy, then everything will fall into right place.

  • Laurel

    The Dowager Countess: “It’s good to be in love, whatever age.” That resonated with me as I married the love of my life later in life.

  • Louise Luberts

    Loved the dowager

  • Tweela Houtekamer

    Mrs. Crawley: I’ll take that as a compliment.
    Dowager Countess: I must have said it wrong!

  • “Vulgarity is no substitute for wit.”

  • Karen Flanigan

    “There’s nothing simpler than avoiding people you don’t like. Avoiding one’s friends, that’s the real test.” Violet

  • “Why does every day involve a fight with an American?” to Matthew Crawley regarding his swivel chair.

  • Sue D

    “What is a weekend?” – Violet Crawley Since retirement, I love it!

  • Mary Alexandra Moon

    I have only seen the first season but hopefully when I get some time later this month I can watch some more, it is very good! My favourite quote is “First electricity, now telephones. Sometimes I feel as if I were living in an H.G. Wells novel.” — Violet Crawley, S1E7

  • Violet: “I do think a woman’s place is eventually in the home, but I see no harm in her having some fun before she gets there.”

  • “Stop whining and find something to do.” (Lady Granthham) Truly, I loved the show and will miss it. Like many others, I loved the clothes, traditions, manners – everything.

  • nancie b

    “Oh dear-have you swallowed a dictionary?”

  • JaniceCarole Allen

    “My dear. A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears.”

  • Brenda

    Mr. Carson “The business of life is the acquisition of memories.”

  • Mona Gould

    I will miss the show for sure, I enjoyed when the Dowager Countess said “sometimes it’s good to rule by fear”

  • From Violet: “A woman of my age can face reality better than most men.”

  • Emily K

    Anything Violet says! “Oh, it is you! I thought it was a man in your clothes.”

  • Hi
    I don’t watch the show but love, love the fabrics. Hope I win. Thanks

  • Kathy

    I do think a woman’s place is eventually in the home, but I see no harm in her having some fun before she gets there. Dowager Countess

  • Karen McClung

    “What is weekend” by Violet.

  • I am a woman, I can be as contrary as I choose.

  • Gloria DeBower

    In the second season, Violet said: “I’m a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose.” This has become my mantra!

  • Marcia D

    I don’t remember any specific quotes but I enjoyed the overall quips during the show. I DO remember watching the sewing machine being used and the fact that it was powered by electricity. I have a similar antique model with a hand crank attached.
    Thanks for you tutorials, craftsy class, and all your inspirations.

  • Nonie McDevitt

    I’m not a lady and I don’t pretend to be one.

  • Mary Waechter

    I have never watched DA, so I have a sewing quote:
    I feel like I should clean the house so I’m going to my sewing room until the feeling passes.

  • Doris McCarty

    Violet: “I’m not a romantic, but even I concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose to pump blood.” (Season 2)

  • Dresden

    “I’m a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose.” – Violet

  • In response to being told “I will take that as a compliment”, “I must have said it wrong.”
    Violet of course 🙂 You can’t go wrong with Dame Maggie Smith!

  • I love violet!

  • Tami imai

    “At least I’m not fishing with no bait”

  • BeckyR

    The final episode when Branson says, “We like strong women here.”

  • Susan McGregor

    “At my age one must ration one’s excitement.” Love that line! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  • Cathie Scanlon

    No guest should be admitted without the date of their departure settled.

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