Doodling The Flame

September 10, 2015
Flame Doodle

Flame Doodle, LKennedyGood Afternoon, Quilters and Doodlers!

Thank you so much for joining me in welcoming our grandson, Henry!  He’s already rocked our world (and sleep!)

Today we are back to doodling our way to better quilting with “The Flame”.

Flame Doodle, LKennedy

Practice The Flame one side at a time.  First draw the left side several times, then the right side, then combine both sides.

To draw The Flame, draw a straight line then a curve, then flatten out to the tip.

To complete the pattern, mirror the first side.
Flame Doodle, LKennedyOnce you are comfortable with the Flame, add vein lines to create a leaf or other lines to decorate inside or outside.

Flame Doodle, LKennedy

Flame Doodle, LKennedySee how many different combinations you can create.

Choose a few and try free motion quilting them in different sizes.
Flame Doodle, LKennedyAt first, the pattern will feel very mechanical and will require concentration.

Later, allow yourself to move fluidly even if it means the mirror image is not perfect.  (It’s impossible to create perfectly symmetrical Flames.)

To encourage even more fluid movements, draw the Flame in different sizes and on unlined paper.
Flame Doodle, LKennedyCommit to doodling 15 minutes per day for one month and I GUARANTEE your free motion quilting will improve!

Find all the Doodle Tutorials HERE

Happy Doodling!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • What a great doodle….I’ve been echoing it too…that makes a lovely motif. Thank you, Lori….

  • Barb E

    Congratulations on the birth of your grandson, he looks absolutely adorable. Bet you can’t wait to all the fun time you are going to have with him.

  • Pam Hotle

    Well, that was fun! I just did my first doodle! I took a brand new notebook and did 2 pages of flames. I actually like a couple of them! Now I need to doodle some kind of Christmas motif to quilt onto a Christmas table runner I am making.

  • The quilt! The quilt! Please tell us about it!

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