Doodling Our Way to Feathers

February 2, 2017
Quilt Doodles


FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

We have more than 125 FREE step-by-step machine quilting tutorials here at The Inbox Jaunt.

However, there are two notable exceptions….

There is no tutorial for Stippling and Meandering…I’ve written about  Why So Many of Us Can’t Stipple or Meander HERE

And we don’t have a tutorial for quilted feathers…I LOVE feathers, but I have tried to stick with original tutorials.

However, I have heard YOUR requests…so this year I will add a few Feather Tutorials.


Like all motifs, good Feathers start with doodling.  So pour yourself a cup of tea and let’s doodle!

Start with The Sweep doodle tutorial HERE.

Quilt DoodlesKeep your pen moving  with Adding to The Sweep doodle tutorial.

Quilt Doodles


Once you are comfortable with The Sweep we are ready to move on… learning the rounded part of feathers-The Curl.

FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy


As you sweep from the center line to the right line, curl around.

Practice for several minutes.

That may be enough for one doodling session.

Repeat this over several days.

FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Then add an echo line on the inside of the Sweep with Curl.

FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Take your time and don’t be discouraged if this takes many, many days.

FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy


Once you are comfortable with the right Sweep and Curl, repeat the process on the left side.

FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy

Next, connect the Sweep and Curls along the centerline.

Wouldn’t that be a nice Valentine’s Day motif?

FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy

FMQ, Doodles, Lori Kennedy


Are you up for a challenge?  Doodle every day this month for 15 minutes–Your machine quilting will be greatly improved by March 1st–I GUARANTEE IT!!!

More quilting, doodling, photography, and a some exciting NEWS…

It’s going to be a FABULOUS FEBRUARY!


PS…Check out my Craftsy videos–50% OFF—Limited Time Only–Offer Expires April 15, 2017

(Click photo to link to special class prices–discount applied at checkout)

Doodle to Design, Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy Title Card

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Thank you for sharing another great tutorial Lori! Since I have been following your blog and signed up for your Craftsy classes, I have been doodling regularly and there is no doubt it has definitely helped with my FMQ! Plus… it is a great way to practise when you don’t have a sewing machine to hand!! Christine

    • Support

      Thanks, Christine for your doodling testimony. Your work is beautiful!!!

  • Robbie carpenter

    Thanks Lori! I love your style of teaching! I have both of your classes on Craftsy and wish you had more I could buy!! I LOVE feathers!! I m excited about working on them!

  • Marilyn

    I have had trouble doing feathers in the past but somehow your description of doing them seems to have clicked with me. I practiced on paper, then put some practice fabric on my long arm machine and I think I am getting it. For some reason the description of half a heart was just not working for me.

  • You are such a wonderful resource. I can never thank you enough for all you do.

  • ADK Kate

    I had not had a chance to read your essay about strippling until this afternoon….I only recently discovered your site and it has been inspirational. What you wrote is so true…I am a linear person for the most part, especially when embarking on a new venture. Random takes a lot of planning 🙂 Your directions are so well broken down into discrete parts that it gives me confidence that I will be able to follow your directions given time and practice. Thank you for the wonderful tutorials.

  • Jacqui

    I would like to join your challenge as I haven’t been doing enough practice, so need to master this. When you say doodle every day for the month of Feburary do you mean just keep practicing on paper or also using the machine?

    • Support

      On paper. But add stitching whenever you can!

  • Not only are my feathers inconsistent but they often simply take flight into some prehistoric image. I’ve concluded that I cannot relax enough to complete the feather from one end to another. More doodling—Arghhhhh

  • Eileen Sherrill

    I laughed at Scrappy Chris’s comment! I, too, just finished a project with lots of feathers. I LOVE to quilt feathers and find that once you find a method that works for you, just practice, practice, practice! Lori, I have a feeling you are as cute and enjoyable as your blog, and we, too, would love to have you speak at our guild in Franklin, TN! Yours is my first source for FMQ ideas when I start a project. Your instructions are impeccable, and the photography is beautiful.

  • Scrappy Chris

    I cant believe it! This is (at least) the third time I have opened your blog and the exact kind of motif I had been working on is right there in front of me!!! Feathers have been a passion of mine and I have collected a healthy supply of books. What I have been struck by is that each creator does them differently and also now aware of the differences in learning styles for us quilters. I take you up on your challenge of carving out 15 minutes each day and practice. I am teaching a basic free motion quilting class at the end of March and will have your blog at the top of my list of suggested internet sites to check out. Thanks again! Do you accept invitations to go to quilt guilds and teach a workshop??

    • Laurie B

      I’m right with you – I’ve been working on feathers, too! I’ve see Lori do them before. Yes, each creator does them differently. I can’t quite get a consistent shape. I do some, then they turn into a strange shape.
      I always put Lori’s info in my list of sites for my students.

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